I could put my kids in bed, walk away and be extremely productive, but what fun is that?! So, instead I cuddle them both as long as I can until my anxiety about how much I have to do takes control and I must stop staring at them and get something done. It was day one when we had our snuggle schedule down pat. I'd put E in bed at the off chance he'd fall asleep, read to Clara and spend some one on one time with her that I miss so much, go back and rock him while she watches brainpop (educational videos) on my phone, go back and cuddle her until we both fall asleep and I'm out for all of ten minutes until I wake gasping for air with 1 billion to do's running through my head which never allows me to fall back to sleep so I then take pictures of my beauties so I can remember it forever and ever and then run around like a chicken with my head cut off getting a little bit of 1 billion things done but accomplishing not one entire task and then everyone is awake and ready to play.
Practicing eating a the big kid table, he loved it, since he got to be with his sissy.
Time for bubbles, the wind blew them away a bit too fast.
Popcorn maker! One of Clara's favorite xmas gifts!
Lots of new bath toys!
I'm so deeply in love.
Can our time at home together please never come to a close.
They love each other so much!
Finally caught the smile, too bad it's blurry.