Everett started Therasuit Tuesday. This is the therasuit outfit, the bungees make him use muscles he doesn't typically use that we want him using instead of locking his knees and stretching his tendons. He also uses his hamstrings A LOT instead of other muscles. He saw 6 therapists throughout the week, they are all amazed and in love. They cannot believe how hard he works. He worked himself so hard the first two days he couldn't walk out of there and day three was a flop. I could tell he was in pain throughout the day so we gave him some Tylenol. He did 2x the exercises they had planned and did in day/week one what they anticipated or hoped for week 3. Everyone wants to steal him, meaning when we go back to typical PT and OT, they want to see him regularly. They are calling him the "poster child" for therasuit because he knows what hard work is, mind you older kids, up to 18 go through this program. I also learned it's something we can do up to 2x a year, not that we would but it's something I'd consider doing again for sure based on how it's going so far. It's super obvious he is building some serious muscle. We are feeding him lots of great antioxidant filled foods, hydrating and sneaking bone broth into his foods. Lots of protien to build those muscles back up. It really makes me wish I was the one in the gym for three hours a day kicking my rear into shape!! Clara's been doing well for the most part, it's a long time to be there. Next week she may visit some friends instead of coming. It's good for her too, they suited her up and she only lasted in the suit for about 25 minutes it's a TON of work and she's not as willing as Everett. However, there are lots of activities for her there, and she gets a lot of energy out.
The therapist used three yellow bungees on the backs of his legs to try and break his lock, she said she never used three before. He still managed to find a way out of it and they had to use the blue ones which they have never used before. They describe his body as very smart although his techniques aren't quite good for long term use, like depending on ligaments and using his hamstrings for a lot of his movements that one typically wouldn't use hamstrings for. He can get out of every restraint and it takes many adults which of course is good and bad. He is one tough cookie and everyone that meets him falls in love.
Clara coloring while her bubby works.
We came home to make fluffy slime!
Mommy's had a hard time getting just the right consistency. So, the purple above was too hard and I had enough left to make a small batch and it worked PERFECT. I think I've got it down for next time!
Sprinkler time!
Bubbles and pool time.
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