This was my Facebook post. I will post more later about personal specifics that happen throughout her day. We had a great day celebrating every one with down syndrome, especially our little nugget.
We celebrated World Down syndrome Day today in many ways. We (students, family, and friends) wore crazy socks. We spent quality time doing what Everett loves most as a family tonight. I educated my class who educated their families. I got warm messages and reminders that the people that surround us value my son. Thank you!
A day in the life of an almost three year old cutie pie boy with Down syndrome = a 6:45 wake up call for his first therapy session at 7:30 for Speech-feeding. He is working hard trying to transition to a sippy cup similar to a regular cup. He is also learning to feed himself and is not a fan but flirts and makes us laugh instead of complains. We then have one minute to get to PT where his gross motor skills are pushed and tested for 60 minutes, mind you he has an ear infection but plugs along like a champ. We get home for a quick meal before his third session begins with an interventionist from the state who comes to “play” with her favorite client and she works on PT, OT and Speech-language. Finally, by 12 he gets his much needed nap.
He has 10 therapy sessions a week. Some days we go downtown twice. He has 7 sessions downtown and three at home all one hour in length, oh, and Speech school on Monday for an hour and a half. He shows up for every session and brings his A game.
I share this because not everyone knows they are seeing a warier when they see someone with Down syndrome. They work their hardest all day, each day, since the day they are born to do all the things many of us take for granted.
Everett reminds me every day it’s the little things that matter. This being the best gift I believe I’ve ever been given. He brightens everyone’s day and makes me beam with his silly toddler behavior and I’m supper proud of his hard work and dedication. He has opened doors to new opportunities and friendships I wouldn’t have known without him. I’m so thankful of the community we have that supports our goals.
People with Down syndrome bring a light to the world that is much needed. They have so much to teach the rest of us if we take the time to notice. We are so much more alike than different. I hope today, and every other day, we let one another shine for who we are and lift one another up. I can promise you Everett will!
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