The new year brought us the same chaos we've been living. The beautiful chaotic life we are used to where each week I think, "Next week will be slower." and then I say it again, and then again, and then weeks turn into years. It's all flying by, so full of life that I haven't had time to blog. Trying to play catch up.
Me doing Clara's hair while she is on snap chat on my phone. I don't even know how to use snap chat. Both my kids know how to get to this part and I heard from Kylie that Clara accidently posted something she did. Whoops. I do think the pictures with the filters are so funny.
Isaac's bday. It was so sweet, we had the family over a while ago for Left, Right, Center and he loved it so much he wanted to do it for his birthday. There were about 20 of us I think, the biggest game I've ever been a part of. The crews, the Fegers, us and grandparents. We were at a restaurant with a side room.
Everett has been doing great with his class. He is loved by them and he loves them all. He is becoming defiant with some of his work. As much as I'm thankful he is able to express himself, I wish he would comply with his assignments. He hates tracing. :(
Practicing sorting
Lunch out at Slice which is right by our new house. There are now two slice restaurants, one on the beach where we had our rehearsal dinner and this one, great food!
Go Bills!
Picture day for E
I let his hair get too long and forgot to cut it in advance. I had to quickly take him in the night before so I didn't botch his "do". He hates having it done but gets a little better each time. He does best for mommy.
Kris came to Clara's soccer game and invited herself to go with her after. They went grocery shopping, to the library, painted nails, and she came home with a BIG unicorn. She LOVES spending time with her Aunt Kristin!
Take a look at these teeth for the last time. They're about to go. At school the kids earn "hoot loot" (we are the owls) and they get to shop from the school store. This knitted Nunu carrier was like gold.
Crazy how time flies! Ten years ago he proposed. So much has happened, so much has changed. I'm so thankful for everything I've been blessed with and look so forward to what's next, doing my best to not blink and not take a moment for granted.
It was "hat day" at school and sissy got her beach hat to wear. Everett decided to snag it and head out the door.
Mr. Michael, Everett's BFF. When I go to pick Everett up, he may or may not say hi to me. He hates leaving. He has baby Kensleigh to play with and loves Doe and Michael so much.
Everett's cute classmate pics
Family bike ride - the weather has been amazing
Poor Elsa went through some rough times this winter. These girls are getting so big and I miss them so much. What I'd give to live in the same town. We WILL be seeing each other stat, it has to happen.
Take a good look at the yard, it's about to go!
Hey ma, need a hand.
Going with Aunt Kristin
Clara was tested for gifted and passed with flying colors. She is in the 99th percentile in all areas. She started in the gifted class after the first of the year. She loves it. She is such an inquisitive little girl and an out of the box thinker. I'm so proud of her and her big brain. This looks like a very simple design, I need to get a copy of what she wrote about it, her creativity is so awesome.
Bubby sure loves to hug his sissy before we head out the door.
Texts from Ms. Greene, Everett's teacher. They are likely out of order, hopefully you can piece together what she was telling me. I'm so proud of my kids.
She took a video of her reading the books she is referring to and watching him listen and laugh with his peers is so adorable. I'm so thankful to have Ms. Greene.
What it looks like when my gymnasts pass one another ...
I took Clara to get our nails done, she insisted on eating her treat after she dropped the spoon on the ground which of course I wouldn't let her use. I asked her if she could eat it neatly, she said yes. :/
Sweet girl, I hate that I cannot be there to support Elsa, Bran, Fi and Nick.
She is Brandi's twin, beauties.
The. Sweetest. Picture. Ever!
2020-2021 - I cannot wait until masks can be gone...
These kids LOVE their hamsters. Everett puts it to his mouth and kisses it. Blah. But it's so cute.
Look at this grandma and her baby...shirts made by Gabs of course. I finally got to meet Sophia and hold her all night, I was in heaven, she is perfect.
My peeps selling their Planks at the Pier. They are doing amazing!
Once in a while she still looks little and i try and capture it, she is too big.
100th day of school. She is wearing the t shirt she made in class and the necklace bubby made.
Friday afternoon where I drink wine and they play with bubbles. So satisfying for us all.
100th day
These two love it when I share my "teacher sweets" that I don't need so I give it to them.
This little girl is in PT wtih Everett. Or maybe it's speech. Another nice friend he loves that isn't in his class.
His PT
Uncle Nick visiting the classroom. I wish I could teleport him down here for a lesson, along with the rest of his ladies!
One down!
These two know how to cuddle. Everett put on Clara's spandex
Valentine's Exchange - Andre and I went and got a massage this year, it was amazing. I want to go back!
Everett's new favorite place. Observing the hamsters while eating a snack. You'll not ice the tape, "cutie" is an escape artist and sneaks through the gaps in the cage, I have so many hamster stories I could write a book. They keep it interesting around here for us. We could buy a new cage buuuuuut that's just more $$ we don't need to spend. Tape will do.
Valentine stuffed animals from Aunt Kristin!
Some days Bubby doesn't want to work, or eat, or play at school. It's not often. But when he is off, it breaks my heart. What I'd give to go rescue him and snuggle him in these moments.
I made sure to get my snuggles in that night. I could cuddle him forever.
Look at this 100th day cutie, and her sweet little sis
Clara's annual Galentine's Day party!
These two
We went to get ice cream on a cold Valentine's day. It wasn't as enjoyable as we hoped. I forgot Clara's hair clips and for some reason she and daddy got cones on a cool, windy, yet sunny day. The sticky mess, everything and everyone had to be washed.
Chocolate for breakfast. I thought for sure it would yank that tooth out. Nope.
I love how Clara reads the words in her cards carefully without rushing to get what's next.
Daddy's lease was up and he downsized his truck which doesn't have as much room as the Tundra. So, this big girl will have to be a big girl and sit in a booster. I can't believe I've kept her in a five point this long, she still meets all the requirements and it's safer so in my care she is still in a full car seat. This picture is just another step of being a big girl making me miss my little girl.
Look at this thing hanging on. It reminds me of the movie Goonies with the character that says, "Hey you GUUys" - you'd think this sucker would pop out, those roots were hanging on tight on her left side.
It's so cool having this ecosystem by our house. Ducks, fish, birds, turtles...
bubble gum ice cream everywhere, of course one would pick the white jacket today
I love watching her think and work, she does all her work so well. She avoids it and is a total procrastinator but when she gets busy, she does a great job all by herself. She is reading at the end of a third grade level right now. She doesn't want to read those books because she is little and likes pictures but she can knock out a beginner chapter book (beginning of third grade) on the ride home from school.
Clara and Julia are in a hip hop class on Monday nights. It's SO fun to watch this class.
Valentine's Cards from Grandma and Grandpa, we love mail!
So, this large metal screw popping up on the curb pulled my entire bumper off my car, the whole thing on the ground. By the time I remembered to take a picture I had already put the left side back on.
This handsome guy came to my rescue
It was just that kinda day, all day
Friday afternoon cuddles
Everett reads books for mommy and daddy but not at school, until today!
Enjoying her lunch while listening to the fountain in the pond outside her window.
This boy likes to be tucked in with a TON of his "friends"
Friday family movie night
Everett earning an award for being a great musician in music. He popped his lens out of his glasses last week and we cannot find it so we are waiting for them to be fixed. :(
This is one example of Clara's love for nature. If she could bottle up the trees, weeds, rocks, mulch, etc. Each day I beg her to leave outside, outside. She cannot help herself. Everything outside is a complete treasure in her eyes.

So, up until this night Clara has only let daddy go after her teeth. I haven't even tried because It makes me weak in the knees. I can still feel and hear my teeth coming out and it makes me queasy. However, I couldn't stand this took dangling and daddy was at vball so I bribed her with treasure box if she let me try. I dried her tooth with a tissue and held tight and told her to move her head and pull it back until she was comfortable. We got it after the third try. She had such a perfect smile. She is getting so big. When she was barely 1 she was walking around the house on the Mexican tile in our Seminole home with a blanket in hand. I remember thinking I should stop her before she trips and then telling myself in the same breath to not be so overprotective. Sure enough, she fell. One of he front teeth started bleeding. I don't recall which. One of the dentists we've seen brought up that she could tell it had been damaged, I don't remember how she could tell but she said we'll find out if it damaged the adult tooth if it comes in "dead" like that brownish gray color, I sure hope not. We can't even see a spec of tooth coming in, I can't wait to see what they look like and if they will be as big as her daddy's chompers.
Sunday Fun Day at the beach for Malia's vball tournament. Ivy came home with us.
Daddy got Clara and I a bouquet of flowers for vday, I love this one so much. Flowers and plants make me happy.
Soccer on Saturday, Julia came to play after too since her brothers are playing all over the place this weekend.
There's so much more I want to write and say, but I'm beat. Hopefully more soon! They started working on the pool but I wanted that to be a different post.