Kristin got a pogo stick, of course that's a hit! Tuesday night Andre packed the garage items while I did lesson plans for the next two days. Then Wednesday Jeff, his brother Tim, Kristopher, and Kristin came to move ALL our things out. We did it in four hours. We had everything out and in the driveway in an hour and a half but Andre had to strategically place every item because it was a tight fit. We barely did it, but we did, by 9pm. He and I finished things up in the house until about 11pm and headed to "bed" aka air mattress for our last night in our condo. It wasn't sad this time, it was exciting. Everett decided he didn't like to hear his echo and was up all night. I decided last minute to pack the rocker, bad choice. I ended up "sleeping" in his crib with him because my body was too tired from moving everything to bounce him. I got about 45 minutes of sleep while he got about three hours. He's been doing great since, but that was not a fun last night in our condo.
Everett decided to feed himself when I got too busy, he loves pizza!
We went to visit friends during our down time. Juliet plays violin with Clara and her baby brother Leo was home and her two big brothers were at school.
Everett loves baby Leo and
Everett isn't allowed to go with his diaper off, and never does, and this is why. While he's gazing at his handsome one year old self, take a peek at the floor!
DJ Ronnie from Jersey Shore hair!
These two cuties and their poses.
A lot of packing and a lot of TV watching for a few days, Clara enjoyed it!
Taking a few cupboards, we put up a lot of storage and have plans in the new house for some, so Andre has been busy, we both have, but he did a LOT of big work on top of all the paperwork. Yuck.
And Clarie helped a little.
This is Josh. I work with his mom. He works at Publix by our school. How cute is this!!??!!
Who knew Home Depot could be so fuN!?
Andre is under the table in there, you can't see it well. He had that truck packed so tight you couldn't fit an anthill in there!
Last night in the condo excitement!
Andre, Jeff and Steven, making it happen!
First nap in his bedroom. He has been a champ in the new house!
Look at this fun! In the new house! Hanging with cousin Julia, mom can do work because there is so much to do! Even outside!!
The amount of shade right out of the kitchen is PERFECT. Enough space for them to play while I watch and unpack 999 boxes. Everett will go by the pool to throw toys in but he knows better than to go and ALWAYS listens when we say no. He is the best. We will be putting up a gate that goes along the path of the white water drain you see on the floor. We'll decide after we put that up if we think we also need a pool fence. Water out the door is scary for this mama. We have a bell that goes off every time the door opens, that helps but I want every layer of protection possible!
All toys in these boxes, this was right before it was completely destroyed in here. We kept opening boxes every time someone needed more to do and boy oh boy, do we have enough toys! We're going to put storage up on the left wall and whatever we cannot fit there and in their rooms will go!
Hanging with sis in her room.
Aint Krissim's still got the crib assemble down!
Such a good girl putting the fifty states puzzle together, almost! While watching Shrek on the dvd player! We had carpet laid in both rooms, different carpet, I love the smell of new carpet!
A previous occupant of this room had their name written under the fake wood, so we did the same before we laid the carpet.
She was writing her name backwards. Whoops
Time for tea
Corrie enjoying a Greek Salad from a place that DELIVERS while enjoying the view! She and Tiffany worked their BUTTS off! Thank you girls!
Just look at that salad.
Abbey came for a bit to get the kids out of our hair and took them to the park in walking distance! Super awesome!
Andre took a few hours getting the floors up in E's room and then Corrie came and ripped Clara's wood floor up in ten minutes, she's a machine!
I'm always going backwards with pics, I upload them the wrong way, I can never remember which one goes first since the updated app switched it on me. This is the first day and night in the new homestead!
We're in!
First hour by the pool, chalking up the pavers.
Our view on the way in to our old condo, one of the main reasons we wanted out, although it shouldn't be a big was depressing driving in with the towing company on the corner. The pile of broken down cars and dump wasn't inviting.
Bye bye 66th street, hello paradise! We had just closed on the condo and came to do our final walk-through in our new house. We had time for lunch. After packing up our existence in one night to a day off with no work and no kids, lunch with some drinks, a second closing with beers, it was like we were on vacation for a day. We soaked it up! It was a very, VERY exciting day! A bit different from when we had to sell our house on Augusta, that was a sad closing day. This felt great!
Since we were homeless for about four hours, we din't have a place for Everett to go, so of course Doe and Michael saved the day and Everett went with them and got to play with all the kids. Great day for everyone!
Jeff came over in the morning to help pack the last few things, THANKS JEFF!
Literally every space taken up. I went to work and traded vehicles with Lisa, this is her truck and thank goodness she is the best! She took the van, grabbed Clara from class when she left and spent the afternoon with her, picked up Everett on her way to the first walking in of our new home!
Last morning in our condo, SEEEEEYA!
Selfie of me smashed in E's crib when he decided to cry all night on the last night in our condo because he must have known I didn't have the rocker. I thought for sure he'd be like, "Why are you in here mama?!?!" but he fell asleep immediately after I climbed in.
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