Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Saturday, January 23, 2016

"Sick" of 16 already

Clara got sick on the 23rd of January. As usual, she woke up from her nap with a nasty croup cough, out of nowhere. I took her into the doctor on Sunday morning, although she had a fever of 103 and a nasty croup cough there was nothing they could do since it is viral. They usually give her a steroid. She was worse on Monday, probably the sickest she has ever been. I took her back to the doctor and they said go home and rest. I was hoping to get something to help her get better sooner not only to help her, but in hopes I could avoid getting Everett sick too. 

By Tuesday night, he woke up and could not breathe well. I took him to the emergency room and since he was oxygenating well they didn't do anything, just sent us home. I was hoping for a steroid and albuterol like they gave us last time that helped him immensely. Same story, it's viral, let it run its course. I explained I knew it was going to get worse and they said they could not treat him until the symptoms were worse. 

By Thursday morning he could not breathe. Back to the emergency room. They gave him epinephrine and a steroid. They said they would not send anything home with us since what they did should take care of it. Again, I explained how I know albuterol helped him breathe and a continued steroid for a day or two helped him a lot they did not see the need. Because of the hours of our ER trips, I could not get into see our regular pediatrician who would have given us what we needed. Within 24 hours, we were back at the emergency room. He could breathe, but his respiratory rate is extremely high, double what it should be. It was like he was running a marathon laying completely still. This doctor gave him albuterol and a prescription to take home. The doctor thought for sure we would be admitted, however the albuterol worked so well and so fast we were able to go home again. If only the initial doctor gave us what we needed we probably would have only been to the emergency room one time. Within two hours of being home his respiratory rate was back up, I gave him the next dose of albuterol early and it did not help. He was having horrible cough attacks and was struggling to breathe. I had the scariest drive to the emergency room yet, blowing red lights and going about 100 miles an hour. Every time I stopped hearing him cough, I freaked out. They admitted us to the hospital.

Since he was oxygenating well and he was eating enough (then), there was nothing they could do to help us still. They finally did a swab and confirmed it was RSV, The respiratory virus I had been telling Andre since he was born I wanted to avoid. I asked them to do an x-ray during one of our emergency room visits and it showed no trouble with his lungs, I'm continuing to hope it stays that way. The other major illness I've been dreading other than this is pneumonia again. So we spent a day and a half in the hospital being bothered by everyone, no sleep for Everett or mommy for a week at this point since Clara had us up a week ago. Andre could not come in and help because he was now sick too! I was able to go to work on Wednesday last week. I'm pretty sure I need to go for at least a half day on Monday or Tuesday or I will be forced to take a leave of absence. It is very stressful being out, I really need to clone myself. 

Everett has been fever free since Tuesday. His cough has changed from being a productive hack with lots of phlegm to an annoying tickle that causes him to cough on and on. Our biggest problem has not been the symptoms of RSV, it is the struggle to get him to eat. Reminds me of our early days trying to teach him to drink. He has been dehydrated since he got sick and we have had a few days where he is extremely dehydrated. I really do not want to have to have him get an IV to kick this. Since 4 o'clock this morning I have been feeding him 5 mL of Pedialyte with a syringe. He is extremely frustrated with me. We finally got four went diapers so far today though. He arches and screams as soon as he sees his bottle, even when he can tell I am preparing to feed him he gets upset. No he syringe just as much. I am really worried that I am creating an oral aversion. We dealt with that in the hospital and having an oral aversion as an infant can sneak up and present other issues later in life. My heart is continuing to break for my little man. We had a glimpse of normalcy for a few weeks and now we are back to the relentless lifestyle we know and dread.

I am currently waiting on a couple phone calls back from his pediatrician and the pediatrician he saw in the hospital to get some advice. I'm not sure if I should push forward with syringe feeding even though it is torturous in hopes that he will hydrate well enough to heal completely and be truly hungry to eat himself. Or, if we should take him in and get an IV to help the process. 

I do know one thing, he smiles through all of the pain which keeps me smiling too. He is such a tough little man, I feel so helpless.

ER trip 4

Intermission from the emergency room at home for dinner.

ER trip 3

I can't breeze money, but I sure can smile! Sometimes I think his good nature confuses the doctor about how he really feels.

ER trip 2

This shit again?!?! 

after our first trip to the ER before he got extremly sick!

ER trip 1 

Don't let his smile fool you, it was not all fun and games. Every time we are there they poke, prod, and suction him. His plea for help while screaming crying and gazing at my eyes as I hold him down break my heart! I clearly don't want pictures reminding me of those times though!

My poor Clara beara sick as a dog. She never lays down, never! Especially out in public.

She asked me to turn out the lights and sing her a song, so I did. She dozed and drooled for about 10 minutes before the doctor came in. She is the best patient, loves check ups. Through all of our doctor visits with Everett she always asks for her own check up and is such a good patient!

Before Everett was sick.

My poor pumpkin

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