He's ready to roll!
Looks like someone put things away highly organized last year.
Clara was pestering a sleepy daddy
Clara's tree in her room is up!
This is how Everett helps decorate
Clara's face shares my same excitement when we get the Christmas bins out
Bubby is already into the books. I debated putting books away with the holiday bins because so many are favorites. The joy they have when we finally get them out makes it totally worth it.
Everett wanted to watch sissy do her work.
Sneaking in some last minute assignments on Thanksgiving break.
Homemade xylophone
Sissy likes to keep her brother in training company
These girls and their Saturdays!
Someone thinks it's fun to brush sissy's teeth
5th CT, in the books. Now awaiting results.
He is so good and so brave and unfortunately so used to this nonsense that he holds still and we get them done in one try!
Christmas casserole for Thanksgiving with Andre's family!
Juliane and her babies who aren't babies anymore
Happy birthday aunt Julianne
Thanksgiving dinner at Tifanny's mom's house
You ask what Everett ate for dinner..yup
I bet someone might spot her infamous dip
This kiddo wasn't himself before Thanksgiving break one day and so we decided to send him to Doe and Michael's and he even napped, which is super rare. Something was up and he must have just needed some extra rest.
I love her book choices. I also love her focus in the car. She does get motion sick but if I tell her to look up before turns she's good.
Merrissa is having another GIRL! Congratulations to you, Carl and the fam!!!
Science experiments
Rainy days bringing in some cold fronts!
Throw backs

Flex city
Something that is so easy for most is so complicated for this sweet boy. He can't open it, can't line up the wand in the wrong spot, can't get the wand back in the small hole, let alone hold it without dumping it...these moments ground me. Watching him persevere with tasks like this, fighting tooth and nail, not wanting help, pissed he cannot do it alone but refusing to let me help in any way makes me prideful as well as crushed that life has to be this hard. I love his determination and he inspires me every day. These little moments that happen all throughout the day has given me a perspective in life I didn't know I needed.
More fun crafting, it was Everett's craft and he wanted nothing into it
Bunk beds in the spare room ready for company!
I need to take a picture of the room now, I forgot.
Beach day for thanksgiving with family.
Snowflake is back. We've also been puzzling together and I love it! We sit and do it together, or chip away at it individually, it's been a nice family project.
Xmas tree shopping in FL never feels right
Mom's ornament in my baby's hand, what I'd give for my babies to know her.
This is another very difficult task for Everett, he is not a fan of decorating a tree. Having to hold the
hook perfectly and the branch to support, he did a few with assistance. One day boy, one day some things will be easier.
Even though we didn't get the news we wanted with the CT scan, we already had the green light to do gymnastics and we started. He LOVES it, living his best life while working on all PT things he needs. This wonderful coach opened a class for him, a mommy and me class that is usually for 2, 3, and sometimes 4 year old's. Others may join us. At first I was bummed bc he does well watching others but he is doing great and the extra attention is nice to get him in the groove and it'll be nice if he has friends join. It warms my heart when sissy runs by in her class and stops to kiss and hug him.
That smile says it all.
Living on a cul-de-sac is great!
Sissy trying to help her boy with his school work. She is so patient and so creative with teaching him. There are certain things he cannot get yet, he isn't developmentally ready for, and computer programs don't let you go to the next level until you master prerequisites so we have to forge ahead. She noticed I was losing steam and had pulled out all my best teacher ideas and she stepped in. She tried so hard and I heard her whisper to herself, "He's never going to get it. " I feel her pain, I can only imagine how he must feel. There are so many days that raise me up with him and his diagnosis, and there are days it just sucks for him and for us. I know we have a road ahead of us, one day at a time.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
This is Everett and his pal Lennon. She is a "one of a kind" type of human who treats Everett like everyone else, talks about him at home, looks out for him in class and tells her mom he is her "bestie". These are the children who will keep my mama heart hopeful. We hope to get together with Lennon over break. Also, his friend Isaac who is just as kind asked his mommy if they could buy him a toy so they went and picked out a stuffed zebra and the cutest note to go with it. I love his class, I love kids who see my boy and include him as one of their own.
Soccer has begun 1 and 1
Results time. Not great, not terrible. The base of his scull is fused to C1 but C1 to C2 is not fused. The hardware is still in place so that's a great sign. I'm hoping we see it's fused next time, 6months. It should be. We need to forge ahead with hope. Either back in 6 months to check or bring him back if there are symptoms, but there were no symptoms to begin with. This is what the boy looks like when he is so tired. Sweetness.
What I'd give to be Snowflake right now. Bath, fire, kitty!
Kingston has grown up with E. Kingston is Michael and Doe's grandson that brought them down here. We miss having him as a classmate but they still get to see each other after school when I go get Everett and he goes to get his baby sister. Everett is OBSESSED with his baby sister and SO good with her. If she cries he rushes to hug, he is gentle and sweet. I thought she was going to be my baby fix but she makes me want one now that I see how precious Everett is with her.
Thank you to Doe and Michael for always being there for my children. We love you!
Everett's favorite person!
Daddy had to step in and coach
Everett and his shadow had a great time.
These two, I love how this angle makes them look small again.
Cousin time
Too much chocolate, too many Christmas lights, too late at night...no such thing.
The back of daddy's truck with the cousins looking at the best neighborhood decked out with lights.
another knot, Everett thinks it is fine the way it is
Our surrogate grandparents
Putting up Christmas decor in another new house, never again.
Cousin fun after lights, Left Right Center
Tyler's monkey mask has a mask
Again with the chocolate and the late night - this girl needs to hit her mouth
Everett's baby Kensligh - he's not a fan of sharing her with sissy
Ms. Greene, Everett's teacher on lumberjack day
She missed daddy before going to class so we sent him a pic
LOVED the slide