Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

4 months

Our darling little princess pea, we cannot believe you are four months old already. Here are some little bits (Or not so little since mama's doing the talking.) about you at this point in your life.

First, you are as good as they come. Daddy and I take you everywhere and you are such a good girl. I never have to worry about going to the grocery store or to events, you enjoy going and doing with us and we love taking you. The only time you fuss other than being tired is when we aren't in the comfort of our home and you don't have your play areas. You don't like to be held nonstop and when you don't have a place to be independent you get bored of being held.

You have a crazy side. Mommy and daddy can both be koo-koo and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. You get hyper and dance, move, kick and shout...and 'turn this mother' out as daddy would say! You are always "talkin' this and that" daddy says too. You both make me laugh so much. You are a light sleeper like your mama and have trouble sleeping for long periods of time during the day (sometimes) and never want to miss the action. Your typical, yet ever changing sleep pattern is asleep by 7pm, up at 12ish, back to bed until morning, sometimes too early but you only play for a bit before you go back to sleep. You've yet to have a complete full night's sleep yet, but you're doing good. We still have you with us. It's easier to put your paci back in and reswaddle you when you bust out and start to wake too soon. We may transition you to your crib soon, basically mommy isn't ready to let you go. You can fall asleep without being swaddled sometimes and have fallen asleep in your crib for the first portion of the night, but then I like you back by my side.

You let others hold you and give everyone big smiles. Just recently you will cry for a hot second when I pass you over, I don't know if it's a fluke or if you notice you're not with "mamadada" as we call ourselves. Within moments you are over it and talking up a storm to whoever has you. You play on your own for long periods of time, if I can leave you alone. You let daddy get ready in the morning and mama do some chores while you play with your elephant or toys. You are such a morning girl, you are very cheerful and love to talk and play, full of big smiles. You like to have conversations with mamadada and we take turns talking. You love when I read you books. You look at the pages and listen to the words. I'm glad to see it's possible for you to sit and focus, I look so forward to reading with you as you grow. Now, I read to you while we rock and while you do belly time on your changing table. You are SO good at belly time now. You like to be entertained while on your belly but you stay there happy for quite some time. You drool a lot and usually spit up once when you first lay down. You squirm non-stop as always. You do hold still at times when I have your attention. When I repeat, "Mamamamama, daddadadadada," you look at my lips close and start moving yours, not quite in the right way but you're trying. You will sit still when we make eye contact and talk soft. You sit still when you watch something on TV that grabs your attention for a minute. You'll lay still when you first fall asleep for about 60 - 90 minutes then you're all over the place for the rest of the night.

You are so gentle. You love to hold on to hands, or fingers rather. When I feed you, you grasp one of my fingers so tight and the other hand strokes my other hand. You're so sweet and have such a soft touch. Your tight grip is one of security and love, when we squeeze you tighter you do the same back. You love your hands still, you're constantly grabbing at things and eating your fingers. When you fall asleep you like to hold onto our fingers or your blankets. I have to remember to put one of your small toy blankets near your hands or you pull on your bib so hard you sometimes pull it off and they are on good! You still LOVE to be swaddled, you know it's time to sleep when we swaddle you and it keeps your hands from rubbing your eyes awake. Daddy and I know we need to stop soon but you sleep so much better. The doctors don't really say too much about it, so we'll just keep doing what's working for you. I think when we move you to your crib we'll make a few big changes all at once, yikes! You really like when I put a soft blanket over my shoulder and you can snuggle in, you fall fast asleep. This past week you've been sick and you're still just as happy as can be. You have had a cough, fever, and a stuffy nose. We went and did, as usual and you are as happy as can be. You've had trouble sleeping since you can breathe, you love to lay on me and sleep when you don't feel good. I love to hold on to you and feel each breath, even if I don't sleep all night. Dada kisses your arms when you cry out and it puts you back to sleep, even with his scratchy face. You reach over and hit his face with your hand making sure he's close and stroke his hair with your fingers. You let me suction your nose and put saline drops in, you don't like it but you tolerate it. I clipped your nails for the first time and you held still and let me do that. I was so nervous to cut too low, but didn't!

You love your mama and show me in many ways. I try and kiss your cheeks and you move your lips right over to smack on top of mine. Your lips are always wide open, you love the kiss of France! Whenever we make eye contact you give me smiles. When I rock you to sleep we stare at each other and talk a bit. When I close my eyes and rest my head on the back of the chair you close your eyes and go to sleep. Once in a while you'll catch me peeking at you and you'll shoot me a grin, I can't help but smile back. If you're not quite asleep I can still lay you down, and you'll chat to yourself and rub your eyes until you fall asleep. (usually) I hope you know how much I love you back! Thank you for all your big, wet, open mouth kisses!

On Thursday the 13th you rolled over for the first time. I was playing with you on the floor to entertain you on your belly and your head rolled you over. Daddy and I both saw! You did it again for us, I need to get it on video. It's so easy to make you laugh! Each time I come home on Wednesday after work, Daddy has found a new way. He eats your belly, "Numnumnum..." and you crack up. He will turn his head or tilt it back and whip it forward/around and say, "Hi!" and you think it's the funniest thing ever. He uses "Sophie" the giraffe from the Crews and makes it squeal at you on the changing table when you are tired and you go from crying to laughing every time. I've been tickling you with the "Gitchu-gitchu-gitchu" noise and you enjoy that. I also do the airplane with you and you hold yourself so strong and stiff and love to fly overhead. You like standing best, your little "chicky legs" never seem to tire. You prefer that over sitting and laying. You hold yourself for a long time, longer than we let you, you just need help balancing, but barely. I can just let you hold my fingers and you stand on your own just fine. You are getting so big, long! I notice when I hold you, as excited as I am for what you do next I want to slow it all down and even rewind. I know I'm going to think of more I want to add but for now I'll stop. You are the best baby girl parents could ask for. We are so lucky. We love you with all we've got Sunshine, Sunshine Dust, Sunny, Sunny Day, Pumpkin, Princess, Punka butt, etc. That daddy has so many names for his little porcupine!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Week 16

Week 16 has been quite eventful. Clara had another great week with her babysitters. Tyler and Ivy love her so much. They entertain her and ask about her when she isn't around. Ivy prays for/about her at dinner. Tyler is always checking up on her, I'll post a video of him laying next to her in her swing, "helping" to swing her. He piled blankets high to nap next to her. Altazara has also started to adjust to Clara being around, not minding when mommy gives Clara her attention and has even started to help out. She loves Aunt Tiffy and Elisabeth so much, she is a lucky girl to have such great care!

 Altazara entertaining Clara for her belly time.

 Altazara reading to Clara
 Altazara talking to Clara on the phone.
  Wonder Mommy Tiffy taking the two toddlers, Clara and her third trimester belly to the grocery store! I don't know how she does it!

Clara & her buddy Altazara 

Love this one!

Valentine's Day at Aunt Tiffy's 
A text from Tiffany saying "Hi Mom!" -- so nice!

 She slept half the day away.
  More belly time! I have awesome babysitters!

This week was her 4 month check-up. She got shots again...and a fever too. I took gentle tape so I didn't have to deal with taking "super glue" band aids off and the nurse was so nice and just patted her little legs with the cotton balls as I held her after. She did the same as last time, silent cry as soon as she is poked and the moment I pick her up she is fine. Her legs swell and she had a bad fever for days. So long I called the doctor and he said it was too long so I took her in again. She now also has a runny nose with her cough. The fever isn't high enough to worry about but they wanted to see her since she is so young to listen to her and check her ears and such. The doctor said we'll have about a week of this left, eek! Poor Clara.
Her stats:
12 lb 12oz - 23%tile (Booya, mama's favorite numbers. On Valentine's day too, what a sweetie!)
25 in long - 78%tile
39.5 cm head - 22%tile
I need to order a height chart/decoration for her door to start tracking her height. It's been on my to do list since she was born.

We went to cousin Dylan's birthday/baptism this weekend. He is such a great role model for all the kids. He is so well behaved, smart and sweet. Clara has some loving cousins. Tyler who is around 2.5 years gives her the most attention. She was talking through the ceremony or quiet, she was good the whole time. She cried out once or twice when she was tired before she fell asleep like she does always. When she was talking Tyler said, "Look Mama, hers is happy!" He is so cute. It reminded me of Grandma Lang, "Hers is so happy," is how she would say that. Haha.

 Clara's first dress.

I love Tyler in this picture. He is mommy's shadow, even when she is in front of a crowd.

Andre is stuck doing the lawn alone now. Clara and I go out and hang with him for a bit but the sun is bright. I look forward to the days we can all be out playing, or at least she and I can be playing while he maintains. I miss my time with him. Andre is now working Saturday since he is home with her on Wednesday. One of the biggest adjustments to motherhood for me was dealing with not spending as much time with him as usual.

Andre had to scalp the grass to promote growth since Bermuda grass goes dormant in the winter. It will be green again soon! Clara loves being pushed in her easy/light/portable stroller. I hadn't tried it out until today, I thought she'd tip over. Nope! She loved it. 

 Daddy would let her touch the palm frond and she'd crack up. I adore what she finds funny!

Pictures from Daddy on his "day off" with her.


Andre is such a great daddy. He keeps her so happy and knows her so well. He even continues to let me sleep in the spare room a night or maybe two a week so I can get a full night's sleep. It's amazing. I love you Andre Feger!

Random pics from this week:

 I'm rolling over!

I love to eat my hands!

Taking a picture from afar to remind me just how tiny she is! She is enjoying her educational video in her bumbo chair.

Bam Bam hair do. I can put her hair in a pony tail, I just need to get small rubber bands.

Saturday am watching cartoons. Yes, we are up too early, the suns not up.

There's the sun!

Daddy and his girls! Notice Shalimar trying to snuggle in.

Sunday am, breakfast in bed for us all.

Little snuggle bunny, holds her blankies tight while she sleeps.

My little angel.