Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Thursday, November 16, 2017


Clara is finally "well". She is still hacking up a lung but less often and is able to sleep better. I guess the cough could last for a few weeks. :( It was impossible to keep them apart but Clara is really good and knows not to touch him, his toys, and covers with her arm when she coughs. She has been fever free since Fridee and we're now at Tuesdee so if Everett comes down with this now I'll be surprised. I'm more surprised he got by without getting it. CRAZY! I'm super excited, hoping his immunity stays strong enough to keep us out of ER visits and hospital stays in the future. I'm glad he's getting exposed to a bit of what Clara gets at school since he'll be immersed next year!

We're enjoying our break at therapy basically. And by enjoying, I mean, not enjoying. Clara was super excited to go but really struggles there for some reason. It confirms why she is in school and not with me, it's been a challenge. There's so many fun things to play with but she loses her patience with toys and wants me to play with her and she's really struggled to behave while we are there. Thankfully the PT who we will see twice this week has three kids so she thinks nothing of it and thinks Clara is angelic, phew! The last two weeks I was fighting insurance for approval for his therapies so we couldn't go and now that Clara is off, and trying to get well, we're booked up this week. Go figure. Timing! :/ Anyway, we're making the best of it.

I took Everett to get a hair cut today. He looks so cute. I was doing my best to distract him, he isn't fond of haircuts so there needs to be some distraction, therefore I didn't get a pic. I'll post one soon he is so cute. We're going to go to Toys R Us tonight to let Clara scope it out and pick out a few items to write on her list for Santa. We have great ideas for her but I think it's so fun to "wish" for things and have them come true!

We're going to go to Dad's for Thanksgiving. I believe Kristin and Kristopher are joining in the fun too. We'll stay for the day since Everett wakes the world up at 5am. At home we can sleep through it or I can rock him but out of his element he sleeps even worse and we are all kind of run down. We're going to go to Lisa's family Thanksgiving Wednesday, they're doing it a day early since some of the kids will be gone on the Thursday. There's lots of holiday gatherings and celebrations coming that we're looking forward to in the near future, it's about to get busy!

Snuggling with Sissy.

Bubs and I going for a stroll and kissing of course. He smacks his lips now when he kisses, it sounds so cute. It's a hard skill for him to do that, a new milestone met! :)

This is him going to kiss his cute face on the phone.

That smile. Gosh I love this smile. It makes every one of my days worth living.

Saying "hi" to his cute self. He still b lines for the pool but now understands we're not getting in and doesn't throw a fit about it.

Um, hello my cuteness. Just look at this little man. Oh boy oh boy oh boy!

Stealing pics from the world wide web. Of course this was one of my favorites!

I was racing this car with Clara and helped her make a small ramp for it. Daddy always kicks it up a notch.

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