He is cruising all over when he wants to get after something. He is getting stronger in his legs and bearing more weight but still locks his knees and that's where he feels safe. That is clearly really bad for his knees and tendons, and his new braces were supposed to prevent him from doing that but they were made too low. So, we're waiting on new braces and trying get him to not lean on surfaces and lock his knees. When the braces do work, when he is standing upright and not leaning he turns those little feet in for stability. So, he has a lot to work through. He is starting to hold my hands and stand up for short periods which is what we want as long as he's not arching. He pulls up on everything and is getting more adventurous climbing under, in and around things. He loves to climb the stairs, he prefers up, we're working on down. He is crawling all over, thankfully crawls "in quad" which means up off his belly, in a normal crawl. He still likes to army crawl. He is very strong, just needs to get all of his body parts working together at the same time.
Speech -
He is definitely making more noises. He is repeating a lot. He can say "dada" but doesn't call for dada, he signs in. He has many signs: more, all done, please, bath, elephant, dada, mama, eat, milk, book, shoes, open (there are more, many of these look a lot alike, but I can tell them apart.)
He understands a TON more than he can show. He knows what I'm saying at all times, he follows all of my directions or whines when I ask him to do something he doesn't want to do, but he's a good boy and does, eventually. I can't wait to hear him really start talking. I'm told once he's walking his speech will really explode. He cannot focus on everything all at once and the physical side comes first. So, once he's not thinking so much about movement, apparently he'll make some great growth vocally. We're getting his tubes checked by ENT this week and the following week is his hearing test. We'll all cross our fingers that he passes!!!
Occupational therapy - (and speech- they cross when it comes to feeding)
We're working really hard on self feeding. He is still not wanting to use pincer grasp to pinch his food between his finger and thumb, he likes to grab it with his entire hand and scrape it in his mouth. We're working on many cognitive activities now that he's up and crawling on his own bunches, which is really important for handwriting and fine motor skills. We're starting to work on him getting the play coins into the piggy bank, sliding, twisting, turning, and pushing buttons properly on toys. We're working on pointing, blowing bubbles (strengthens his mouth), sipping from a straw cup (hoping to get away from the bottle), becoming more independent with feeding. He identifies the correct card when we're working on flash cards. We have a huge bin of toys/objects and he knows them all and gives them, puts them in bins, or gives them to sissy, whatever I ask of him...even he if wants to keep them to play. He is such a good boy. He is capable of so much and is so smart. I'm missing a thousand things, I'm going to include a list of what we're working on, this changes every month or so, I should have been attaching this all along for myself to look back and reference.
He growls like a bear/tiger/lion and makes a high squeak like a bird. He smiles all day and giggles on command. He is the happiest little man, minus the teeth and recent thrush. He looks like a porker in his two layered shirts but he's lean and strong. He has the fattest hands and fingers that I can NEVER get enough of, I don't ever want them big they are so chunky and cute. He loves to kiss and hug and he is starting to do closed mouth kisses, although I'm proud I miss his sloppy wet tongue. He is so funny and sweet and loves his sissy, dada, and then that order. ;) He entertains himself very well but loves to play with someone too. He has stranger danger but settles okay with someone as long as we're not standing too close. He used to take people in for a long time before interacting and now it takes less time and he's smiling and laughing and capturing their heart. He can find his head, belly, mouth, ears, and lifts his butt for me when I ask when I'm changing him. He is working at his own pace, slow and steady wins the race, right? I'm so proud, every single time he does something for the first time it's so exciting, he works so hard for every single thing he does. He makes me so happy. Waking up to him daily is a dream. I can't even begin to imagine how he'll capture my heart when he is talking and walking.
He is older than Clara was when he was born, which is crazy. It's crazy because I can't believe that much time has gone by and also because I think about what she was doing at his age now. I remember my heart was broken when he was taken from my room and she came through the door looking for her baby brother. Instead she counted raisins in English and Spanish for 30 minutes and then Grandpa threw her Nunu on her head as she ran back and forth in the hospital room for another 30 times. The crazy was just beginning and I didn't even know it. Thank GOD! Ignorance is truly bliss. There is no point in comparing any child, but it's completely pointless comparing ours. We're so fortunate to have complete opposite children for so many reasons, they complete our life and give us exactly what parents deserve. His pace seems perfectly normal for him. Sometimes I get in panic mode when he hits a plateau. I need to be more patient at times, and worry less, haha, high hopes for myself. His therapists are always proud and compliment us on how much he learns and how fast he learns it. We work so hard, I want to do whatever I possibly can to make his life easier and give him every tool to help him succeed. People ask, "How is he doing, where does he fall in the range if severity." It's just like every typical child, the range is so crazy huge it is hard to say. The average age for walking is two. I have no clue if he will be walking by May, but I am anxious because he wants to chase his sissy and do what she does so bad, I'm so excited for him to play at the park, on his feet! She is going to have a rude awakening! I'm told he has a great attention span and everyone loves to work with him. His personality is so bubbly and positive, what's not to love about the bubs?!?!
I'm supposed to get to all of these daily, there's way more than this, but these are the basics. It's impossible, I've let go of a lot, I do keep the list because it does help me keep my focus. When I get overwhelmed with what to do, I pick one and get started and before I know it, we're 10 deep.
TOOLS on floor – spinny thing, z-vibe, nook, and chewy tube
Gemiini during meals
Animal flash cards in mirror – also picking between the two
Using “Ready, set, GO” having him vocalize the “G” in go –
he is trying but it’s not a “g” sound yet – you can use race car track
Massage top lip down, bottom lip up and circular motion with
Tongue clicking, “indian pat”, smacking lips
Review his objects –first have him choose the correct item,
then have him give to you or put in a basket/bin next to him while working on
crossing mid-line
Finding body parts on the puppy and pressing the buttons to
get him to talk
Saying “pop” while popping bubbles
Hiding a toy under a blanket or in the bag in his box of
goodies, have him get/find
Have him help clean up when playing is done
Have him use his toys with a purpose – rock the baby in his
arms, “drink” from the cup, stir the spoon in the bowl or self feed, pretend
the dolls are talking to one another, pretend cell phone call, etc.
Shape sorter
Using instruments – making music
Pointing at objects or people
Practice throwing and bouncing a ball
Itsy bitsy spider (Barbara) – Patty cake – use Clara or
Barbara for help
Pull to sits and pulling himself up on his side using arms –
going back down supporting self
Bouncing – support him under his armpits, ask him to jump,
try to get him to support himself as much as possible
Use bench for sit to stands – have him try and reach down to
get a ball to put in the frog’s mouth – this game will have him bend down, and
stand up with a purpose (I can’t get him to want to do this, let me know if you
find something that works.
See if he will reach down for a toy while he is standing,
without sitting all the way down
Brain gym – Barbara
Stretch body
Vibration on his body/body massage
Crossing midline – supporting himself with hand
Scoot on car/bike…have him push back himself for fun, teach
him how to walk forward, alternating legs
Staying in kneeling position (or going up and down) – use
mirror/window and suction toys
Yoga ball exercises
Crawling up and down stairs
Getting on and off his bike/car – he is trying now
Standing with new braces on a pillow
OT –
Peg board
Stacking blocks
Coins in piggy bank
Puzzle – pincer grasp (dad will do chunky puzzles)
Rings on and off tower – maybe trying to get them from the
floor if sitting on bench or from standing
Feed little ball the insects, pincer grasp help
Slide, turn, push, flip – toy – then close the tops down
Building with blocks, big legos
**GI – massage stomach using techniques from paper to help
him poop.
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