Tiffany hosted an adorable "Galentine's Day" at her house. Alexis (older) and Noel (younger) live down the street from them and go to the same school with Julia. They also go to gymnastics class our girls go to so they see one another often. TIffany picks them up twice a week from school so they know Everett too.
The boys on Galentine's day
Clara, her bff Ally and her teacher. This is Kate aka "Mrs. McClelland" - she is daughter of Doe who used to watch Clara waaaaayyyyyy back when and Michael who is her stepdad who picked up Everett all year last year and both my kids used to go to her parents on a regular basis. She is now Clara's teacher and is an amazing teacher and friend to us Fegers.
Galentine's Day turned into Clara's first sleepover! She is sleeping under a fort they made.
Previous Galentine's day
Previous previous Galentine's Day
Clara getting her ears pierced while Aunt Ana came for a quick visit!
Nervous! Mama was going to get a third hole so she would feel brave enough but thankfully she stepped up and didn't need my motivation.
She didn't even flinch!
Everett going to his friend Lennon's house for a play date after school.
Parent teacher conference with Everett's teacher, at home, while drinking Margarita's! The best kind of parent teacher conference if you ask us! We are going to try and hold him back this year. We are hoping he can stay with Tammy's class again. He has such great pals at school, I want him to stay with his peers because he has been with them for two years and they all really understand him and what he needs and how to play with him. He is the youngest and can still gain a lot of skills he's struggling with in first grade. He may still not be ready for second grade at the end of next year, but another year to mature will definitely help. At least that's where my brain stands right now, I'm always wavering.
Finishing an art project before school starts. The perks to having a mom that works at the school.
One of my vball teammates sent along these stats. Our time at Cortland was awesome, as were we!
This boy decided he was going to ride a bike. He has had the ability, but not wanted to make the choice. I stopped putting him on his bike because he just yells at me and is frustrated and angry. He decided to put his own helmet on and climb on his bike himself and off he went. He needs a little help with steering, he knows his left from his right so I can tell him where to turn and he gets the hang of it quick but I don't feel comfortable walking away, yet.
practicing his spelling - he HATES writing.
Breakfast for dinner, family favorite we haven't done in forever!
We applied for Clara at Madeira Beach again where Everett goes to school. She has been second on the list ALL year and the same thing happened again, she got bumped back up to 13. Clearly it's not meant to be, yet. I'm glad I get extra time with her at my school. Tyler got it but Julia didn't. Maybe next year the girls will get in!
Celebrating earrings at Slyce with a dance party!
Everett teaching Aunt ana how to booty dance
The face we see A LOT that we try not to capture on camera because it's TOO cranky! We are at "localtopia" which is where local vendors open up shop downtown St. Pete and they shut the streets down, it's so fun. Darren and Corrie have their Planks stand all set up. They are doing so well Darren doesn't work for paychecks anymore, he is doing only Planks!
Before Localtopia we had to take this cutie to the dr. His cough will not go away, it's been weeks. She put him on a steroid inhaler that he'll be on for a few months to try and help his lungs get rid of the junk and keep it away. Andre and Clara took the car to get a starbucks and we forgot I had the keys in my bag, the downfall to keyless driving. He was planning on going through the drive through and not shutting off the car but the line was long so he shut off the car and then Everett and I had to uber to them after his appointment. It was quite the morning.
snapchat at the dr
I need to capture how little he looks sometimes because most days he looks WAY too big!
Play date with his gal pals from school
Painting the bus at localtopia, a favorite!
Sibling rough housing and kisses
his chicken legs are so long
Little stud with sissy's blue light glasses
The dentist said I had to rip it out or he'd have to go in and get it removed. The new tooth was growing in behind it so it didn't get enough oompf on its own to fall out. Andre was doing a good job wiggling it on a regular until he had his surgery. Everett cannot pinch that hard, especially when he cannot see it and it's slippery. I'm surprised he has been letting us get our fingers in there like we have. We were having a picnic outside and he had his blue ipad so he'd eat his food (he still hates eating) and was highly distracted and I went to town, it was still grounded pretty well but he didn't say peep and let me tug and twist until it came out. It makes me so weak in the knees thinking about it because I can still hear and feel it in my own mouth from when I was a kid and I hated the noise and feeling of the roots ripping....Gahhhhh! Needless to say, we got er out and the tooth fairy brought him some money!
This same day of tooth pulling he had an IEP meeting and was there with me because we were home with his darn cough. I find it so funny he was on the computer with us wondering why he wasn't in school and all his teachers and therapists were there.
This girl's favorite is her mama's favorite! Valentine's day candy! We both love the holiday reese even more, us and Aunt Riss!
His shirt said, "Mr. Irresistible"
Valentine's Morning Treats
I came into this on Valentine's morning.
Everett hard at work at school! These pictures were shared by his OT and a note below.
Lisa and Ed are going to be grandparents again! Baby #2 in August
Clara put on about a 20 minute performance for us on the fly. She did prep seats, tickets, a flier and a stick for a microphone. These moments are the ones I could live in forever. As much as the 999th "Mommy look" makes my head spin off, I know I'm going to miss it SOOOOOOOOO much one day. Stay my little girl forever, pretty please!
Clara has been loving feeding the turtles in our pond lately. Everett wants to but doesn't want to touch bread.
Mom went and got her hair did. I was waiting to see if I would need a wig or not. So much is gone. My respiratory dr says it's from the steroids, my reg dr thinks it's from the high fevers for so long, 2 nights at 105 she said would do it right there, my dermatologist said it's trauma. Needless to say, there are plenty of theories. It stopped "shedding" finally and I had a little bit left. My school counselor is a hair dresser too and she is awesome. She convinced me extensions were the way to go and so we did it and I'm SO glad. It's amazing how not having your hair can make you feel so "off". it's weird having someone else's hair on my head and it doesn't feel like mine but at least when I look in the mirror I resemble myself a tad more and I can leave it down which will help the hair growing in. Good news is there is a LOT of growth, it's about an inch long and the extensions help weigh it down to keep it from poking people in the eyes as I'm talking to them, jk, haha. The extensions will last three months and I'm guessing I'll want to do it again or chop it super short.
dark and dead hair before hairdo - i forgot to take a pic but i did take a marco polo video to send to my vball girls so they could see the before and after and I got a snapshot.
If you know my hair you'll notice the pony is about 1/6 of what it usually is. I realize the days of my hair being like Clara's now are LONG gone, but I hope to have a decent head of hair again one day. The respiratory dr said it could grow back curly, he has had a lot of patients that it happened to. I remember when mom lost her hair what came back was different. Time will tell!
Henri - my hair dressers son who knows Everett because of going to Doe and Michaels together. They are adorable. It's also really handy to be able to take my kids to go and play while I get my hair done. Clara stayed with daddy this time.
Look what he did!
I'm so impressed, he has hated scissors for SO long.
Kate did a guessing game for the kids on 2-22-22 from when they were two. I was a slacker mom and forgot to send a picture so of course she is amazing and found one on facebook last minute. Take me back to TWO!
She was twins with her bff Allie - which by the way is the daughter of Everett's old assistant here at my school when he was in Pre- k so we know her family well. I had Allie's older sister when her mom was with Everett. Small world here at Southern Oak. I never thought I'd be at this school the longest, I have so many great connections and Clara too! We all miss Everett. I still think it's the right choice to send them both to Madeira, especially when i have hall duty and listen in on what the fourth and fifth graders here are talking about!!!!!!!!!!!
We are twinning too, Allie's mom made the shirts. See my hair growth popping up off my head at my part? At least it's blonde again.
Saving up for Everett for this bike! He has the seat one but will be ready for this one soon now that he is a rider!
Uncle Jeremy came for a visit! His bond with E is so sweet. He came to gymnastics with us to watch the kids, so sweet. Everett was so happy when he was here and we miss him so much!
We did a lot of projects and had a "camping theme" so the kids went camping in the kitchen.
Our visit to see Ana, Mama T and Addi for a 24 hour stay was super fun. We went out to Ft. Lauderdale for lunch!
The kids love Tybee SO much!
I forgot my phone in the car and was having too much adult like fun to remember to go grab it, let's just say the night ended with a lot of karaoke, Everett's booty dancing and Clara and her new friend's singing. Everyone had a great time, from what I remember! whoops.
Daddy drew this note for the kids (only Everett's is pictured) for their lunch box on Friday to get them pumped for our road trip, I can't get over Tybee's eyes in this one. Makes me laugh every time!
Nice shot of dad and Jer from his visit down there!
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