Oh Clara Maria. You just get sillier and sillier. This week you have done/said so much that's new. You show us you're learning all the time. This week you've repeated, "thank you", "bubble guppies", "ouch". You kept saying, "ouch" but only said thank you and bubble guppies one time after one of us said it. Daddy and I whip our heads at one another with faces dropped when we hear you. You speak quite clearly, there's no doubt you repeat us. Now I have to get daddy to clean up his mouth around you, he swears when he is joking around and I have no doubt you'll repeat him.
Your new favorite action is dumping everything overboard. You love to make things disappear or take them "out". For example, on your changing table, there is a gap between the edge and the wall and you drop EVERYTHING down there on purpose. You have also been emptying your crib, pack-n-play, bins and containers you play with. You put toys out your bars to your "cage" as Darren likes to call it. In your car seat you toss things off to the side, getting rid of your items is your new favorite "game". I leave most of what you toss so you don't think they magically come back. When you empty a bin of your own we practice putting the toys back in, you like that too, just not as much.
You're taking steps when we hold your hands. You've been letting go when you're next to support and standing on your own. You've got good balance but don't try and step on your own yet. When we do hold your hands and you start moving, you go fast. I have a feeling you'll go from crawling to running.
You use sign language now. You're telling us when you want "more" and when you're "all done". You use the "all done" sign a lot, when you get sick of what I'm giving you to eat. I love that you can communicate but I usually force a little more down, but I want you to know that I understand you so I stop feeding you. For now. ;) I'm trying to get you to apply it to other things, not just eating. So I'm trying to show you that you can use "more" when we play. The "all done" sign has helped prevent you from pushing the spoon away and making a mess, you stay a little more calm.
Elisabeth watched you Friday since Aunt Tiffy was out of town. She said you were such a good girl and really getting used to being there. That takes a huge weight off of my heart, and I think Elisabeth's too. You were always a good girl, but sometimes a little sad since you didn't remember being there last school year. We were at Aunt Tiffy's house all summer while I watched your cousins so that was an easier transition for you. I think 1.5 months with only going two days a week is a reasonable amount of time to adjust. I'm so glad you're comfortable now, more cheerful and sleeping better!! Yay!
You love to play with my phone. I put a code on it so you can't get into it as easy. Dada just told me that if you do it wrong three times it will lock me out, yikes, not sure if I should take it off. You put it up to your head and start talking. You press the button down and know to hold it until Siri starts talking to you. Daddy called you to talk, it was funny.
You LOVE grabbing noses. I think you have your finger up daddy's nostril. You love playing with your dada.
Crazy baby won't sit still for a second for a picture.
We kiss you ALL day long. You're starting to kiss back now. You kiss me out of the blue and get your slobber all over me. I love it. You also have been snuggling your head into my shoulder and your stuffed animals. Yay, maybe you'll snuggle after all!
"Look what I have dada!"
Tiffany had this onesie made: "My Entire Life is Being Blogged" - she put it on Clara last Monday and took some pictures with it. Too funny, so true. I took some pictures at home with it before I return it to her.
You love to read. You open your books and turn the pages and talk/read.
Daddy's new spot for morning pictures. I love when I get these in the morning. They make my entire day!
At Aunt Tiffy's
This is the look you get when you're saying silly things and being a ham.
You climbed up onto Julia's swing and were having fun! Aunt Tiffy has a video I need to get off her phone, it wouldn't send to me.
Tyler feeding you. It's impossible to keep your mouth closed when feeding someone else, look at how cute he is.
Daddy's pictures in the morning. See the robot he made for you to destroy after you went to bed. HE had it all ready for you to demolish in the morning. I love that he keeps you in your pajama cape until you get changed.
Your favorite bunny nunu.
Daddy dressed you today. You have a neon bow, red polka-dot shirt, blue and white striped pants. When I showed up to Elisabeth's to get you, I giggled, you look like a clown.
See all the toys on the outside her pack-n-play?
You're so big.
And so silly.
I got this pretty picture from someone's fb page. Beautiful WNY.
Just had a bath, playing with a pot while mama makes dinner.
You're able to put the toys in the holes and when you pick one that doesn't fit you bang it really hard and get mad.
University of Tampa shirt. I text this to Kristopher to remind him not to get too cozy at Alfred.
Clara goes everywhere without shoes. She's not walking yet, and she takes them all off anyway. I think she may need to adjust to shoes for the future so I tried picking a pair she may not be able to take off. I sent this to dada to see if he liked them. He was busy at work so he didn't have time to text back. We bought them, he called them "bobo" shoes. Anyone else hear of that? Needless to say, I think we'll be taking them back. I had two choices people, and they were 11$. Can't beat that!
FYI - we're aware of the pictures on top of the blog, in the process of attempting to fix it.
Wow, almost a year. How did that happen? In the moment it goes "slow" but looking back it has flown by.
You are something special little cookie! You sure do make mommy and daddy smile! You have such a big personality and love to make us laugh, you seriously do it on purpose. You are still very content playing by yourself however sometimes you prefer a buddy, at least in the room with you, not always though. I don't think it has much to do with not wanting to be alone, you just want to be in the action. You are crawling all over, climbing up on everything. You pull your leg up to try and get up high but thankfully can't yet. We'll be in trouble once those legs are an inch longer. You love chasing the cat, being chased by us and giving high fives. You are starting to communicate with some sign language and realize we understand what you're saying but I still need to coax you into it. I have a feeling you'll realize on your own soon. You snuggle me when you're tired now, YAY! You're still very much on the go though, never really holding still. You love to take rides on your pink car and are very comfortable on it now, reaching out at plants, honking the horn, trying to stand up...thank goodness it has a buckle. Swimming is over for the season, it's getting too cold with all the rain. Daddy was thinking you might be a swimmer by the end of the summer. You started off strong, holding your breath well. Then digressed and started sucking in lots of water every time daddy dunked you. Maybe because you didn't mind it? You'd come up choking happily wanting to do it again, instead of learning to hold your breath. We'll see what next year has to bring! You like to go for walks/jogs with us, it's about a 40 min walk or 25 min jog around the neighborhood and by the time we get to our street you're ready to get out of the stroller, like you know we're almost there. You can be gentle but most of the time you're a brute. You like to demolish block or lego towers stacked for you, and you keep swiping your hands across the floor to get the debris out of your way. You slam your hands or objects in your hands on the table or against the wall with great force. You can palm almost anything with those strong tiny hands, it's crazy. You love to play "catch", you're really good at throwing a ball when you don't wind up behind your head and let it drop behind you by accident. You love playing with straps from/on anything and always have, that one doesn't get old. Your reflection in the dishwasher is one of your favorite places to see yourself. You enjoy being around others, and you're a good girl and don't cry when we leave...yet. I hope that never happens, it will break my heart!! You used to old take things off and now you're starting to realize the "on" or opposite of what you usually do. You know cause and effect really well, which means when I try and distract you with toys when you're upset and you're not having it you throw everything to the side and it falls out of the car seat or off the changing table, you're good at letting me know, "This doesn't work anymore MOM!" I always find a way to cheer you up though, I have just needed to get a little more creative than plopping a new "toy" in your hand. You love feeding me your food and putting your pacifier in my mouth. You love when I sing you, "I went to a Chinese restaurant to buy a loaf of bread, bread bread..." a handshake song I used to play/sing with the girls. Also, "Baby Beluga" that I learned when I was little so I get all the words wrong, but I sing it anyway. I put toys on your head and you try and put them on mine. There's so much more, I can't think of it all, you're just amazing!!
We love you,
Mama & Dada
Sleeping: New habits. You go to bed between 7 and 8 still. Without your afternoon nap you'll be asleep right at 7. Your afternoon naps are either really late, like 5-6:45 (you're still ready for bed by 7:30) or not at all. I'm thinking you may almost be okay with one nap as long as it's at least 2 hours, but I'm not positive on that. You can sleep through the night or wake up once or twice briefly. You're up anywhere from 6 - 6:30 now though. Booh!!! Especially on weekends!! You're pretty good about playing in your crib until 7. During the week I get you up so I can be with you and help get you ready in the morning. On the weekends at home you sleep for 2 hours minimum on your first nap, at your babysitters you fluctuate You're very content playing in your crib for a while on your own before and after you sleep, for over an hour sometimes. I don't like to leave you in there but you're so good and I can get a few more things done. :/ You're really good at going to bed on your own, you always have been. If you're not ready to sleep, you'll play and then pass out. Once in a while you'll let out a whimper, usually right before you konk. You snuggle your nunus all night long. You do NOT like to be covered, ever. You sleep in long footie pj's since you wont' leave the covers on.
Eating: you eat a great mixture of table food and purees. You're getting fussier about what you eat. You'll like something one day but the next day you'll spit it out. I have to have a variety of items on your menu these days and it's not easy. Overall you're doing great. You feed yourself well, especially starches, you tend to avoid slippery foods like fruit and spit them out most. I give you almost everything we eat and you gum it down, you chew on your back gums so those three front teeth are just decoration. Cute decoration I might add. I think your eating schedule is pretty much the same. 2-3 oz of formula with your vitamins first thing. Cereal, which you have sometimes really hated 8-9am. 2-4 oz before your morning nap, plethora of solids/purees for lunch, 4-6 oz of milk before your possible evening nap, table food/purees anywhere dinner lands between 5-6:45, then 4-6 ounces of milk before bed.
Teeth: you have your three teeth still. Two bottom middle and one snaggle. They're getting big! This weekend you're busting a few more through. You've had every sign in the book and the top right next to your snaggle is next. I think I can see the other top two coming through too so I think soon you'll have four on top. You've been a tad needy this weekend, I can tell your in pain and I hate it. You get flustered with the pain and throw yourself around, a little baby tantrum! I scoop you up and soothe you the best I can. You have pooped non-stop, drooling, biting everything, a little spit up, up more at night, needy, fussier eating, diaper rash (a little). My poor darling has all the signs. It's very easy to distract you and keep you happy. You've been allowed to watch a little more TV since it keeps your mind off your teeth when I can tell your tired and sore. I feed you while you watch Bubble Guppies since you zone out and "open, close, gulp, open, close, gulp" instead of pushing the spoon away and making a mess. This will stop once it breaks through though, the TV and the pain!! We started brushing your teeth, probably should have sooner, don't tell Uncle Nick. ;) It's something we've thought about and just never acted on. You always chew on your nunu after your bottle at night and the doctor said it would be fine to just wipe them with a cloth at this point so I figured you had that covered. Anyway, you LOVE brushing your teeth which is no surprise since you love watching daddy brush his bucks!
Words: mama, dada, cat, wow, and OUTCH! You said it today. You chucked your blue block at my hand and I said "Outch!" and you said it, then repeated it over and over. So I told dada he must stop swearing as we can't be certain what you're learning!! It was really exciting since it was intentional! Then you stood up on your own out of no where, so maybe you'll be walking soon too!
You're outgrowing your 18 month zip up pj's and are cozy in 24 months. You've outgrown your 9 month jumpers you've warn all summer. Onesies have to be 12 months or bigger, you can still fit into your 6-9 month shorts, the 12 mo are too big around the waste but tight on your cute chunky thighs, looks like you take after mama. Sorry in advance. You can wear some 6 and 9 month t-shirts but no onesies since your body is too long. Today I took out all the clothes that have been too small and pulled out your fall/winter wordrobe, I think we have some hot days left but you don't fit into too much. It figures you had 20 pair of pants for 6, 9, and 12 months and that was your summer size, dang it! So many cute things you didn't wear! Drives me crazy.
Your likes and dislikes are about the same as last month. You have taken a special interest in your pink bunny nunu. You love playing with your pink bucket that the shapes go in and sometimes even put the correct shape in the correct hole. You love the wooden dowels and toys that Sio, Maebh, and Phil got you. You really like your mirror so I bought you one at Wal-mart and you kind of take an interest in it, you prefer your handheld one. Today you enjoyed pushing the laundry basket across the livingroom again and again. You like when we use your shapes and make imprints on the carpet, you think it's neat and rub your fingers across to mess up the shape and then look at me to do it again. That's one of the many times I try and remind you to sign to me, "more!" by putting your fingers together and instead you clap or cross your arms over top of one another, you're getting there. You are starting to like Bubble Guppies better than your Spanish video now, you really watch with intent, so it seems.
Daddy and I planned out your birthday party. We didn't realize how fast pavilions go so searching two months in advance didn't cut it. We considered having your bday party here but with the pool being chilly, there is not enough for kids to do at our house exept stress your dada out. So, we had to pick November 2nd to have your birthday party. We're having it at Largo park. The sad new is, it's obviously past your birthday. The great news is, Aunt Brandi, Uncle Nick and cousin Elsa will be in town that weekend to celebrate with you! I'm thrilled about that part! We had thought about keeping it small, nothing big and everyone we told that idea to talked us out of it. I agree, it's a big deal to turn one! I just know you're not going to remember if we do anything big or not. ;) I think like Grandpa taught me, financially! I'll try not to do that to you little girl. Anyway, it will be fun. We have a few theme ideas, nothing set in stone as of yet. We'll hopefully have Grandpa Tiger & Alice back in FL to celebrate on your actual bday. Needless to say, we'll make is special, since that's what you are!
Here are some pictures we took of you for your invitation. You'll get them soon, even if you're miles away, I figured you'd like a copy!
Let me preface by saing Clara was in great need of a nap, but she pushed through, like a trooper!
The set up:
We searched online for the perfect tutu, and found it. Looking at this pictures makes her look so big, stop growing little girl!
I had to rush around to get her front, so the letters are backwards.
Love this one.
You can tell by the look on her face that even she knew setting her on the bench was risky business. We had to get the money shot. Andre was at arms reach. Thankfully.
Ugh, mom, you crazy?
Am I supposed to be okay with this? Static electricity is holding her up.
If you say so!
Clara, just so you know, you have the best daddy a little girl could imagine. He'll always having you look as pretty as a princess, primpy you as needed.
About to go!!!!
Plop. (It didn't go quite that easy, Andre caught her, perfect timing.)
Here comes the over tired sillyness.
I told you I was tired!
Easily distracted.
Daddy, stop dancing like that, you're emberrasing me.
Doing her favorite game with her lips: "Bwa-boo, bwa-boo, bwa-boo)
Trying to get one standing up.
Mama, don't stand me up and walk away please.
Week 47 - 11 months old = too old
I love my bunny nunu. I'm zoned into Bubble Guppies
Between "Bubble Guppies" and this corner protector, who even remembers I'm teething? Not me!
My koo-koo bird.
In this picture she looks JUST like one of my baby pictures. And to think she once looked nothing like me! Crazy! I need to scan in a picture of me and show the comparison!
I love my "mini bear"
I love throwing everything lately, and watching daddy retrieve it! It makes me laugh.
Eat you, throw you, laugh! The routine!
I'm so funny. So is my daddy. I love when she smiles so big you can see the top snaggle.
My happy girl.
Now Jumbo Bear's turn! All of a sudden she looks small again. Let's keep him next to her at all times!
I'll figure it out dada, you can't keep me down!
One of my top favorite toys! Thanks Saccio Family!
We love you baby. Life with you just keeps getting better and better! You are the sweetest little bird!
Videos of you:
This one is long. Warning. It's just how well she plays alone, and she gets silly and shows how she acts when she is tired at the end.