Clara had quite the birthday week! It was awesome. She is such a great little girl who deserves to be celebrated. We started with dinner with Juliane, Andre's sister and family so she got to play with her cousins and aunt. Wednesday we went to Disney, she has been super excited about going. We officially told her about it a week in advance when we were sure. It was amazing. Then Thursday on her actual birthday she had cousins, Aunt Krissin and Uncle Jeff over for pizza, pool and cake. The kids played and swam since it's been quite a warm fall, and then played in the driveway on all their "equipment". Over the weekend we went to grandpa's house to celebrate with him since he and Alice are back down in FL now. Grandma and Grandpa spoiled her too!
She picked out her pretty pink cake with a purple flower all on her own quickly at publix. It was on display and she knew right away that was the one she wanted. She has pretty much been protesting four, she really likes being three, it's so funny. I think it's because Andre and I remind her "when she's four" she has to do bla, bla, bla and step up the responsibility. Whoops. She won't say that's why, the other day she had her well checkup and then I thought that was why since she didn't want shots. Even though all that is over, she still says she is three.
I dropped her off at school late, I thought she would sleep in since Disney the day before was so long, but she was up and attem, ready for her bday! We still took the morning slow. She opened presents and daddy went it a little late and we enjoyed our morning at home with her. She went into work with me and we got a quick pic with her teacher Ms. Wright.
This outfit and book are from Aunt Lisa, she loves it all of course, there was a bag full. Yummy treats and snacks, kitty outfit, ballerina doll. Thanks Aunt Leeie!
She got a cool marble maze and play doh ice cream maker she loves from mama, dada and Bubba.
This little girl is very loved, as she should be. She is a whipper snapper. She has lots of energy and never sits, but will when she has to in school and such. She loves to play and she loves mama and dada playing with her. She is sweet to her bubby and always looks out for him. When he is sad to have his teeth brushed, she sings him his ABC's and he ALWAYS stops crying for her, no one else. The other day we were upstairs and I started to put clothes away in their rooms and didn't plan on it, I heard him crawling to the gate upstairs and I was headed out his bedroom to go close the gate but she ran past me. Without me saying a word, she stops playing and notices her brother in danger. She thinks about others and always shares. Sometimes she doesn't want her brother to touch certain things but she is nice about it and always gets toys to make him happy so he doesn't want her things. She is very behaved in school and her teachers and classmates love her. She is making friends and although she isn't ever really thrilled about going, she is good about the routine of it. She would prefer to be with mommy and daddy. As I'd prefer to be with her. She is dramatic and sometimes needs to listen to directions better, she always seems to have her own plan and she is a top rate negotiator. She is responsible and helpful and thinks of things before me at times as we're prepping to go places. She is quiet in public. At school she'll (usually) respond to all my coworkers hellos and goodbyes but she tends to be timid and would prefer not to speak, we're working on that. Sometimes randomly she is a great conversationalist. Which brings me to, she is moody and sometimes whines a lot, we go through phases, some much easier than others. What never alters is our love for her. We are so proud of the little girl and big sister she is becoming. Happy 4th birthday chicken. We love you!
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