Tummy Time with Toys! She looks so little from afar.
Mama, take me off my belly please.
At Elisabeth's House
Poor Altazara has a black eye from a boy throwing a block at church. :(
Sleeping beauty.
Selfie with daddy on Wednesday
With Aunt Tiffy, Ivy, Tyler and Malia
She loves holding hands, puts her right to sleep.
Aunt Tiffy's - Clara fell asleep while Tiffy changed some poo undies. On top of watching Clara she is potty training two toddlers. Wonder Mommy/Aunt!
Belly time on Aunt Tiffy's pregnant belly. Hanging with her cousin already!
We believe she is teething. In week 17 she had a few nights with fever. Her gums are sensitive. Elisabeth says she can feel them coming, I'm still not quite sure what I'm feeling for in that tiny mouth. She is fussy when eating, but she kind of always is...she didn't want her pacifier for a few days, she had trouble sleeping. In week 18 she seems less bothered by it all, she is sleeping better, yes, I'm knocking on wood. She has been pretty good about eating right before bed around 7-8, going to bed a little later and sleeping until 3-4. She is still up by 5-6 to play but I'm hoping she continues to get later and later into the night and eventually sleeps through. All I have to do is swaddle her and lay her down and she naps/sleeps, she turns her head to the side and closes her eyes. If she is over tired she may cry out a few times but before long she is asleep. I have been reading up on breaking the swaddle and there are many babies that have been swaddled MUCH longer than her so I think we will transition to her crib first then break the swaddle. One thing at a time. Also, she busts out of her swaddle on her own so I think it may happen naturally. Finally at the end of week 18 she got rid of her cough. It took about 3 weeks.
The little chicky legs at the bar. Oh boy!
In week 17, Friday night, Andre and I played the wii and had wine. We should have gone to bed sooner but got too into it. We had friends over to visit on Saturday night.She was a good girl the entire time, she went to bed and slept through our nonsense. Thankfully the speaker I got Andre for our anniversary can hook up to the iPad and we can put the white noise on kind of loud which enables her to sleep through noise. Otherwise she wouldn't be able to get to bed. The problem is we stay up later on weekends and she gets up at the same times, so the weekends are not restful unless we do nothing and go to bed with her like we do during the week. We were both very tired come Monday and Andre hasn't been healthy since January. We are ready to get back into having a life with her on the weekends but until she sleeps through the night we need to go to bed with her so we don't get so run down.
Weekend 18 Linny and Zimmer were in town! Brandi, Nick, Bets and Jonny got them an amazing Christmas gift to FL and we all got to enjoy. Andre and I were very thankful to have them with us Saturday afternoon until Monday morning. Andre and I went to the Flea Market on Saturday before they got here. We had a nice dinner in Saturday night. Sunday we had a big breakfast "ta home" and then went to John's Pass to look around, have a drink...or two, an appetizer...or two. We went to "The Hut," there was a band, good food and drinks and Clara was the best little girl. She took about a two hour nap that morning which is unlike her and she was a champ the rest of the day on the go. We went to Lisa and Ed's for dinner. They had a delicious display and the ladies walked to watch the sunset. It was Clara's first trip to the beach, I didn't put her feet in the sand, I thought I'd wait for daddy to be with us. We ate like Kings and Queens with Lisa and Ed's cooking, came home, and crashed. I was so sad when it was time for work and for them to leave. I had an extra terrible case of the Sundays and Monday mornings. It really makes me wish we all lived closer. Thanks Linny and Zummy Bear for spending some of your vacation with us. We can't wait to see you again this summer!
Yay! Uncle Zim & Aunt Linny are here!
Grandparents in training!! Can't wait! They are going to be the best grandparents!!!!
Shal got out, you can spot her on the bottom right of the dead bougainvillea trellis.
I love my Aunt Pinny!
Thank you for coming to visit Aunt Linny & Uncle Zim. I'm so glad I got to go on my first beach trip with Aunt Linny! I can't wait to see you in June!
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