Tiffany amazes me always. She does 1,001 things constantly and is so good at it all. She can dye her own hair and have it look professional. She can brade it and do it as if she is a movie star. She can not shower and put a cute little twist or braid in it and it looks amazing. She is always fit, even pregnant...didn't know that was possible. She is always smiling, happy, and laughing, even flustered which is like never. She is creative and trendy. She is an amazing mommy and aunt. Thank you for all you do Tiffany, you inspire me.
Andre and I are so excited to have our very own Valentine. I'm sad to say she has to go to the doctor and get shots but she will get to spend Valentines day at home in the comforts of mommy and daddy's arms...aka mommy's arms since I don't give her up. We are so very lucky to have the perfect Valentine. This is our best V-day yet!

um trendy? nope. flustered - frequently. smiling - to hide my guilt i guess! you're too kind. YOU do it all! Your house is always so in place. Even when you mentioned your counter being in the middle of a project, it was perfect right-angle small organized piles. Your baby is so happy even when she has a fever or hasn't pooped in days and I think that's a reflection on how her parents are! You are SO in tune to her too and are so organized. I know you loose sleep over it, but that keeps you from feeling so guilty for forgetting something or leaving something undone.
ReplyDeleteand your Clara is the cutest little Valentine! I'm glad I took pics on a warm day when we had one b/c she slept the day away and the only pictures I took were of her sleeping! Well there was one of her HAPPY face, but just for a little text picture to her parents.