I wasn't just apprehensive about her getting sick or screaming on the plane, it was hard to pack and prepare everything. I'm used to being around the house, we haven't done any overnights anywhere yet. She is breast and bottle feeding, supplementing with formula as needed and that requires a pump, lots of bottles, yada yada, a lot to pack. I was pretty proud of myself for making it all work as smooth as it did and even MORE proud of our perfect little angel. She was a great traveler. I've found the more we go and do the more I realize she handles most every situation quite well. She didn't say peep on the way there. There was only maybe a total of 5 minutes of crying in the car the entire trip and there was A LOT of car rides. She ate on the way up to the friendly skies both times and on the way down to help her ears. She loved Kristopher's basketball game with all sorts of new noises. I think she may have realized that everything was louder than her so there was no point in crying about anything. We took bottles everywhere we went and found ways to warm them up when needed. She hung out in her sling, hands or in her car seat. The only time she got fussy was when we around someone's house, usually because she was tired. I know at one point she got a little belly bug since her poopy changed some and she was kicking her little leggies at one point in pain. She handled it all very well and she was delighted to meet all her family and friends up north.
We stayed with Brandi and Nick and they couldn't have made it more easy for us. They had a car seat, jumper seat for the house, and even a CRIB! They finished their basement and it's beautiful, it's also perfect for a baby. It's quiet and warm. The heat comes through the floor too so even when she laid on the plush carpet she was a happy camper. It was quiet and dark when she needed to sleep and also if she got fussy those upstairs could sleep through her, which I must say wasn't often at all. We can't thank them enough for making our trip so easy, they saved us bringing our car seat, base, and the pack n' play. That's a lot!
My family is the best, and they all trade hosting dinners and lunches so we can optimize our time together. Ana and Theresa were sweet enough to wait until after the holiday to go home so we could all be home at the same time. Everyone was anxious to see/meet Clara, I couldn't wait!!! My family is so thoughtful, they all spoiled her with presents. Aunt Linny got her an advent stocking. The Zims always had an advent calendar at their house, as kids we loved to see the count down to Christmas, it is still just as exciting to me as an adult so her gift is a gift for mommy too. Clara will be able to take the ornaments one by one and hang them on the tree. Mommy will gladly do it next year, however I'm sure by the following she'll get the concept! Jonny and Bets got her two cute outfits she will look adorable in along with a first Christmas ornament. Brandi and Nick got her an amazing winter jacket, teething toy and a Christmas teddy. Brandi knows how obsessed with teddy bears I was as a child and is anticipating Clara's obsession as well. Ana and Theresa got her a cute onesie from Vegas on their recent trip that says "I drink until I pass out!" So cute! She is so spoiled. Thank you everyone, for everything, it means the world to us.
So Brandi and Nick made it easy on us (and everyone that drove over) Thursday by having dinner at their house. Zim came to get us from the airport and we swung through Ellicottville to see Sarah's new EVL Cheese Shop. It's spectacular. We went straight to Brandi and Nick's house from there. Clara slept most of the way up and almost the entire car ride. I had to feed her in her car seat so her taking a bottle was handy then, I pumped in the car so we didn't need to worry about warming anything up. Thanks to Tiffy for my breast pump that has a battery option. Rick, Barb, Zim, Linny, Jonny and Grammy came over. Clara finally met Clara. I started to take a few pictures but realized Ana and Theresa were taking pics with their amazing camera again so there was no point in mine, I'd want theirs. So I'm waiting until they send me the pics to add them because they will turn out so much better than mine. We had pizza and wings, SO delicious, I miss NY food. They also had a delectable cheese cake for Andre's birthday, too nice! Clara held Clara, as did everyone else. She was delighted to meet her family! Some of my favorite moments of my life by far!
Friday morning we took our time getting around which is nice since everything with the babe takes so much longer. We went to the Bradleys to visit Jane and Becca. Clara slept while Henry, their cat, babysat. ;) He just sat and stared at her. Then we went to Jonny's for happy hour and off to Kristopher's basketball game we went. Again, Clara was perfect in the car and at the game. While at Jonny's, Kylie held her in the sling and she went fast asleep. She loved the basketball game, mainly because she got to be with Aunt Kristin. We noticed at the game she started to grab intentionally. Kristin was wearing a black and white spotted scarf that Clara loved with the contrast of course. She grabbed and grabbed. Before we left NY she continuously grabbed and hit Nick's nose, it seemed intentional, sorry Uncle Nick, her nails probably scraped. I'm terrified to trim, don't want to cut too low. Now she is grasping materials on a regular. She is yanking on her bib and pulling the pacifier string hanging from her bib which backfires on her because she pulls her paci right out. Her hands are opening and closing all the time, trying to hang on to anything she can reach. After Kristopher's game we went to Linny and Zims for dinner. I love every one's home cooking so much, other than my family, that's what I miss the most!! If I smelled/ate their meals anywhere I'd feel at home.
Saturday was Kristin's "29th" birthday! ;) What more do you want for your bday but to host lunch. NOT. Well, she is that sweet. So we all went to her house to pass Clara around some more. Even the Burt ladies & Dan joined us. It was so nice to see them all and for them to be able to meet Clara. Let's just say that when those ladies are in a room it couldn't be more full of contagious laughter. I'm so sad to say the reason they were all home is their Grandpa Burt passed, not even two months prior Grandpa Welch died. That poor family has had a tough holiday season. It was bitter sweet to have them there, I just wish it could have been for a better occasion. I could tell Clara put a smile on each of their faces for a few hours, way to help a few aching hearts Clara Belle! Gramp came over for lunch too. Too bad Clara slept almost the entire time. I think he saw the whites of her eyes for the five minutes she was awake. She went down hard and slept for I believe 4 hours, growth spurt I believe. I finally woke her because my darling Merrissa brought her darling Adrianna to visit and meet her "cousin"/new best friend. Adrianna is adorable. She was bright and alert for most of the visit, staring around at all of us, especially Uncle Andre. Kylie eventually put her fast asleep so we laid her next to Clara for a photo shoot since Clara refused to wake. We didn't let Adrianna fall asleep hard enough before clicking the camera so we woke her up. She was so tolerant, Clara was "flinching" at every flash and whacking poor Adrianna in the head. Needless to say we got a few great shots. I woke Clara to eat and she was "sleep eating". Susie said not to worry, she does it all the time. ;) Clara woke up enough to say hi for about the last 20 minutes before Merrissa and AJ hit the road. We're so thankful they made the trip, it was so nice to see them and meet that precious little girl. She is such an easy baby, just sat and starred around at us crazies. Thank you Kris for hosting on your day. We had a great time. Barb, thanks for the delicious sloppies! Yummmm!
Andre, Nick, Brandi and I went to Gramps new place in Wellsville after Kristin's house. It's a nice place, and he seems very content there. I'm so happy he is in Wellsville because Kristin and Kylie are close enough to stop in easily and do an amazing job keeping him company. It was so warm and cozy in his room we all started to get sleepy. I left Clara with Aunt Kristin to get some much needed QT in. We went back to grab her and back to Cuba we went. We popped into Aunt Barb's to say hi to Karen who wanted to meet Clara. We could barely keep our eyes open enough to make it back to Allegany that night. I felt bad, I wanted to hang more with Linny and Zim and I would have liked to see Grammy one more time but I have been on an average of 4 hrs of sleep a night and was too pooped. Andre got sick too, he had a fever Friday night, chills, sore throat...the works. I kicked him to the couch to avoid getting Clara sick, so I've been on my own with my little darling who hasn't been sleeping the best. I don't know how we didn't get it. Maybe my flu shot worked! For us both!! I got it while pregnant since she can't get one until 6mo.. The same days daddy was sick she had a little belly funk, we're still hoping that's all she gets! Andre had to help hold her on the plane a time or two but other than that he hasn't been near her in since NY. She and I slept like champs Sunday night. She had a growth spurt recently and her legs are too long for her three month clothes so when we got home I had to bust out our 6 month outfits, pants and jammies mainly. She squirms down in her swing chair these days and kicks her feet so much she has been hitting her heals on the vibrating button. So I have been having her sleep in bed with me. I think it's a good transition as she is going to go to her crib soon and this should help her get adjusted to sleeping on her back instead of an incline. I have a thin pillow under her head, it's not fluffy at all. I lay starring at her as I fall asleep and think about our future of snuggling together. I can't wait to hold her close while we snooze. I loved when my mom snuggled in bed with me. Okay, way off topic.
Well, Andre needed some rest so he and Clara went fast asleep as soon as we got to Brandi and Nick's house on Saturday night and we had to leave at 6am so that means up at 5. I did laundry and packed until about 11 and was out myself. Clara didn't sleep good at all that night and daddy was still quite sick so our trip home was long, I don't think we will travel without a direct flight ever! My alarm went off at 4:30. POOR BRANDI AND NICK took us butt crack early to the airport. Mind you this isn't a warm 30 minute drive to Tampa, this is a frigid, snowy, dark, and cold 5am 1.5 hour trip to dreary Buffalo. They think they were putting us out to come get them from Tampa at 11pm on a Friday, we taught them what "putting out" really is. So sorry. Thank you both for making it seem like no big deal, that must have been the last thing you wanted to do on Sunday before going back to work. Eeek, can I blame Andre? He booked it! ;) I must say, it's so nice to hop on a plane and be home in a few hours. We were snuggled on our couch by 1pm, it was nice for Andre to rest before work.
I cannot thank my family enough. They spoil us, and spoil doesn't even cover it, there isn't a word big enough to describe how well we are taken care of. Everyone comes out to play while we are home and we appreciate it so very much. Hosting, cooking, cleaning up after our mess. They have always done that for us, I'm sure it's a little bit easier now that we're a tad more tame with a baby but we're still just as thankful. I feel so spoiled. My family comes down to visit all the time, when we go home they put on such an amazing time. Brandi takes off work, they drive to get us from the airport and cart us around for three days going and doing for us. I have the best family, Clara is one lucky duck to be born into the Feger/Lang family. Thank you all, we love you dearly.
Great Grandma Clara meeting Clara - only 101ish years to go Clara for you to be as old as your Great Grammy, no pressure!
Aunt Linny has been so anxious to meet you Clara. She was so happy to get her hands on you finally!
Together again. Miss my girls tons!
It took everything Theresa had to share! ;) Mama T was missing Clara mucho! She finally got a turn!
Aunt (cousin) Kylie was so excited to meet Clara finally. She didn't know Ana was there either so it was an amazing extra surprise! Thankfully Kylie had time off from school and was able to spend the weekend with us at Brandi and Nick's! Thanks so much for all your help Kylie!
Clara loved being with Kylie, you can tell she has the touch! We can't wait for you to move here and be her nanny!
Mmm, NY pizza and wings, with blue cheese! My fav!
Happy early Birthday Andre. It was the best cheese cake we have ever tasted. We ate it for breakfast lunch and dinner the next few days! Thank you Brandi and Nick, that was too nice! Andre loves him a good cheese cake!
Aunt Barb always giving a helping hand. She was very nice and let everyone else snuggle Clara since they had met already. ;)
Uncle Jonny making Clara giggle. He is a funny guy!
Beautiful Aunt Ana & her twin!
I love that Ana and Theresa sent me the pictures they took because it was Theresa's first time to Cuba so Ana showed her around and they got some neat pictures I'm so happy to be able to add to the blog.
This is the house my dad & Linny grew up in along with us kids. My grandpa Lang built it in 1950. You can see Susie's house (a little) on the right.
This is the "block barn" down the road.
At the little league park where we used to play. I believe my mom donated money in her will to have an electric score board put in. As kids we used to sit under the board on a bench and change the score by hand. Ahh, the good ol days. You can see her name on it below.
Miss you mom. Terrible. I thought It would be easier now that I'm a mom. Boy was I wrong! It makes me miss you even more. What I'd give to have Clara in your arms, just to meet you, even for a split second. I know you're watching her, and us, always. One day we'll be together again.
more pictures soon. still plenty to come.
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