I went to the doctor this week and all went well. They just take my blood pressure which is always low, weigh me - we won't go there, listen to her heart and measure my ever growing belly. She said I'm right on the mark. Little Grettle had the doctor laughing, she was trying to get her heartbeat and as soon as she'd get close Grets would move away. She is always mobile and she pulled some funny stunts off in front of the doctor who soon said, "Wow, you've got quite a mover and a shaker!" At least I don't have to count her movements since I'm POSITIVE she moves 10x in an hour...more like 100x and they aren't little squirms, this little girl doesn't seem to like to be crammed into such a small space, she's stretching as far and as hard as she can, at times it feels like she is going to pop out of my skin or kick through a rib. The doctor wrote me a new prescription for my acid reflux since it's so bad. However, my insurance didn't cover it and it was Friday afternoon when I found that out so we'll have to wait until Tuesday for relief, if it even works, third times a charm. If it wasn't for work I'd be ready for her today now that her room is set and we have all the necessities. I don't know that I'll ever be ready for 3 months off of work but I know I'm not even close at this point. I can't wait to meet her. I just want her to be a healthy baby. She has been waking around 3:30am with hiccups nightly, those don't wake me but her reaction to them does. The 4th night it happened she only fought it for about 10 minutes and gave in and held still, we both fell asleep with them still going. I'm still sleeping "good" for the most part. I sleep sitting up on my side, thankfully our headboard is tall with leather padding, I pack about 4 pillows behind me, I'm up about 5 times to pee but usually fall right back to sleep. It takes at least an hour to fall asleep due to her gymnastics and my acid reflux, sometimes my legs are restless, crampy and my feet/joints ache but I'm aware it could be way worse. I must say I'm looking VERY forward to the day when I can eat past 6pm, (have sugar...that's the biggest no no for me these days, which is probably good) lay on my stomach and close my eyes and fall fast asleep without burping for hours, even if I'm up every 2-3 hours with feedings, I just want to feel cozy and snuggle Andre again.
My Florida family & friends threw me a baby shower down here. It was perfect, we are very spoiled. I will blog that as soon as I compile all of the pictures. Andre and I went out the Sunday after to get the rest of the things we needed so we could finish her room. I'll blog pictures of her finished room too! We both love it.
At the shower: