We were so busy with fun while we were home we never took any official 4th of July pics. I also found some cute hand me down shorts that had flags on them for Everett. So we went out for a quick shoot. It was as fun as I imagined. Impossible to get them both looking and smiling. They are cute though.

"Pose Clara" - this is what I get, hehe
I look on pinterest on a regular in attempt to find new creative things to do with Clara. This was suggested, I think it was something she would have loved about six months to a year ago more. A lot of pouring, sorting, sifting. I try to get her going on activities at home while Everett has therapy, not only to keep her occupied so I can help Everett but I just want her to feel like things are done special for her too. Everyone is always giving Everett the attention, I don't want her to get lost in the shuffle of therapy and his needs. This lasted about ten minutes before I got the, "Mommy, come play with me." Over and over. So, I run back and forth between the two, trying to make them both feel complete.
Clara's vocabulary continues to grow. She likes to play less by herself and more with ANYONE that will play. She is ready for more socialization. Issue is, we'll have to pay for a babysitter at home and pay for a school, which will be MUCH more than I'm bringing home working part time, I may as well be home. We've been highly encouraged to keep her out of school as long as we can in order to keep less germs and sickness in the home, we all know how much kids in daycare/school get sick. They both got RSV last year without being in school. The doctor said a minimum age for Everett would be two, so hopefully next year I can get her out of the house going to school. I don't want her going to school, I want her staying home, forever, safe, don't get me wrong...I'm not ready for school, but she is.
She is so funny. Constant entertainment. She is still easily frustrated, typically better about asking for help but wants to be able to do it all on her own on the first try. She is sweet to her brother but at times needs her space. Her favorite sayings are, "You're right!" when we're in discussion and she agrees. "Not yet!" when we need to slow down and wait for her. She is speaking in complete sentences with great grammar. She'll correct herself from "swimmed" to "swam" and says few words incorrectly. We told her we'll only be jumping on furniture on special occasions tonight and she said, "I'm an occasion!" She doesn't take no for an answer, she argues or politely tells me "her plan" and says, "Mommy, isn't that a better plan!" The girl has her own mind and pushes the limits lately. She's often found in time out for not listening or for being rude. She tells me she doesn't like me often, when I tell her she can't do something she wants to do. I didn't think that comment would come so soon, and so often. Still, she is a very polite, sweet, thoughtful little girl that makes my life perfect.
She's been working hard at dressing herself, she's is a professional at getting us to do anything and everything for her. I feel like we're always in a rush out the door, or down for breakfast and it's easier for us to dress her. We're making a large effort to give her time to complete this herself. We're working on getting to twenty accurately. She can read about 15 note cards by sight, has many books memorized. She inferences well while we read and really loves reading books. She is potty trained and does fine all day, she does love to sit on the potty for a long time, when permitted. She's still soaked after nap and nighttime in a diaper. Her last gymnastics class is tomorrow, if we go, she's not feeling well at all. She starts soccer in Sept. She is missing her friend AJae for sure. We both miss our bffs. She loves swimming and does almost daily. Daddy has her swimming great! She loves getting together with her cousins. When we talk about meeting up with them she'll follow with, "And then we'll go to NY to Uncle Nick and Aunt Branny's house to visit Fi and Elsa." We wish my love, we wish it was that easy.
She still eats well, when she's slowing down we'll shovel more in and she'll continue. I make her smoothie's with prunes, spinach, banana, mango, yogurt, and avocado and she'll drink those when all else fails. She still is struggling falling asleep at night but NEEDS her nap, her doctor said it may just take her longer to unwind, which makes sense when you hear how her brain is on the go, all. day. long. She is a 4t in PJ and 3t everything else. She still fits into some of her 18 month shorts and capris which is nice, they're hard for her to pull down and go potty so I may have to do a bit of shopping soon! She is a size 8 shoe. Still loves to accessorize. She has been into dressing up lately. I want to freeze time, so bad!
We love you Clara bear!
Cutie pants
He is getting so silly. He's laughing all the time, more alert and catches on to me "joking" with him with facial expressions and he plays along. I love him so so so so much!
This is the face we trade that makes us both crack up laughing, his duck face, he's so darn cute.
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