Andre and I had to sell our home. It's getting too costly with all that is going on in our life at the time. We're both heart broken about it but trying to stay focused that it's just materialistic. It's not always that easy. The great news is, it sold in four days. It was a hectic time preparing and hectic showing it, but it could have dragged out and it's so hard keeping a home up to showing standards with two kids. They did the inspection last week and if nothing comes of that then we close at the end of March. We also found a condo in the area, about 5-7 miles away. Still centrally located from our work places, friends/family, therapy downtown, etc. This is not the most exciting time in our lives. We've put so much into this home and it breaks my heart to leave it. We could look at EVERY single inch, seriously, every inch has been improved by us. Every blade of grass in the back was placed by us, we've painted every room, made upgrades, redid the pool, built a tiki, added a deck, created a card table section just for euchre, made a barroom for socializing and tried to make an atmosphere for company since having my family visit is my favorite thing in the world. I'm sad to think we won't be able to host as we always have with less space, it was getting crowded in our house as it was with our growing family. Andre and his magnificent talent in the yard and in the house shine and I'm sure sealed the deal. Since Clara, he's been on his own outside and he's done so much, it looks perfect. Kristin and Mark just moved down the street. I would have never in 1 million years have thought my own sister would be living down the road. Now we have to move. :( It makes my heart so sad. Knowing I could trust this neighborhood with Everett's needs, I always envisioned him being able to walk to Aunt Kristin's and having some sense of independence as a kid. Having Nancy next door, oh boy, what will we do without her?! She cooks for us regularly, watches out of us and is always there in a pinch. We both shed many tears when we signed the papers but we both know it's just a lateral move, and one day hope to be back. We know we have everything that's important. We have our health and happiness and there is no price tag on that. We have a perfect family and we're focusing on our sweet babies and the fact that we'll have more time together as a family without yard work. We'll miss this home and neighborhood dearly. Sorry we had to move away Aunt Krissim. :((

I look at things like this and envision a new home in a few years that we'll make our own. This is a bed I think Clara will love.
Clara enjoying the hammock daddy hung, our queen palms are now big enough. :/ Just in time.
Andre still doing sweet things making prepping the house for showing as "fun" as possible. Trying to keep my spirits up.
We spent money on our room and I LOVE it, wish we had done it sooner. We don't make our bed on a regular though so these pillows will all go back. I may have time or interest in making my bed again later in life, maybe.
One of the suggestions our realtor gave was to frame in the mirror in our room and the bathroom. It looks great this way. We got a chair too. Wish we would have done this sooner, I love it. Next house.
One of the hardest parts has been Clara commenting every time we pull in the driveway, or even well before we hit the driveway, "We're home!" All the memories of her as a brand new baby in our home flood back to me. Everett now too. Andre and I got married while living here, all of my family and friends visits are fresh in my head. I love the home we made, I love our beginning. I'm hopeful it keeps getting better from here!