Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Friday, July 30, 2021

Friday 30 - Covid am update

They were able to lower my air pressure going in the machine last night before bed and my numbers stayed good, I think. No one came in. My oxygen is good and I feel comfortable until the morning every morning when I get up to pee I get winded and light headed but I bounce back pretty quick once I sit down for a second and it’s only like that in the morning not all day. My body feels weak and I can’t say if it’s from Covid kicking my butt or the bed. I cannot lay on my back for a second, they want me on my sides or my stomach bc your lungs harden like rocks with Covid on your back but with the bipap machine it’s hard not to knock it off your face all night. I sit in the chair as much as possible all day to keep zero pressure on my lungs and focus on deep breaths. I cough when I take deep breaths but they say I am moving good air. Hurts to cough but I’m deep breathing all day to open them as quick as possible. Off the antibiotics for now, still waiting on cultures from blood but it takes a while for that to return I guess and they wanted less fluid in me. Still on strong steroid two times a day, makes me itch. Today is the last dose of remdesiviour (sp) so hopefully it can give me a good last kick in the 🫁. I basically wait all day for respiratory to show to make the next moves. I have a clot in each leg still they are still poking me in the stomach two times a day with some blood thinner. Not sure what will transpire with that once I’m able to leave if I’ll need to be on thinners. The steroid still makes my blood sugar spike so they check that all day and night and give me insulin. I think that sums up where I think  I am currently. 

Asking respiratory for best breathing tricks to get lungs going ASAP.

My flow was 60 and o2 at 80 Monday so I’m hoping to keep knocking it down today! 

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