Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Friday, August 4, 2017

Tonsil Removal Pics - out of the gate

It's amazing to me how this time, only a short time ago, is already such a blur. Brains are so mysterious how they allow one to forget such pain and misery. I hope the same goes for Everett.

Right after you couldn't breathe coming out of anesthesia. 

Me, being optimistic, maybe an hour after surgery. 

You were trying to play peek-a-boo with Elmo but kept dozing. 

I thought we were going to get through it okay at this point. 

Second IV already, the tear under your eye breaks my heart, it takes so much to make you cry tears.

You had a very sad hour, lots of crying, the nurse helped me take you to the play room which I believe screwed up IV number two when you were playing. :((((

Sissy checking out your new digs.

3am, couldn't get you to settle, I begged the nurses for more medicine. I called daddy so scared, you're never this sad, I had to hang up because you were crying so hard I couldn't hear him. At about 5am, after you didn't stop screaming for two hours and tears were now pouring down my face too, she finally called the dr to increase your pain meds. Brought out all the stops to try and cheer you up.

Lots of distraction and more meds finally helped. 

My tired, sad, sweet Everett Lang Feger. The love I have for this sweet being is unbelievable. You're so brave, and strong, and inspiring. 

You always seem to fall asleep as the sun comes up...I wish I was a better sleeper myself! 

Perked up

Busting out. You were eating ice cream, jello, and enough soft foods to feel like we stood a chance. Plus, I wanted to get out of Tampa, so thank you little E for being so strong, even if it didn't last. This was Friday afternoon, June 16.

4am, father's day, back in the ER in St. Pete. Daddy and I tried so hard, there was too much oral medicine and you continued to shut down. We tried to give it mixed with some formula in the syringe but that didn't work either. We were holding you down trying to get you hydrated with meds, it was the worst. 4am, mama called it quits.

You always manage to smile, always. Even if it's just half of your mouth. 

6am we were admitted. Sissy and daddy came after a Father's Day breakfast they enjoyed together. 

Aunt Lisa and Kate helped keep Clara while we were in the hospital that week for a day. Doe and Kate came to the rescue and Aunt Tiffy and Aunt Krissin as always. Thank you so much to all our family and "family" that gets us through the tough times. I hate hospital stays so very much, one of the absolute worst parts is being away from my little girl. 

We wish we were enjoying that beautiful day with you ladies!

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