I came home from school with the house decked out in balloons, a bday present and a cake!! Andre snuck home before me to surprise me. So sweet.
I decided since it was my bday I could have a slice of cake before dinner, before singing, I am the bday girl...right? He was shocked by my decision, quite bothered by it but tried hard to let it go. I was just fine with my decision. ;) It's my bday, I'll eat my cake without you if I want to, yes?
Kristin came over and we went to Hibachi, I love that scene, the food, I thought it would be a great distraction for the kids to maybe watch and behave. Clara was quite squirly and I busted out Everett's DVD player to keep him quiet. Sitting at a table is quite a challenge these days. So, with that, dinner was great and we came back for cake, or more cake if we're speaking on my behalf. It was yummy! Andre sure knows what I like, vanilla cake with butter cream frosting!!
Thanks to family and friends who wished me a happy birthday, sent cards, gifts...I felt very special.
My pretty lady. She even busted out a booty dance for my bday, and a special one for Aint Krissim too that had Kristin crying happy tears. I'll let her tell you that story!
Everett decided to decorate for my bday! We have to leave the bathroom door closed because this ten seconds of fun is a new fun game for this boy!
Bday morning with my cuties.
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