Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Thursday, October 15, 2020

From Everett's Teacher

 I have been so busy with work and the daily grind I've not found the time to give updates I'd like on here. Both kids are doing great! Clara loves her class and loves being with me and I am LOVING having at least one of my children with me still. Everett adjusts to change easier than big sis so I'm glad he went first and I think when a spot opens for her, she'll feel a tad more confident knowing baby brother did it on his own. Everett's teacher and assistant are SO super amazing and our amazing family above the clouds aligned things for him, rather, for me, to keep my sanity. Things with therapists in school haven't all been easy, and being at the school with Everett is the only way I can connect all the dots that need connecting. However, with his amazing teacher (Ms. Greene) and his assistant (Dawn) we are slowly but surely figuring it all out. 

Both his assistant and teacher keep me in the loop and go above and beyond to do what's in Everett's best interest. I need to copy and paste more from them but here is an email update I got today about Everett from his teacher. 

I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy seeing Everett opening up with his classmates every day. He's been calling a few of them by name and he really enjoys having lunch with 2 friends every day (we rotate through the class so that everyone gets a turn). He's been "chattier" and has been interacting with the kids more and they LOVE it!! They are so good about including him in centers and when we do whole group activities (videos, shared reading, etc.) He seems like he is having a good time and that makes me smile so much! He's been saying more words (bye-instead of just waving) and he likes to joke around which makes him giggle (and all of us too). He loves to make us laugh! He's been reading along with us during shared reading and sings along with the videos. I feel so blessed to have him in my class this year and I love seeing him doing so well. I know there are a few issues we are still working on (using I-Station, his chair), but overall, I think things are going well. I just love that the kids say, "Good morning, Everett!" when he comes in every morning, and he just grins and grins. He does a great job of putting his binder in the binder basket, his lunchbox on the counter and his backpack in his cubby every morning. The kids are so good about encouraging him and helping him with things (without doing it for him) and he smiles when they help him. We are working on him using his words more and he seems like he is getting more comfortable with us so we are hoping he will say more (thank you to the kids). They get excited when he says their names and that makes everyone happy. He's been doing a great job of participating during class. All the kids have a black "pouch" that has a small dry-erase board, marker, and small eraser that we use a lot during class in the gathering area. We practice letter writing, sight words, drawing shapes, number writing, etc. He does a good job of writing on his board with the rest of the class and showing it when he is finished (they hold the boards under their chins when they are finished writing to show me). He will hold it up too (not under his chin, but enough for me to see) and he smiles. He is so proud of himself!! It so wonderful so see his confidence growing! 😊

I just wanted to let you know how things are going and how much we all love having Everett in class with us. He makes us smile every day. 😊

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