Play dates, play dates, and more play dates.
Potty training is going well, NOT
Everett earned a reward at gymnastics for holding his position with strong arms on the bar!
"Miss Megan" his coach, she really believes in him and has been vital to all his independence and growth!
Tyler tolerating the girls dressing him up and painting his nails.
Lots of pool time
Some left right center after a BBQ
Just a random blood clot. I had pain in my calf since Everett's birthday weekend. It creeped down my leg for two weeks and settled in my "kankle" and after the pool party with the Fegers on a Saturday at 11:30 pm I did a google search: "Pain in my calf that moved to my ankle" and I had EVERY single symptom for a blood clot. I panicked and checked myself into the ER at 12am and the ultrasound tech said no, stay off of it, elevate it, ice it. I'd been icing and elevating and it wasn't doing anything (a symptom of a clot). It didn't hurt to walk and because I have varicose veins, I knew it wasn't muscular, I could tell it was vein related. I had my huge varicose vein closed the Monday before I took myself to the ER so I had a follow up with them coming up. I asked them to look, it was in my left leg, non varicose leg, and sure enough, it was a clot. I'm going to be fighting the ER bill, I'm so mad. I knew what it was, I was certain. Thankfully I had been wearing my compression stockings since I had my other leg done, I got pantyhose and so both legs were compressed. I started taking aspirin and stopped my birth control. It's much better now, doing lots of walks. Their best guess was birth control. I go back Tuesday next week to get another ultrasound. I feel like it's 90% better, it was way worse the two weeks prior as it was moving down my calf, the swelling and redness are gone, it's just a tad tender.
I've never taken myself to the ER before, I felt like a fool for going. I can't believe I'm going to be charged an arm and a leg for their error. Useless.
Watch Everett
Not ready, he went a few seconds later
wanting to see their footage
Sissy helped E with his puzzles so perfectly. I can't wait to see what she decides to do with her life one day, she would be BRILLIANT working with anyone with special needs.
EVERETT DID HIS GYMNASTICS CLASS ALL BY HIMSELF!!!!!!!!! Ms. Megan goes above and beyond to give him what he needs to be on his own, I'm so thankful for these people out there, who believe he can instead of he can't.
Pool Fun with cousins
Yay Little Graduates! Time is going way too fast! Brandace, I feel your pain!
Couldn't love this more! Aunt Sue would be so proud!
My parents (of my students) SPOILED me at the end of the year. This was my top fav gift.
It says at the bottom: #downsyndromemomlife
So personal and thoughtful, DS colors too of course!
We need RAIN. Look at that there snake! I asked him to stay back or I'll bite.
Loving the doll house outside!
yoga time
Everett kissing a scared pup, well trying to, but getting Stevens belly instead
Uncle Luiz came, he is moving to Brazil this week. A fun time had by all.
Ya know it's a break when we bust out KIWI kits!
Someone lost another tooth. She wrote a note to the tooth fairy and politely asked for a toy ALONG with her dollar, since she keeps her teeth SO clean, the tooth fairy was very generous and gave her a mini hamster pet cage and kit.
Aunt Ann used to have these caramels in a blue bowl with a blue top and they were Ana's and my fav! They were in the dish on the way out of my vein place, I took it as Aunt Ann said, "Don't worry, it'll all be fine!" Clara enjoyed the chewy caramel!
Lots of appointments with Mama this go round. Draggin these two along to everything, they are "good" -- noisy at times, goofy and silly, but good. They are so used to being in offices bc of E, he's just glad it's my turn, as am I.
Potty training and Koala Crates (craft boxes we get for E) Today he is a butterfly we're trying to get to use the potty.
Adult's night out to the comedy club, SUPER fun and much needed.
More pool parties
Potty training while working on eating, Everett is NOT a fan of me pushing him. Hopefully I have the toilet lined up correctly. He just holds it, for hours, and hours...knowing we leave the house for something and I put a diaper on. Either that or it's just super uncomfortable to not pee in a diaper, I haven't a clue, but we're not progressing fast with the pottying.
I love when I don't know where she is and find her reading on her ledge.
Trying a new dentist. Our old one closed. We had two crap experiences until here. Everett is getting worse about opening. Clara rocked it. Both their teeth look great. No pics of Everett since I was holding him down for her to "brush" and take a peek. We did get some x-rays. we got the front ones on him. He is so scared, I wish he could trust but after everything he's gone through I understand why he cannot. This place was a drive, an hour both ways, but very worth it. They were very patient and understanding. It only takes a second to get to know him and they were high fiving after and couldn't believe he would love on them after the torture.
I asked if he could watch Clara first bc it would help a lot. They had more patients and two chairs so we had to attempt. I guarantee if this had happened first, he would have done better. Maybe next time. Sissy was a Rockstar! My old man looking on at my little old lady with her clip on earrings.
Clara and Julia play vball on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This little boy is out there. He takes half the time to warm up, each time. These are the kinds of kids out in the world I'm so thankful for. He finally sits down and plays and simply talks and talks to Everett about what he's doing and encourages him to play, very gently encourages. I know so many kids don't know how to play with Everett and I get it, I wouldn't have. There are these gems in the world that just figure it out and don't think it's "weird". He just accepts him for him and Everett loves when he comes to sit down.
Dollar Store rewards. I'm tutoring Julia and therefor my kids have to work while I'm helping her which we all know I LOVE, so I make sure to reward them for working hard over the summer.
Our hamster "Flower". She is the sweetest little thing, we love her.
This is where Everett goes when he's pooped in the pool. Thankfully I'm on it these days and make sure to check often. I don't think he understands the potty thing, it's not going well.
First root beer float! She has never had pop.
I think we're going to get stormed out
Everett keeping me posted on the weather.
Banana Bread - with chocolate chips of course.
Her favorite thing ot make and eat.
She brushed her own hair, it's a workout.
These are blue light glasses I got her to wear with technology and she wears them all day...
This summer is already going by too fast, I'm enjoying every SECOND!