Wearing purple in support of Epilepsy Awareness Day!
I hate snapchat with fake filters and Clara is on there maybe 5x a year. It's amazing how much she instantly gets sucked in and makes faces she must see on TV since this mama isn't posing for anything, especially at my own phone. Technology is dangerous! I don't even want to think ahead to her and social media, whatever it ends up when that time comes for her, I'm going to be hated, I'm sure of that!
Some are hysterical!
Planning it out. This is pre-coconut trees
I saw Clara's legs in her five point car seat. She is so long but so light I've been able to keep her in it for longer than most people do. I don't know many five year olds in a five point seat let alone 7.5 year olds. She never complained. He legs pretty much hit her chin. It was time. Her legs still look too long here. Don't blink mamas, they're not lyin' how quick it goes!
I think we got our use out of this seat!
I'm so glad the Porcellos made it Mexico and everyone is healthy and soakin' up the sun!
Nunu with a homemade shirt and a cast with a broken leg. Poor NOONZ!
Everett taking pics of his sis before school.
World Down Syndrome Day Celebration - more on this soon, separate post.
There was a World Down Syndrome Day WDSD event at the Zoo in Tampa. IT was super fun. Mommy took the kids so daddy could get some major work done in the yard.
New park by our house, it's a cool one!
Checkin out his neck. I wasn't dreaming. He had a fluid pocket. We are hoping it goes down on its own. We will check it out again in June when we go back for our usual check. The xrays looked good. His hardware is still in place which is an indicator that things are fused, even the parts we cannot see.
One of my students brought a slime ball, the biggest one I've ever seen. I felt that gut feeling when she asked to play with it during our break and I ignored the gut, clearly. Massive explosion.
This pic is a keeper
My two were the first on the floor, if I could have frozen time, I would have.
Thankfully new and old friends joined in on the dance floor.
Dippin' dots!
Clara wanted to play a dumb game. Thankfully something right up her alley was right next door. Mining for cool gems and stones! She LOVED it.
This girl is the collector of rocks. She was in her glory!
Clara and I both love and HATE the zoo. We want these animals to be in the wild but cannot resist going to see them, which clearly supports keeping them stuck...the heartstrings TEAR!
This girl is so brave and adventurous. She went on the roller coaster on her own since mommy would puke and E was tall enough but it was kind of rough and I didn't want his head banging into the bar in front of him. She was so excited. This is a small ride for her, but she was still thrilled.
See those two coconuts? THey're for my hammock!!!!!!!
I wish I remembered how to upload video. She climbs the bunkbeds and flies back with Nunu attacked and how she doesn't put a foot through a wall or go flying down the stairs is beyond me. I don't think it would stop her nonetheless.
I will always do anything for this excitement, always. Her happy face makes my heart SO full!
A sissy has to do what a sissy has to do. Everett's pants kept falling.
Clara's love for babies is as big as Everett's. I thought getting my baby fix while being around sweet Kensleigh would help me not want another. Seeing my kids with her and how much they love "baby kenny" makes it SO hard to keep that door shut and locked. Good thing Andre hid the key! ;)
Everett talks about "baby" more than Mr. Michael, I didn't think anyone would ever top Mr. Michael!
We lasted 30 minutes in the waiting room without technology, at some point I need to save my sanity. Not that I should have to defend myself from all the elders in the office judging me, I have spent my entire day, week, YEAR with children...
See that big girl tooth eeeeking through?
Deck is done!
So, other than the drought you can see, the neighbs let her dog out unleashed and it chased the new baby ducklings and they all ran for their lives in different directions. There was one in the pool, one in the back yard, one in the neighbors yard and one in the storm drain. The poor baby was so loud. We chased down and Andre got them all, it took a neighbors net and we retrieved them all!
Yucky water, little baby duck stuck!
My darling Lang child. You are awake and excited for Easter. I get it! It was 6am and I told her she had to stay in bed until Everett work or 7. Everett has been sleeping late bc he didn't nap. She read for an hour, sweet girl. She stayed in her room and didn't beg, knowing an Easter basket was awaiting her!