Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Sunday, June 30, 2019


OMG i'm so annoyed this app puts all the pics sideways and there's no easy fix. UGH. Back to the computer I guess with five extra steps that takes three times as long. Piece of poop.

Clara spend the weekend with Cousin Julia! They have so much fun, it takes me back to spending my life with Bran. Everett had four vaccinations. He let out a five second cry when he knew what was going on and was fine after that. We went and got him ice cream for doing so great and sissy too since she rubs his back, distracts him, and gives him her unicorn since I forgot his bunny. She is the best!

Friends over on Saturday, always a good time. Summer is going by so fast. I would have been taking Everett in tomorrow AM for surgery, I cannot tell you the elated mood I was in all week and especially all day today knowing we're not doing it (yet). He is so happy. I just recorded many of the words he is reading tonight, 135 words that I can across, it's insane. He is taking a spoon or fork from me now and putting it in his mouth, he is going underwater and jumping in on his own, he is THRIVING and I'm so glad I'm not going to put him through hell and not be sure it's necessary. He is happy, sweet, funny and full of life right now, we will be celebrating being at home tomorrow with extra hugs, fun, and games just knowing and being thankful we're not going under the knife.

Until I get this app figured out, my apologies.

Julia came to therapy too, the girls were so patient playing games with Everett and helping him. He is so loved. This is Miss Amy our speech therapist for language. She is as SWEET as they come, she is Brandi, they talk exactly the same, it makes me miss Bran!

Oh lookie here, they even go upside down?!?!?!?!!?/

They're taking a break from gymnastics after tonight. On Friday their last class was an "open gym" night and they got to free play for two hours. They both said for two days straight, "This is the best day ever!"

It was pouring rain when we left of course.

Julia on top clara sprawled out on the bottom.

Slime of course. It keeps them so busy for a LONG time!

Cuddled up watching Trolls

Polished off a bottle I think Andre has had since before I met him. Why? Who knows?!?! It sounded like a great idea...

Clara's head up top, julia upside down. After our gathering on Saturday at midnight Tiffany scooped her up and they went home. Clara woke up so sad she was gone.

We played a game to see who would get which dessert. It was a pot luck and Steven was in charge of desserts. OMG YUM I ended up with a peanut butter cake, it was SO good, we all took bites of one another's choices anyway, they were all amazing.

These girls were slap happy before bed.

This little man today napping. I literally stare at him for hours during naps, especially when it's the weekend and Andre is home and I'm not racing out to get to spend one on one time with Clara. I can't get over how big he is. I'm so glad he's so flexible and we will fit on this rocker until forever together. I was so thankful today, he wouldn't let me leave, he would wake up every time I tried to sneak out so I stayed. Andre and Clara were napping and I just stare at him and listen to him breathe. He is perfect. I snuck out of the chair to get this pic, it was my third try sneaking away and I'm certain the flash woke him up and I had to snuggle again, it was worth it to get this pic.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Brave boy

I put off Everett’s vaccinations at his 
four-year-old visit because Surgery was right 
around the corner. We went back today since we are going to hold off on surgery for now. He is so brave and big sissy is so sweet so they both got an ice cream treat after! 

I have been going through every single
Bin and toy in the house, they were into 
everything including hats and winter wear. Clara has been taking her doll stroller all over 
Timbuktu so I found my old baby carrier are used to hold her in and that is a lot easier to get in 
and out of the car! 

Blogger came out with a new app. If it saves me a lot of time since I do not have to upload the 
pictures to my computer first. I can log on the 
go. I can tell that talk to text doesn’t work so 
great so please excuse any errors!

Happy birthday Athena!!!

I literally went through every toy! I have 
organized them in bins that each have skills 
Everett is working on and dividing up Clara’s
 favorites so we can take out a new bin every so often and not have everything Option out and Available to trash the house. I need to get a pic of 
It all clean and organized, there is always 
something all over the floor. 🤷‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

Shots, he is such a champ!

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Summer fun 2019 (VBS)

First day of VBS with friends! Clara won't smile because she is mad I have to leave to another area with Bubby and she's going to miss me. My heart breaks in these moments, I don't want to be away from you either baby, but I believe in you!

Where do I start with this boy? He makes me so proud. I always knew he was good, behaved, hard working, kind, etc but watching him for hours in the classroom setting was so amazing. He makes me so hopeful for all that's to come for him. He didn't need me, he does EXACTLY what he is supposed to do ALL of the time. Sit, stand, glue, color, dance, sing, stand still in line, sit and listen and stay in criss cross applesauce for as long as needed...he is amazing. I spend my days trying to get other three and four year olds to behave and follow directions. Other than needing a diaper change, and help with cutting/gluing and such, he didn't need me a bit. So many of the teachers there expressed how impressed they were with him and the teen leaders wanted to be with him the whole time. Perfection.

Boys club

Bubby fell asleep on the way home some days because it was past nap and so Clara and I played outside while he finished his nap in the car.

Best big sis

Playing babies with a cutie Sophia

It's so interesting to see how other kids react to Everett. Last year, early three year olds, most of them do not pick up on his differences, four year olds do. There are a few in class who aren't patient with how long it takes him to move up and down stairs, or through doorways and shoved on past. There were kids who didn't pick up on his differences at all, most of those kids had their own differences so they either got it or were oblivious and there were to mother/father hens who noticed he needed help and wanted to be there by him the entire time. These kids will have my heart forever. I don't know if parents have spoken with their kids about differences at this point, I don't think so, I think it's just in some kids. One girl who was one smart cookie just watched him day one and by the end of the day she was asking me a billion questions and basically took over once she understood what his needs were. This little cutie Lathan coloring with him in this pic below was another one. He never asked me anything because he was super shy but he watched and would sneak his way to be by Everett and follow him to all the stations he chose and would help him if he had trouble with things like getting legos to stay together, or pick up caps of markers if they fell on the floor because he saw how hard it was for E to get in and out of his seat. I was busy holding little babies crying their eyes out missing their mama's or those that were disruptive and couldn't sit still for more than three seconds and those cuties that liked to tackle others for no reason, I was more tired than the kids all week. It was super fun though and I'm glad I was able to go and give Everett that experience.

Miley (clara's friend from class) Clara, E, Julia

Not just VBS but play dates after!

Clara teaching Miley how to float, she is daddy's little teacher, just like her pops

OMG this, got this pic of my amazing fam off of facebook. Happy Father's day to two of my favorites.

We always ran into someone on the way in we knew to take pics with, yay IVY!

Our final neurosurgery appointment. I get so many compliments on how behaved my kids are, it's a compliment and a curse since we have to be in so many offices, there is a lot of guilt that comes with this lifestyle we have no choice to live with appointments that consume our lives. I'm so thankful for two cuties that go along for the ride and can cram in all the fun we possibly can outside of all the offices. Everett is learning more words, he is up to about 60 he can read and Clara is currently working on math on her iPad, I do save our technology time for these moments but not a minute is wasted with this teacher mom, sorry kids!

VBS pooped

So each day VBS week we had so much scheduled in the afternoons/evening. It was just too much for us all, especially Wednesday we had VBS, then the neuro appointment, then two therapy sessions. The first one we missed because we were in brutal traffic on the way  back from Tampa, and then Everett slept through his PT appointment. He had to do an eval anyway, which we usually have him attempt the tasks but we know what he can and cannot do so we just filled it out and he just needs to be present so it all worked out. Poor kid, he has never slept this hard through all the commotion going on around us.

More VBS pics

Bubs wasn't tall enough so Miley's mom helped out <3

This little girl here was the sweetie to wanted to be Everett's mommy, Olivia, I'll never forget your sweetness (and brains) Olivia.

Crazy play date mama was not in her right mind after VBS Thursday. They all had fun, it was a great time had by all except poor Juliet who got stung by a bee in the pool. :/

VBS pooped

Girls, just wanna have fuu-uun!


Mommy, take a picture of me and my honeys!

Birthday party fun

Sunset on Sunday living summer to the fullest right here!

Ahhh, won't let me flip

It was 11 before she fell asleep. She is really good at getting me talking with her before bed. I'm not sure if she has enough blankets and stuffed animals?!

Everett figured out how to use the coding toy we got for Christmas, he doesn't understand the left and right movement yet so it doesn't go where he wants and he gets pretty mad, or laughs depending where it crashes.

Puzzles, books, shapes, drawing, while mommy does 999 clean up of toys

Can't get too rusty

When your girly is cold from coming in from the 100 degree weather and 90 degree pool to AC

Therapy life

Karaoke machine, it's really encouraging him to speak/sing along with the words

making things out of shapes, like a giraffe with the longest neck and a Christmas tree rocket

When he doesn't feel like singing, his puppy can