Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Sunday, March 12, 2017

The day to day...

This daddy playing with his girl. They have so much fun together. 

While folding a load of laundry, this little boy found the toys I set aside that he was sick of, clearly not! This mess was made in a hurry! 

So proud of himself too! 

Moana, her new favorite movie. Correction, OUR new favorite movie. Thankfully it is good! 

Quick trim.

She wanted to draw Everett a picture, he was in bed. She thought carefully about how long everyone's legs should be and she made Bubs crawling, in the grass since he loves to do that when we're outside. It was so cute, I want to frame it for Bubby. 

Unplanned twinning...

To the park for some fun! I know I'll be singing another tune later when I cannot keep up with him...but I can't wait for him to walk. Places like the park and EVERYWHERE will be so much more fun for him. I put him down since he cannot stand to be held and the swing is only fun for so long. I need to play with sissy too so the swing has to be cut off and he wants to be down so I let him. Then his knees get all scraped up because I forget his pants at home (bad mom). He wants to climb up high and follow his sissy and frustrates and screams out an angry scream. My content little man is no longer content. Which I know is good since he is driven to do more and isn't content just sitting. BUT going places sucks and isn't fun for any of us at all. Soon Bub, soon you'll be chasing that sissy all over. 

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