I can't believe I'm already 5 and a half months along. There is no time to even think about being pregnant. I want this little boy to know, you're not loved ANY less and someday you'll understand that after you have one baby, there's no time to focus day in and out on the ever growing belly.
I do cherish the moments before bed and in the morning when I can feel him rolling about. I lay perfectly still so I can tell exactly what you're doing in there. You're as active as your sister was, it keeps me awake but I like it. Our time.
My sickness is gone, I have most of my energy back. From time to time I get drained but overall I'm passed the horrid beginning. It makes me so happy even thinking about it now, knowing the hardest part is over. I'm in all maternity clothes now, no pants close anymore. My belly is now quite obvious which I like, I'd rather look pregnant then just fat. I have bad acid reflux as before, to be expected I guess. I sleep quite elevated but not having to sit up to sleep quite yet.
Andre and I are tossing around names, nothing even close to "the one" yet I don't think. We're getting ideas for the new nursery and getting excited. We can't wait to meet you sweet little man!
I'll post pictures soon of my 5.5 month belly.
Clara and Everett
Friday, January 30, 2015
Clara at 15 months
Clara Maria,
You are such an amazing little girl. You keep me entertained and on my toes at all times. You're so smart and learning more and more each day. Here are a few tid bits about you my love.
The things you say:
Animals you know along with the noise/action they make: cat, dog, fish, cow, owl, snake, bear, lion, horse, sheep, alligator, bunny, duck - I know I'm forgetting some.
Words you use a lot: no, up, down, hungry, eat, "ommie", dada, meow, hi, ni-ni for night-night, baba, ball
Phrases: "here ya go" sounds like "he go" - - I realized after you started using this phrase that I hand you things and say "here ya go" to you a lot. Now you say "He go" when you want to give something to someone, and when you want someone to give something to you. Usually when you want something, you stick your hand out and say, "He go" You've kind of dropped signing please and just say "he go". Daddy and I are trying to get please back into your request.
You are SUCH a lover. You give big bear hugs around the neck and lots of kisses. You love your cousins so much, you hug them and you tip your head into their head as a sign of love, it kind of takes the place of a kiss. You blow lots of kisses. You don't really say bye, instead you blow a kiss or give a hug.
You shout, "Ommie" for me and then when I say, "yes" you start talking babble. We have LOTS of conversation all day. You understand everything I say, it's awesome. You're very good at following commands. When I say "Are you hungry?" you'll reply, "Hungy...eat" When I say we need to go change your diaper, you walk to your room. When it's time for bed I'll say, "Let's go ni-ni, find your nunu" and you'll search for your bunny and walk to your room. We'll stop for your bottle on the way and you'll say "Ba-ba" and sign milk. When I say, "Bath time" you walk right to the bathroom. You are such a good little girl. When I ask you for an arm for your jacket, you give it. When I say to sit so we can put your shoes on you do, and you give me your feet and are patient while I get you ready. You're best behaved when we're going and doing. Around 4pm, shortly after I get home, you get a little cranky so we need to go and do. You've usually been in the house playing all day and I don't blame you for wanting a new scene. You get so excited when daddy and I come home you run right over for hugs and start talking up a storm to tell us about your day. You always hold out whatever is in your hand to show us.
On the down side. You can give quite an attitude when you're upset about something, frustrated, or tired. It usually doesn't last long but you can throw a fit. Recently you started pushing mommy's face and even hitting your own. I don't like this one bit. I'm trying not to give you much attention for it. I tell you no hitting and it hurts. Usually once I reprimand you, you cry and feel bad. Sometimes you get more angry. I try and talk you through your feelings and let you know that I know you're frustrated about this or that, usually when I've told you no. Anytime you're asked a question your response is, "No!" You don't really have "yes" in your vocabulary yet. If you don't want to say no, then you just don't say anything, even when I prompt you to say yes when I know it's the answer you want to say.
You're walking/running all over the place, and climbing stairs if they're available. You usually don't get into too much you're not supposed to. You're starting to reach the next level of pictures on the fridge and pulling magnets down that daddy doesn't want you touching. The other day I showed you that you were in the pictures, along with other people you know, you thought it was hysterical that all these people, including yourself, were there on the fridge.
You are HIGHLY inquisitive but very cautious at the same time. You know how to be gentle and usually are. You play with my hair, earrings, jewelry and don't damage anything. You are feeding yourself more and more. You're biting your own food and liking the independence. I didn't push this, since it's cleaner for me to feed you but you can and will and aren't too messy. You don't like it when your hands get dirty so you stay fairly clean.
You're better about me washing your hair in the bath and better about letting me brush your back teeth. You have your top front four teeth, four molars and three on the bottom front. You let me comb your hair better and you even let Aunt Tiffy braid it the other day. Your favorite show is still Bubble Guppies but you like a few others, never as much as the "BG's" though, which is what daddy and I call them when we're talking in code. You don't watch too much TV at all, you prefer reading books! That's my girl! You love to read and you sit and listen to books for long periods of time. You like to kiss the pages when you see your favorite animal, the cat. You love to wander the house, having freedom makes you happy. You love to go outside most of all. Daddy sold the fire pit to make way for your playground someday soon we hope.
Sometimes out of nowhere you wrap your arms around me tight and give me real kisses on the lips, one after another, hug after hug. It's the best feeling in the WORLD. Nothing will ever make me happier, getting your love might be all I'll ever need. However, if I ask for kisses and hugs, I get a firm, "No!" Silly girl. Things are on your terms, that's for sure.
You're my sweet little love and all I could ever hope for.
You are such an amazing little girl. You keep me entertained and on my toes at all times. You're so smart and learning more and more each day. Here are a few tid bits about you my love.
The things you say:
Animals you know along with the noise/action they make: cat, dog, fish, cow, owl, snake, bear, lion, horse, sheep, alligator, bunny, duck - I know I'm forgetting some.
Words you use a lot: no, up, down, hungry, eat, "ommie", dada, meow, hi, ni-ni for night-night, baba, ball
Phrases: "here ya go" sounds like "he go" - - I realized after you started using this phrase that I hand you things and say "here ya go" to you a lot. Now you say "He go" when you want to give something to someone, and when you want someone to give something to you. Usually when you want something, you stick your hand out and say, "He go" You've kind of dropped signing please and just say "he go". Daddy and I are trying to get please back into your request.
You are SUCH a lover. You give big bear hugs around the neck and lots of kisses. You love your cousins so much, you hug them and you tip your head into their head as a sign of love, it kind of takes the place of a kiss. You blow lots of kisses. You don't really say bye, instead you blow a kiss or give a hug.
You shout, "Ommie" for me and then when I say, "yes" you start talking babble. We have LOTS of conversation all day. You understand everything I say, it's awesome. You're very good at following commands. When I say "Are you hungry?" you'll reply, "Hungy...eat" When I say we need to go change your diaper, you walk to your room. When it's time for bed I'll say, "Let's go ni-ni, find your nunu" and you'll search for your bunny and walk to your room. We'll stop for your bottle on the way and you'll say "Ba-ba" and sign milk. When I say, "Bath time" you walk right to the bathroom. You are such a good little girl. When I ask you for an arm for your jacket, you give it. When I say to sit so we can put your shoes on you do, and you give me your feet and are patient while I get you ready. You're best behaved when we're going and doing. Around 4pm, shortly after I get home, you get a little cranky so we need to go and do. You've usually been in the house playing all day and I don't blame you for wanting a new scene. You get so excited when daddy and I come home you run right over for hugs and start talking up a storm to tell us about your day. You always hold out whatever is in your hand to show us.
On the down side. You can give quite an attitude when you're upset about something, frustrated, or tired. It usually doesn't last long but you can throw a fit. Recently you started pushing mommy's face and even hitting your own. I don't like this one bit. I'm trying not to give you much attention for it. I tell you no hitting and it hurts. Usually once I reprimand you, you cry and feel bad. Sometimes you get more angry. I try and talk you through your feelings and let you know that I know you're frustrated about this or that, usually when I've told you no. Anytime you're asked a question your response is, "No!" You don't really have "yes" in your vocabulary yet. If you don't want to say no, then you just don't say anything, even when I prompt you to say yes when I know it's the answer you want to say.
You're walking/running all over the place, and climbing stairs if they're available. You usually don't get into too much you're not supposed to. You're starting to reach the next level of pictures on the fridge and pulling magnets down that daddy doesn't want you touching. The other day I showed you that you were in the pictures, along with other people you know, you thought it was hysterical that all these people, including yourself, were there on the fridge.
You are HIGHLY inquisitive but very cautious at the same time. You know how to be gentle and usually are. You play with my hair, earrings, jewelry and don't damage anything. You are feeding yourself more and more. You're biting your own food and liking the independence. I didn't push this, since it's cleaner for me to feed you but you can and will and aren't too messy. You don't like it when your hands get dirty so you stay fairly clean.
You're better about me washing your hair in the bath and better about letting me brush your back teeth. You have your top front four teeth, four molars and three on the bottom front. You let me comb your hair better and you even let Aunt Tiffy braid it the other day. Your favorite show is still Bubble Guppies but you like a few others, never as much as the "BG's" though, which is what daddy and I call them when we're talking in code. You don't watch too much TV at all, you prefer reading books! That's my girl! You love to read and you sit and listen to books for long periods of time. You like to kiss the pages when you see your favorite animal, the cat. You love to wander the house, having freedom makes you happy. You love to go outside most of all. Daddy sold the fire pit to make way for your playground someday soon we hope.
Sometimes out of nowhere you wrap your arms around me tight and give me real kisses on the lips, one after another, hug after hug. It's the best feeling in the WORLD. Nothing will ever make me happier, getting your love might be all I'll ever need. However, if I ask for kisses and hugs, I get a firm, "No!" Silly girl. Things are on your terms, that's for sure.
You're my sweet little love and all I could ever hope for.
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Baby Boy Feger
Yay!!!!! We're pregnant!!!
It has been hard not to post about being pregnant. Mainly because I want to give this pregnancy as much attention as I did the last. However, that's simply not possible. Sorry little guy.
I found out in August I was pregnant, and had a post all ready to go. Then I miscarried. I also have had too many friends/family with baby struggles/losses recently which makes me very apprehensive about making this pregnancy a reality until we have this healthy little guy in our arms. We are very fortunate, we didn't have to try for too long, but we're 2 for 2 with the success rate so far and that's very nerve racking. We're taking things one day at a time and so very thankful for our blessing.
I'm almost 19 weeks pregnant at this point. I'm finally done with the nausea, it was bad for 3 months, I can't tell you how happy I am that it's over. It's no fun faking feeling well stuck in front of 22 kids all day. I'm also in a stinky portable that is so stuffy and gross and my nose smells everything in the first trimester. Not to mention I was exhausted, that's even an understatement. I do not have all my energy back yet, I think that could be because I'm chasing around a 1 year old this pregnancy and up in the night still at times, unable to sleep because of my acid reflux. I'm thinking I'll sleep later in life...maybe. I'm just elated to have the nausea gone, that makes life so much better! I'm dealing with the laying down issue, even bending over makes my reflux bad, I'm going to talk to my doctor about this when I go Monday. Right now I'm taking Aloe water per "Dr. Nancy's" request, tums and I recently caved and got some generic liquid reflux medicine to help. I have to stop eating early as I did last time, and now I really need to watch the sugar intake, even fruits can be a bad idea depending on the time of day. I've spent a few night sitting up the majority of the night and the burping has started...I just remind myself I'm not nauseous. Maybe another baby with a lot of hair? We'll see!
I can't turn this one either. Here is the little bugger at 8 weeks. Everything checked out good at that appointment.
Our Christmas card with the bun in the oven. I'm 4 months here. Clara was just getting over an illness, not the best picture by any means. However, we're all looking so it'll have to do, we almost didn't get them on time!
It's a boy!
I can't turn this one either. Here is the little bugger at 8 weeks. Everything checked out good at that appointment.
Our Christmas card with the bun in the oven. I'm 4 months here. Clara was just getting over an illness, not the best picture by any means. However, we're all looking so it'll have to do, we almost didn't get them on time!
Again, can't turn the picture. I'll need to figure that out. The arrow is pointing at the boy part!! During our appointment we decided not to find out the sex there. We did last time and it was hard to really have our true reaction with a stranger right there while we're all sitting in the dark. So asked her to write it down for us. We could barely wait until we got home. This was Dec 31st. We were going to have the Crews and Fegers over for the big reveal that night. Darren wanted us to get pink and blue fireworks and have one of them reveal with a firework. Steven had to leave town, as did Corrie, so we opened it as soon as we got home. Lisa came to watch Clara while we went to our appointment since she was still fighting the fever and sleeping. I heard the ultrasound tech say "he's all over the place" during the appointment, thankfully, Andre heard her say, "she" at one point. I was pretty sure I was right. Andre opened it and all three of us lit up! Andre is thrilled for a boy! My first thought was, okay, we'll need to have a 3rd since Clara needs a sister. Hhahah, never in a million years would I have thought that's what I would think. I just love having sisters, there is no other bond. However, I do know I have many "sisters" and I don't think I could be nauseous for 3 months with TWO babies, so I'm focusing on how thankful I am to experience both a son and daughter. We couldn't be more thrilled for a little boy. Andre had been thinking of names, I've now just started. We have no idea. we have some time! We can't wait to meet you sweet boy!!!
Lisa brought us dinner, sparkling grape juice, champagne for Andre, and dessert...spoils us ROTTEN! Needless to say, we couldn't have rung in the year in a more special way. Clara is even trying to steal a sip, thankfully it was mommy's cup!
It's a boy!
The tech said everything looked great. I go over the results with my doctor on Monday. The level 2 ultrasound is very telling, they look at every organ and then some. I'm anxious for results.
During the appointment the tech asked if I could feel the baby move. I knew I had been for a couple weeks now. He is very active. I couldn't tell when she was moving her "thing" all over my belly, she was pushing kind of hard and I had to pee too, so it was hard to tell. Finally she kept it still, and I was watching the screen. It's so neat to feel him and see him move all at the same time. Technology is crazy. It's one of the coolest things I've ever experienced.
I have a 3 month picture I need to find and add...
14 months 2 weeks
Clara is on the go, go, go! She is now almost running when she feels the need. She is such a good little girl. She is all over the house and listens so well. I've had Christmas decorations out for the holiday and I don't have to watch her wander. I tell her, "No," once or twice and she doesn't go near it after that. We left our "bar" room the way it was, no need for cupboard ties, she is such a good girl. When she finds little things on the floor/ground she knows she's not supposed to have she'll bring it to me, and sometimes she cries when she hands it over for a second knowing she doesn't want to give it to me. I can wear earrings and she just touches and pushes my cheeks back and forth to see one and then the other. She'll touch them, and I say, "gentle" and she is, just like when she pets and kisses Shalimar.
Clara is so smart! Of course I think that. She repeats everything I say, very close most of the time. If it's a full sentence she'll repeat the last word. When we are out and about and she is cranky, I'll say, "Let's go home" and she'll say, "home" over and over. She has many words she says on her own all the time: cat, meow, HI, dada, "ommy", oops, oh no, up, down, out, NO! for everything. We ask her questions, she knows we're asking something she needs to respond to and it's always "no". Once in a great while it will be yes. She has mastered the sign, "please" and it looks like she is itching her armpit rather than rubbing her chest. I love it. She uses please instead of more now, when she needs help, when she wants things, which is everything. Thankfully most of the time we can accommodate but when we can't it's really hard since she doesn't quite understand the why. She is starting to learn "thank you" too. When I ask her if she wants something, she'll shoot a sharp, "No" so we're working on, "No, thank you". She can sign thank you but is not quite sure when to use it yet.
I don't realize how much she knows sometimes, and don't give her enough credit. For example, I said, "Lets go get a clean diaper," as I was in the midst of dishes and she strolled right to her room waiting for me. Today I said, "Time for a bath" and off she walked, leaving her toys, straight to the bathroom. She followed me into the laundry and I don't leave her in there with the cat litter and food so I said, "Come on Clara," and she was hesitant, as she wanted to stay. I put my hand out to her and said, "Come on love," and I signed please. She reluctantly grabbed my hand and came with me. Once in a while when a "no" takes place and she is tired she can throw a big fit, she gets over it fast but she can get angry/upset. Thankfully this is not common! I give her a sippy cup everyday, in hopes she drinks from it and she avoids it, throwing it from her high chair. Last night, she kept signing "please" but I didn't know why. It was the ONE day in months I haden't given her a sippy cup. She walked to the fridge and grabbed the handle with one hand and signing please with the other. I handed her the sippy cup of 70% water, 30% juice and she chugged the entire cup. This was the day after I had tried to rid her of a bottle so maybe she was dehydrated from the few days prior since she refused her sippy cup for days as I tried to wean her off the bottle. Needless to say, it's so wonderful she can communicate with me to a certain degree.
She is eager to learn. She has the patience to sit, listen and learn. When she is trying something and is unsure or frustrated, she'll let me show her. She listens when read to and loves to zone into her Bubble Guppies. She has many favorite toys but reading books is by far her favorite. When we come to the picture of a cat, that's the one she knows. She'll say, "Cat, meow". She will repeat the words I say and the animal sounds I make. She will say, "Fishhhh" when we walk by the tank, she knows dog and says "fffff, for woof" when I ask her what a dog says. She loves to practice her animal sounds and I can read to her for long periods of time, then she takes a turn. She points in the book as she reads like I do.
Her eating habits are the same. I probably should break her of her bottle, but I don't think she is quite ready. Many other mom's agree to give it a bit more time, as does Andre, so we will. She is starting to get a bit more picky with food. She is cutting some major teeth so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it or not. She is getting weird about textures. She constantly goes through phases though, so I try not to read into it too much. Her apitite is not what it usually is this past week, she has had a temperature and is not her usually bubbly self. I'm guessing it's 4 molars cutting and I think a few others. My poor baby. I'm glad I'm home with her when she's going through these times. She is clearly walking around the house calling for "mommy" these days and it melts my heart. I need to hold her as much as she wants to be held by me.
She is out of 12 month clothes for the most part, pants for sure. Onesies I can force on when needed and a few 12 month t-shirts fit. 18 month tops and 18-24 bottoms now fit well! Her size 5 shoes are getting snug and the 6's will be coming soon! She is a big foot like her mama. Size 4 diaper still, they are long and we need a little more wide. She is a skinny baby but her booty sometimes hangs out the side of her diaper. In the evening, when she eats well her belly pops and it's so cute. Her hair is SO long, I can almost pull it all back in a pony tail. She has constant baby hairs growing that creates bangs. The ones there are almost along enough to pull back in her regular do. When her hair is wet it's past her armpit.
Her sleep has been inconsistent with the teeth issue. Thankfully I've been able to nap with her during the day for 30 min to an hour since sometimes when she wakes at 4 I can't get back to sleep. There were two nights she was up crying for hours, which she's never done. She has been sleeping in longer which is nice, sometimes we're not up until 7:30. I am usually up at 7 with the sun but it's nice not to have to get out of bed. She has had a few great nights sleeping sound from 7 - 7:30. I just wish it were a bit more consistent. She's never been a solid sleeper that we can count on, someday.
First week off Tuesday, Tyler and Julia came to play. Clara gave them both endless kisses and hugs when they came over, she loves those to have friends to play with!!
Clara on a stroll in the back yard.
Sleepy sweet baby.
Tiffany always told me how easy it was to feed Clara. I now know why. Hehe. Julia is a little harder to feed. Her mouth is a small moving target that only opens a small bit and only for a snap! I sent this picture to Brandi since Andre picked on how messy Elsa got when Brandi fed her. Letting her know she's in good company.
Brandi sent this back. Elsa wins! Sweet girls!
Between changing diapers, reading books, and feedings I managed to whip up Aunt Ann's cookie dough that needs to refrigerate overnight.
Relaxing with mommy in the morning.
This picture makes it look like she likes a sippy cup. She may have had one sip.
Time for tradition! Aunt Ann's cookies. Thanks dada!! Andre worked non-stop at rolling and cutting. I didn't think there was such thing as too much flour. There is!
Trying to get her to drink from a cup instead of a bottle, she holds it well. That's about it.
Clara loves smoothies. Since she hasn't been eating as good as usual I've tricked her into drinking spinach, mango, banana, yogurt smoothies. Anything that goes in this cup she'll drink.
Waiting in the car for dada. Roaming around having fun pushing buttons feeding her baby, hugging and kissing her cat.
Buckled in like a big girl. Not for a while.
The girls met up over the holidays. I miss you!
Cool bath to bring the fever down.
Slick Rick.
Pretty dress of Julia's she shared with cousin Clara. Clara is breaking in a lot of her clothes. Thank you!
We had the Crew Girls and the Feger kids Tuesday, my second week of break. 7 kids. A lot of pb'n'j's. We were planning on going to the park in the morning but were rained in. :( Sorry kids.
Big girl.
3rd day of fever. Won't eat. Will only drink smoothies and milk.
Laying on dada's head watching Bubble Guppies while mommy makes eggs.
My loves.
104 - poor baby.
Tylenol and a bath brought 104 to 101 in about 30 minutes. Phew!
Trying to play, even though she doesn't feel that well. My sweet girl. Come in soon teeth!
Clara is so smart! Of course I think that. She repeats everything I say, very close most of the time. If it's a full sentence she'll repeat the last word. When we are out and about and she is cranky, I'll say, "Let's go home" and she'll say, "home" over and over. She has many words she says on her own all the time: cat, meow, HI, dada, "ommy", oops, oh no, up, down, out, NO! for everything. We ask her questions, she knows we're asking something she needs to respond to and it's always "no". Once in a great while it will be yes. She has mastered the sign, "please" and it looks like she is itching her armpit rather than rubbing her chest. I love it. She uses please instead of more now, when she needs help, when she wants things, which is everything. Thankfully most of the time we can accommodate but when we can't it's really hard since she doesn't quite understand the why. She is starting to learn "thank you" too. When I ask her if she wants something, she'll shoot a sharp, "No" so we're working on, "No, thank you". She can sign thank you but is not quite sure when to use it yet.
I don't realize how much she knows sometimes, and don't give her enough credit. For example, I said, "Lets go get a clean diaper," as I was in the midst of dishes and she strolled right to her room waiting for me. Today I said, "Time for a bath" and off she walked, leaving her toys, straight to the bathroom. She followed me into the laundry and I don't leave her in there with the cat litter and food so I said, "Come on Clara," and she was hesitant, as she wanted to stay. I put my hand out to her and said, "Come on love," and I signed please. She reluctantly grabbed my hand and came with me. Once in a while when a "no" takes place and she is tired she can throw a big fit, she gets over it fast but she can get angry/upset. Thankfully this is not common! I give her a sippy cup everyday, in hopes she drinks from it and she avoids it, throwing it from her high chair. Last night, she kept signing "please" but I didn't know why. It was the ONE day in months I haden't given her a sippy cup. She walked to the fridge and grabbed the handle with one hand and signing please with the other. I handed her the sippy cup of 70% water, 30% juice and she chugged the entire cup. This was the day after I had tried to rid her of a bottle so maybe she was dehydrated from the few days prior since she refused her sippy cup for days as I tried to wean her off the bottle. Needless to say, it's so wonderful she can communicate with me to a certain degree.
She is eager to learn. She has the patience to sit, listen and learn. When she is trying something and is unsure or frustrated, she'll let me show her. She listens when read to and loves to zone into her Bubble Guppies. She has many favorite toys but reading books is by far her favorite. When we come to the picture of a cat, that's the one she knows. She'll say, "Cat, meow". She will repeat the words I say and the animal sounds I make. She will say, "Fishhhh" when we walk by the tank, she knows dog and says "fffff, for woof" when I ask her what a dog says. She loves to practice her animal sounds and I can read to her for long periods of time, then she takes a turn. She points in the book as she reads like I do.
Her eating habits are the same. I probably should break her of her bottle, but I don't think she is quite ready. Many other mom's agree to give it a bit more time, as does Andre, so we will. She is starting to get a bit more picky with food. She is cutting some major teeth so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it or not. She is getting weird about textures. She constantly goes through phases though, so I try not to read into it too much. Her apitite is not what it usually is this past week, she has had a temperature and is not her usually bubbly self. I'm guessing it's 4 molars cutting and I think a few others. My poor baby. I'm glad I'm home with her when she's going through these times. She is clearly walking around the house calling for "mommy" these days and it melts my heart. I need to hold her as much as she wants to be held by me.
She is out of 12 month clothes for the most part, pants for sure. Onesies I can force on when needed and a few 12 month t-shirts fit. 18 month tops and 18-24 bottoms now fit well! Her size 5 shoes are getting snug and the 6's will be coming soon! She is a big foot like her mama. Size 4 diaper still, they are long and we need a little more wide. She is a skinny baby but her booty sometimes hangs out the side of her diaper. In the evening, when she eats well her belly pops and it's so cute. Her hair is SO long, I can almost pull it all back in a pony tail. She has constant baby hairs growing that creates bangs. The ones there are almost along enough to pull back in her regular do. When her hair is wet it's past her armpit.
Her sleep has been inconsistent with the teeth issue. Thankfully I've been able to nap with her during the day for 30 min to an hour since sometimes when she wakes at 4 I can't get back to sleep. There were two nights she was up crying for hours, which she's never done. She has been sleeping in longer which is nice, sometimes we're not up until 7:30. I am usually up at 7 with the sun but it's nice not to have to get out of bed. She has had a few great nights sleeping sound from 7 - 7:30. I just wish it were a bit more consistent. She's never been a solid sleeper that we can count on, someday.
First week off Tuesday, Tyler and Julia came to play. Clara gave them both endless kisses and hugs when they came over, she loves those to have friends to play with!!
Clara on a stroll in the back yard.
Sleepy sweet baby.
Tiffany always told me how easy it was to feed Clara. I now know why. Hehe. Julia is a little harder to feed. Her mouth is a small moving target that only opens a small bit and only for a snap! I sent this picture to Brandi since Andre picked on how messy Elsa got when Brandi fed her. Letting her know she's in good company.
Brandi sent this back. Elsa wins! Sweet girls!
Between changing diapers, reading books, and feedings I managed to whip up Aunt Ann's cookie dough that needs to refrigerate overnight.
Relaxing with mommy in the morning.
This picture makes it look like she likes a sippy cup. She may have had one sip.
Time for tradition! Aunt Ann's cookies. Thanks dada!! Andre worked non-stop at rolling and cutting. I didn't think there was such thing as too much flour. There is!
Trying to get her to drink from a cup instead of a bottle, she holds it well. That's about it.
Clara loves smoothies. Since she hasn't been eating as good as usual I've tricked her into drinking spinach, mango, banana, yogurt smoothies. Anything that goes in this cup she'll drink.
Waiting in the car for dada. Roaming around having fun pushing buttons feeding her baby, hugging and kissing her cat.
Buckled in like a big girl. Not for a while.
The girls met up over the holidays. I miss you!
Cool bath to bring the fever down.
Slick Rick.
Pretty dress of Julia's she shared with cousin Clara. Clara is breaking in a lot of her clothes. Thank you!
We had the Crew Girls and the Feger kids Tuesday, my second week of break. 7 kids. A lot of pb'n'j's. We were planning on going to the park in the morning but were rained in. :( Sorry kids.
Big girl.
3rd day of fever. Won't eat. Will only drink smoothies and milk.
Laying on dada's head watching Bubble Guppies while mommy makes eggs.
My loves.
104 - poor baby.
Tylenol and a bath brought 104 to 101 in about 30 minutes. Phew!
Trying to play, even though she doesn't feel that well. My sweet girl. Come in soon teeth!
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