Clara's first night home wasn't the easiest. My milk wasn't in yet and she was needing it. We ended up supplementing with formula which solved our problem at 4am. I could tell that she was sucking and not satisfied so I called the nurse and we got her full and she slept for a few hours, as did we! It felt so good to be home in our own bed.
Dad and Alice came on Tuesday and stayed until Friday. It was so nice to have their help. Alice brought food and cooked, dad got us a much needed grill so we ate like kings while they were here! We really appreciated their help!!!! Terry and Mary Jane stopped to see you too and Mary Jane said she'd babysit anytime!
Tiffany came over on Wednesday to take some newborn pictures. She is amazing at what she does, check out her work at - so very talented! Thank you Tiffany!
We came home to many wonderful surprises. We had a balloon and fruit basket from Uncle Nick and Aunt Brandi. Daddy's work sent us flowers, a balloon and a teddy bear, you also got many cards from family and friends.
You had your first doctor visit. You liked the car again but do not like getting naked in the cold doctors office, I wouldn't like that either. You dropped a fine amount of weight, you went down to 8 lb. 3 oz. They said that was a normal amount.
Shalimar hissed when she first met you. It was day five that she came around and started to sleep in bed with us again and caved. She was starved for attention and realized you weren't going anywhere. She is now not even bothered by your cry, she just looks and rolls over. She has come to sniff you from time to time but doesn't linger. She is surprisingly good about not getting into your crib or many other baby holders we have for you around the house. The only item she cannot stay away from is your laundry basket.
I was very swollen and full of fluid after deliver, more than before if you can believe it. It wasn't until day 5 that I saw bones in my feet and ankles again. It had been over a month since they've been this size, it was exciting to see, they looked anorexic to me. It's nice to be able to fit into my own shoes again, and to be able to bend down to get them on. I lost 22 pounds since delivery and if I could get feeling in my leg again I'd really be on the mend.
You had your first Halloween party at cousin Harloff, Bessy and the boys house. This is an annual party they have and we were happy to be able to make it. Clara was Snow White and slept through the entire party. Her family was very happy to meet her and her cousin Gabrielle was thrilled to have some time to hold her since she was too hungry in the hospital.
Clara is a very strong baby physically and mentally. It's near to impossible to extend her limbs when she doesn't want them to be. It's hard to open her hands when she wants them closed. She has a kung fu grip. Her neck is also extremely strong. She takes her head wherever she wants it. Each time a doctor or nurse would "mess" with her they would comment on her strength and some on her attitude. She does NOT sit still, just like when she was in my belly. Her full head of hair makes sense with my awful acid reflux since 4 months along. She has a mind of her own already. Thankfully she is very good to mommy and daddy and more tolerant of us than others. She stays awake for a few hours a day usually. She enjoys looking around and making faces. Her eyes are a deep blue, they looked slate in the hospital but now are lightening up a little, as is her hair. Her hair seemed to be close to black after delivery and now is more of a dark brown. Daddy recognized your poo face, you purse your lips like a fish or make an "o" shape. You have tons of faces already, I'll continue to try and capture them. When you are starting to fall asleep you make little grunting noises as you breathe and you have little whines that make me crumble. You smile and frown and have the cutest pouty face that your dad and I will have a very hard time saying no to someday. You have peach fuzz on your ears, patches on your legs and shoulders, you're so soft and perfect I could snuggle you all day long. You're a good eater. We don't have any type of routine yet, you call the shots but you can sleep for hours at a time no problem, just usually during the day. ;) You do not wake up to play at night (yet) but sometimes we have what we call "the works" where you poo, pee, spit up, and have the hiccups all in one "session". You make eye contact well and love looking at the lights and fans. Your daddy and I are still in awe at how we made you. We feel like the luckiest parents in the world.
The pictures are all out of order, hopefully when I get caught up with this blog I can keep things in order better!
First poo explosion, daddy almost threw up in the sink. He didn't think he'd be able to do diapers at all so I must say, he's been doing quite well other than this episode!

Kate, Liam and Lisa's visit. Both these ladies spoil me rotten with food, advice, help, hands, etc!

1st doctors appointment - you dropped a fine amount of weight, you were 8lb 3oz, doctors say you are healthy and doing well. You are good at the doctor unless you get too cold because you always have to be undressed and the AC is kickin, brrr.

One of the pics I snagged with my phone during Aunt Tiffy's photo session! I'm not sure what the red mark is on your chest, it's not there now. ;)

Daddy identified your poo face early on!

One eyed, just like great grandma Clara you're named after, but no Manhattan for you!

Big yawn!

In your bassinet Uncle Darren made that all Feger and Crew kids used too!

Aunt Tiffy's photo session:

First bath at home with help, thanks Tiffy! Funny story, you didn't like your first bath so much. Aunt Tiffany did a great job making it as quick as possible. We wrapped you up in a towel after of course and you pooped in the towel, we put you back in the bath and cleaned you up quick, back in the towel...for yet another poop. The adults finally got smart after cleaning you up again and put a diaper on you with your third clean dry towel! Lesson learned!

Aunt Tiffy didn't like being the bad guy but mommy appreciated her help a lot!

Shalimar coming around by day five, still not pleased but tolerating you. She hissed at you the first day. Sniffed you the second day. By the end of your first week she realized you were not going anywhere and took priority over her and started sleeping in bed with us again. She and daddy can both sleep through your cry at night, mommy can't sleep through a breath! ;)

Cozy with daddy!

One eye plus poo face!

You and Grandpa Tiger napping!

Terry & Mary Jane's visit.

Our awesome helping hands!

Little ball of goo!

Your mama couldn't love you more!

One week already! One day feels like a few hours, they fly by and everything is one big blur still.

Kitty butt, another adorable outfit from Aunt Brandi of course!

Second doctors appointment, one week check. 8oz 8lb - doing great!

You're the sweetest thing!

Thanks for the new grill Grandpa Tiger, we ate like kings while they were here!!

Thank you for our fruit basket from Edible Arrangements Aunt Brandi and Uncle Nick! It was delicious and devoured!

Autoway Toyota sent this - how nice!

Testing out all our 1,001 new gadgets we have for you!

Now we see where your hair color and style come from!! This is the day we got home from the hospital!

First week's doctor's visit.

Nighty night of daddy's million names for you.