Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Watching every move she makes.

We cleaned out all our baby stuff. The door is closed but there's something jamming the lock. Needless to say, the likely hood of us trying for another child (at this point) is slim to none. We can't keep up with life now. I always wanted one more, at least, one more was realistic in my mind. This was before Everett. We still talk about it but the odds are decreasing greatly. I think the older he gets the more I'll want just one more, I can't imagine all these baby phases being the last. However, I'm not getting any younger and I'm certainly not sleeping enough now. So as usual, long story longer, we are getting rid of everything and if we have a change of heart we all know that by the third kid we're all fine if they're fed and watered so we won't need the gazillion contraptions for survival especially because we know how short the use is of them all. Even though it may be a closed door, it always feels good to purge! 

Clara found a Santa suite she wore for the day, we all know it didn't matter a bit that it was too many sizes too small. 

She is also sporting her 2 year birthday crown. 

She is a great helper, for real, not being sarcastic at all. She is a great sidekick to have any time of day, sometimes her efforts are silly, but she has the right idea! 

I am taking an entire bag of stuffed animals to my students. Emptying her sling of animals was fun for all! not

Santa has now grown wings. 

Hittin the beach, it's soaked. I think I've been to treasure island one time, now I know why. We won't be back and it's not just because it was flooded, the sand stinks and the crowd is equal to those that frequented the Saint James (a small bar in Cuba that burned down). I like St. James peeps, don't get me wrong, but I want to see them at a hole in the wall bar, not have them blowing smoke down wind into our beach spot while we're trying to play in the sand. 

We out! I forgot to bring a towel out of the car and it was chilly so he was adorned in both mama's and dada's shirts. 

Daddy occupying kids while I weed things out, it has to get worse before it gets better, right? The upstairs was a MESS. Clara gets into everything which is fun for her but extends the productivity time a bit. 

This boy could read books all day. And yes, I mean read. He signs or "says" everything he sees. He is so smart! 

Just a pretty girl and her bunny, getting ready for school. 

It's Sept. 1 and I used to dread summer ending and fall coming even though I love the holidays, turning into fall has never been a favorite time of mine. With kids now, transitioning into every season is so joyful! 

Watching sissy get busy in the morning. The polka dot pillow you see behind her head Jane Bradley made for her along with her quilt which is her favorite blanket. She loves having her pillow at school, thanks Jane. 

She decided to draw an apple tree, it was beautiful, then she colored all over it and you couldn't quite tell what it was but the outline was perfect and she told me that apples look like hearts because of their stem. These are things she notices on her own and I love how she pays attention to detail and shares her bright mind with me. 

She LOVES pushing her bubby into school. 

I love seeing this! They're getting closer and closer and the older E gets the more they do together. 

Everett recently transitioned to sippy cups, he doesn't drink nearly enough yet but he is capable. When he's really thirsty he can pound the entire cup just as fast as a bottle so I know he can. I'm breaking the rules for Irma to make sure he's hydrated but he'll get annoyed after the storm passes and he realizes his bottles are gone again. He is chewing through all of his tops so he's putting me in a real pickle. He is going to have to drink out of an open cup before he knows it if he continues to do that! 

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