I spent all weekend doing lesson plans from this week coming up until Thanksgiving. I came up for breath Sunday night by bedtime, it was a weird weekend, like it didn't even happen. I have to get all the copies made and organize all the work into files for each week then I'll feel like I'm as "ready" as I'll be able to be to leave my class for three months. I think about their success on a regular basis and don't like not having control of my room/students. I wish I could have two of me so I could be at both places at once. Thankfully I know once our baby girl is here it won't even be a thought, I'll be so absorbed in our new life. The great news is I've loved looping with my class. Going to work big and tired has been as good as it could ever be with these kids, even when they exhaust me.
I don't have any ailments out of the ordinary...I don't think. It's really hard to determine what's going on with my body the first time through. I've slowed down this week for sure. I've been able to go and do like "normal" pretty much but this week my little issues have enhanced. I'm going to write a few notes, mainly for me to look back on and reflect if I ever attempt this again!
* 6 weeks - 4 months - "morning" sickness BAD! Unable to eat or function. So tired I could fall asleep standing up.
* 4-5 months enough of a tiny bump and terrible acid reflux to make any bending over no fun.
* 6.5 - 7 months my joints don't function well. Any immobility for even a few minutes makes me feel like I'm 90 when I start moving again. Thankfully after moving about for a minute I'm "flexible" again. Sitting up sleeping because of acid reflux, eating before 7pm and no sugar which makes me burp for HOURS! Everyone says she's going to have a head full of hair. If burping is a sign of hair, I'll be birthing a monkey.
* 8 months - my belly is getting heavy and there is lots of pressure. Rolling over at night is uncomfortable switching her weight from one side to another. I'm up peeing all night and I have very heavy legs, my right one is worse which is the side my terrible varicose veins are located so at least it makes sense. I'm short of breath since she's not leaving me much lung space. There are some sleepless nights, some are acid reflux related and some have no rhyme or reason.
* Late 8/early 9 months I have had a few days of VERY swollen ankles after being on my feet all day, working all day and tutoring until 7pm may not be the best option at this point. I have a hard time putting my feet up over my heart since I can't lay down due to acid reflux. My hands and feet are the worst. It takes a lot of water to hydrate me, I'm drinking more than ever and can't get enough. I avoid bending over if possible, Andre and my students are nice to have around when I drop things or need to get into the bottom cupboards. My legs are even heavier than before, didn't think that was possible. My lower abdomen is even heavier and walking around at work is now a workout, I've lost any pep in my step I once had. I'm not very good at sitting at work so that doesn't help, I just can't teach that way so I'm on my feet other than my 15 minute lunch. My joints are very tight and I'm retaining water, some days more than others. I think that might be it! ;)
I'd guess from what I've read all in all this is all pretty normal. I know it could be way worse and from my doctors reactions I think my acid reflux and joints are worse than the usual patient. I have had no cravings, I've had to eat quite healthy due to my acid reflux which is good for our health and weight but no fun. I've given in to easy dinners with frozen pizzas and splurge at times with sweet treats even though I pay for it. I eat a LOT of fruit to get my sugar fix.
I am thankful that I'm still able to work. I really don't want to take time before she is here, I want to save every day I have to spend with her. I also don't have a long term sub yet, so that makes it scary to think about being out any sooner than my due date. I am thankful when I get up to pee every hour I can go back to bed and sleep, and that on Saturday/Sunday morning Andre and I can sleep, our days are numbered. I'm thankful Andre asks me every single day how I am doing and how I slept, and he really wants to know the answer (or pretends well) when it's the same ol' complaints. I am lucky I have a good class who loves me, parents included, and makes these long days a joy to be there. Everyone at work has been very nice, always asking how I'm doing. I get to compare notes with Kate and Merrissa which has been so much fun!
Even though my life is getting a bit harder I absolutely love having her in my belly with me at all times. I know I'm going to miss having her safely tucked away from the worlds dangers and I dread thinking about her out of my sight already. Life is easy with her in there, I get to enjoy her all day but it's always quiet and all I have to do to take care of her is take care of myself, this must be the easiest part of motherhood which is a scary thought.
My belly is getting big!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I go another month, I just may POP!