Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Welcome Everett Lang Feger

Our "little big" man came into the world weighing a whopping 9 pounds and 11 oz and was 22 inches long. I was being scheduled an induction on Wednesday, the 27th but was on a wait list since the hospital has been very busy so I was "on call". Didn't matter, Everett decided to make his debut on his own Wednesday morning. I had sharp pains that morning. I was planning on being done with work a day early to "rest" with Clara until I had an induction appointment. I had sharp pains Wednesday morning, thankfully before Andre left for work. He took Clara to Doe since my Dr. wanted me to come in for a check. We went in and she confirmed I was in labor. She said to go home and rest until my contractions were closer together and consistent. She scraped my membranes so she thought the progress fairly quickly. I was told how fast Clara would come since I was 4 cm dilated and very effaced and she took her time, so I was not convinced that anything would happen fast.

We got home and got things together for Mimi to be in the house, she was going to pick up Clara after work for us and stay with her at the house. SOOO nice of her. I was highly distracted and dealt with the contractions but forgot to time them. We decided to leave for the hospital by 12. We weren't positive that they would keep me there but I knew since the induction wasn't scheduled that they were busy and my doctor was on call that day so I thought I should get in while she was there and hopefully she'd keep me since she wanted me induced anyway. We stopped to get a sub since I knew I wasn't going to be eating for a while. I only at half, I was getting very nervous. On the way to getting the sub my contractions felt SO strong, sitting in the car focusing on them, timing them was different than puttering around the house. They were every 4.5 minutes and I couldn't talk very well through them anymore. I called Lisa, she decided to leave work even though I wasn't convinced anything would happen fast. We got to the hospital and checked into triage, we were there by 12:30 and I was in triage for about 4 hours I believe. Lisa and Andre traded keeping me busy. Only one person was allowed in. They were very close and very strong contractions. The nurse said as soon as I was 4 cm it would move fast. I still didn't believe her. They ordered an ultrasound to see how much fluid he had in with him, it was low but not concerning. The Russian tech was laughing very hard at how much he moved in such a tight space. He was clearly a big boy. She didn't do measurements to get his size, I was glad, I didn't want to know..I knew he was big, so did anyone that looked at my belly.

Between Contractions

It was around 4:30 I think we got into the delivery room. I was 4 cm and nothing was moving fast. I requested an epidural but also wanted Dr. Martar to do it, he did my third one last time that "worked" the best and he let Andre stay with me and did it in a third of the time. He was in a conference so they asked if I wanted to wait, contractions were not fun, but I was so nervous about anyone else doing it, I waited. It took him about an hour and a half, I think it was around 6-7 I got it, he let Andre stay again, he did it SO fast and was so calming and distracting. He was flattered I remembered him, he soon remembered me with  my bum leg and it WORKED! It didn't work on the left side again, however laying on my left side allowed gravity to make sure it eventually did. I constantly had to lay on my left to ensure it continued working on that side. My blood pressure dropped shortly after I got it, which I guess is common. I got very light headed and nauseous and my blood pressure was something ridiculous like 60/40. They gave me a medication that brought it back up. It's nerve racking when the nurse calls backup. Everyone was SO nice and helpful, that was not our experience last time. After the epidural I was able to relax, modern medicine is amazing. I think I was happy it worked more for the discomfort of the bed over the contractions, those beds SUCK. My back is what is killing me most now, almost a week post delivery and I swear it was the bed that made my body and back feel horrible right now. Anyway, I tried to get rest, it wasn't possible, I was so excited to meet my little man and very nervous about delivery since my last experience wasn't the best. Andre slept a few hours here and there, Lisa maybe dozed a time or two. I slept none. I was making no progress, I was stuck at 5 cm all night. They didn't even bother checking me. I was hoping to deliver on Grandpa Lang's birthday, the 27th but this little man had other plans. After I knew that wasn't happening my next worry was that he wouldn't come before 7am when my doctor was off duty. I really wanted Dr. Icely to deliver him, she is sweet and comforting. Needless to say, 7am came and went. I called my friend Nikki who works at the practice and she said I can trust the other mid-wife and doctor on call. They planned on the mid-wife delivering me, I could have requested the doctor but I took Nikki's word that either would be fine. They're all professionals.

You can tell the contractions are giving me a workout!

More medicine please! 

Contractions steady, far apart, nothing changing. They were OFF the charts while I was in triage and WAY closer...what the heck?!

Andre with the baby blanket Tiffany covered him in.

Trying to rest.

The new nurse came on at 7 and was very upset that I'd been up all night. Uh, sorry lady, not really what I wanted either. She wanted to give me sleeping medicine for a few hours. I was very nervous as I didn't want to be out of it for the delivery, I am more nervous about not being able to do my job, however, I was beat and I wasn't sure I could do it as it was. I told her if I didn't fall asleep by 8:15 I'd call her in to give me something. Andre and Lisa went to get breakfast. I didn't sleep so I called her in and she gave me 1/4 of the dose. I could feel the effect right away. I slept on and off until 10:30. They'd been giving me small amounts of pitocin to speed things along since around 2am, it didn't really have an effect. The mid-wife came in around 10:30 and broke my water. I knew that would get things rolling and get very nervous. They said that the medication would only last an hour, it didn't, I was very groggy and dozed on and off until about 11:30. I was out of it, so out of it. Probably a good thing. I could feel lots of pressure around 11:30 but the nurse said to hold off as long as possible until I was SURE. At 12, I was sure it was close. I could feel his head and was sure it was him. I gave it a few more contractions and at 12:12 I'd guess, I started to push and it took maybe 3-4, none of us remember it was so fast, and there he was. Thankfully the epidural worked the entire time. It was amazing not feeling anything this time. I could feel him coming of course, but none of it was painful. Not at all what happened with Clara. They asked me to look and reach for him and I reached down, saw his precious face and helped him onto my belly. The doctor...

more soon

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Maternity pics for baby boy Feger

 I'll cherish these forever.

Baby Boy Feger Shower

Thank you Tiffy for the amazing memories I'll always be able to look back on!

Thank you to my amazing hosts, it was too much, and perfect. Tiffany, Lisa, and her mom Mimi.

Delicious Carabas

I could have eaten 8ths

Doe, Kate and Kingston. I work with Kate, Doe is her mom that watches Kingston, Clara, Tyler and Julia. She's amazing!! 

Hugging the King! Lisa's son Quinn was prom King the night before the shower. Yes, she has all this going on and still manages to host an amazing shower for me when she has so much going on in her own life.

A grandma's touch.

Tiffany and her mom got some of my favorite things off the registry, this being one! It's washed and in the suitcase ready for her hospital appearance. We got it big, but we want it to fit for a while.

Tiffany also picked out some "Tiger" onesies just in case we decide to name him Tiger. ;) Still hoping.

Bonnie and Lisa

Kate, Kingston, Doe and Katie

Malia kindly handed me presents. Bonnie got him the most adorable bath/shark themed things. All so adorable. My favorite were the organic washcloths, they are SO soft they're amazing.

Happy baby...he's so easy. 

Kate and Doe decorated a basket with safari theme and then put TONS of the cutest clothes on a line with little mini clips all was TOO much, such a neat idea. We love all the outfits. You can kind of see how long the line is, it's crazy!

So tiny. I don't remember Clara being that small, maybe she wasn't, hopefully he is, for oh so many reasons!

Group shot.


Everything was so perfect.

Ed dressed up as King

Kate brought Megan, a month and a half.

Beautiful Lisa

There were so many delicious appetizers before the amazing meal. Everything was delicious.

Deviled eggs made by Nancy who had to back out at the last minute, family issues. :( Poor Nancy! Thank you for sending the eggs, everyone LOVED them.

The line of drinks, yummy!

It was amazing. Thank you, thank you, thank you.