I've been trying to get to bed early since my nights are interrupted and my mornings start WAY too soon. I've been pretty successful, however, there are nights like last night where all I do is lay and think about what needs to be done & worry. I am starting to stress over Tiffany not being able to watch her Monday and Friday. I see her "ever growing adorable small for the third trimester" belly and am reminded my time is limited. She is going to be pooped before baby comes anyway so I need to start thinking about who will take over, and make it happen soon so Tiffany has some down time! I lay and think about work, my list of 1,001 to do's that I put off all weekend, my plans, my students, their upcoming state tests they're not ready for since I've been out for three months. I think about my to do's at home. I tell myself not to foget to put another bottle in Clara's diaper bag before I go, and to make sure I have enough bibs packed. I think about the weather and if she has enough "cool" or "warm" outfits. I then look at the clock and start stressing about not sleeping, figuring out how much sleep I'll get if I fall asleep in the next 15 minutes, that's when I know it's going to be a night awake. That's the worst! I lay and look at her and remind myself, it doesn't matter, I have her, that's all that matters. I ask Andre to roll over and hold me again, in his arms I fall asleep so much better. Then he starts to snore and I have to give him the boot, then I'm up again. It seems as soon as she is asleep and I doze, he is snoring or rolling over or getting up to pee. The moment one thing keeping me up ends another begins. I got her to sleep sound. Then doze. Then he starts to stir. Finally, doze again. Then the dehumidifier bucket is full so that starts beeping. Then doze. Then she starts to squirm. Doze again. Then Andre steals the covers, I yank them back and doze. Then it's time to feed her. Then I'm wide awake again, even when everyone else is fast asleep one last time. I sure hope she is not a light sleeper like mommy!
Needless to say, I got a few hours of sleep last night. She was up at 11ish to eat, I had just fallen asleep. Isn't that how it works? She ate and had a hard time getting back to sleep. So around 12:30 she dozed and I starred at her some more. Doing the math in my head of hours of sleep I'd get now, if she slept until 6, I'm being very optimistic. She was up at 4:30. I got up to pump at 4:45 while Andre laid his hand on her belly...that keeps her calm for a little bit when she starts to stir. I fed her at 5 and she was ready to go! So I took her to the bathroom with me. She played in her chair, with her elephant while I got ready. We chatted about her dreams, I told her about what I was going to teach today and sang her a few songs while in the shower. She did some belly time. I got her all ready for her day knowing she would need to go back to sleep and hopefully stay asleep until daddy has to take her to Aunt Tiffany's today. Around 6:15 her lower eyes start to get pink and I know she is sleepy. I finished drying my hair and then swaddled her. I rocked her to sleep in 5 minutes, put her back in our room with daddy. Woke him and filled him in, set his alarm and off to work I go. As tired as I am I couldn't ask for a better morning. I love every moment I get with her and when I dread going back to work on Monday, spending the morning with her makes my day! She is the best little girl. Daddy got some rest too so maybe a night this week I'll go sleep in the other room and get an entire night of sleep. Oh, and I remembered to pack the bottle, she has plenty of clothes and bibs, I didn't get sleep but I'm okay, and instead of doing my million to do's now that I'm at work I'm keeping my priorities straight and blogging about my little love. Okay, I'll get grading now! Ugh.
Last night in her "nighty". Too cute! That face! I just want to gobble it up!

This morning, all giggles and chit chat.

I miss you my love!
i'm fine watching her 'til I pop! I won't have Ivy the end of March and beginnnig of April b/c Linda, Corrie's mom, is coming in town. and the part of March when Corrie is running her race. And we aren't going anywhere today, just a relaxing Valentine's Day :)