Nap time at home with Daddy and Shalimar on Wednesday.
Gotta love selfies!
Crazy Girl
I got this headband for Easter pictures. It's a little "loud" but I think she can pull it off!
So tiny on this big love seat.
Clara thought it was funny to spend the day pulling off her bib. I even gave her another one to play with but she wanted the one on her neck. Then she thought it was extra funny to spit up all over herself when I was driving and couldn't put it back on fast enough. Silly girl!
Getting so big.
Crescent Lake Park - to swing!
Stylin in Starbucks
Too cool for school.
Walkin & nappin
Clara loved to swing! She is so aware of her surroundings and loves to look around at everything going on around her. It was a perfect cool day with a breeze. She is such a fun baby!
Love this face!
A "Hi!" to mommy from Aunt Tiffy's house. Love Tyler in the back.
They were missing Ivy June this day so they fit. Tiffany had to stuff blankets around Clara but she was lovin it! She loves to sit up and look around.
It's Spring! Love our butterfly garden!
Watching daddy work...
Lookin good daddy!
Yikes. Not going to be done for Tiffany's shower. :(
Bunnies in the back yard. I'm on the hammock, this one got pretty close.
I wanted to show Clara but I knew he'd hop away!
I forgot where Tiffany said she took the kids, she met some friends out. They went to lunch after this place. Tyler in action.
Out to lunch. Tiffany said that everyone commented on what a good baby Clara is. We're so lucky! Good job Clara!
Kisses from Tyler. He is such a sweet boy!
Brandi and her perfect pregnant belly! Only a few more months! Wow!!! You look so great! We can't wait to meet her! Wait for Aunt Barbie please baby girl!
Beautiful Gabby and her boyfriend Manny.
Another beautiful perfectly pregnant mama to be for the 4th time. The shower ended up inside as the pool was not done. It worked out perfectly since it was quite warm and Tiffany had already spent the morning outside, she didn't mind being in the AC.
Lisa came over Friday and helped me move the furniture around the edges of the rooms. It worked perfectly. Andre and I also realized that we'd like to rearrange the furniture new ways. I also was able to Spring clean under many items I normally wouldn't!!
Corrie came over and brought amazing decorations and balloons. It was a wild print theme and was perfect with the decor of our home.
Guests arriving.
Here she is!!! Such a pretty dress!
Another perfect cake made by Stacy. Strawberry. My favorite one so far. Thanks for making it Stace! I know they always challenge you but we think they are well worth it!!
Yet another, beautiful mama about to pop. Three of my family members preggers all at once, due within a few weeks of one another. Such an exciting time!
THANK YOU for such a perfect baby shower! i saved photos from this post. you're such a good blogger. i'm way behind now. way.