Clara's design
Running errands, this is what Clara wanted.
Everett hard at work during speech. This is his therapist Amy. He is making almost all the sounds of the alphabet and putting many together. He said, whale, six, hat, cat, etc. The list continues but he only says it once and then he only repeats the final sound of most words. He needs us all to slow down our speech when we're practicing with him and giving him time, when he's pushed, he gets mad and it comes flying out! It's a fine line of getting him to do the work since it's very hard work for him and not making him so bad that he gives up. He knows he doesn't have to talk when he doesn't feel like it!
Clara skipped school Monday for Julia's 4th birthday. Clara wore this bday shirt for two years and Julia is getting a third wear out of it!
First day home after school and a mama with her baby ducks were visiting our back yard.
The bday girl had a great day!
These three are so adroable. Juliet, Julia and Clara
Oh my LORD. Look at this little cutie who is ONE!!!!!!!!!! How?!?!?! And how am I not there for this????? I want to be in two places at once, never have I been so sad to be so far. Seeing Elsa, Fi and TJ get so big so fast, so far away, breaks my heart. I hope you had the best first birthday sweet boy!
First Monday of reality. It's double the time getting to work but worth the drive!
Tues am, doing therapy at the local library since I'm "out of zone" for our interventionist. We packed a bag of things he needs to work on and managed. We only have a month left of the free services through the state so I'm trying to make it all happen to take advantage before he turns three!
We got to spend the ACTUAL bday with this little cutie. We picked her up at Doe's and took her to violin with us!
Of course milkshakes first!
Running around at the gym at the church getting some energy out before the lesson starts.
Playroom fun after violin.
After violin we went to play until Tiffy got home. The girls had a BLAST, E did too, but he always does!
Until I shut him out of the back yard so I can keep an eye on everyone. I cheered him up with a flower, for a second.
Tonight we didn't have authorization for feeding. Normally I'm on it and remind the therapists but with the move I didn't and if the front desk doesn't notify them the ball gets dropped. However, this week, I was okay with it, we could use a night off! So we painted rocks. Something Clara has been wanting to do.
She read to her bubby.
And we walked to the park with our cuties as a family.
On the walk home we met yet ANOTHER family with kids the same age as ours. It's like the fifth family right here. Then our closest neighbors met us outside, we already met them last weekend and they were so sweet and super, they gave the kids bubble guns, wrapped and everything. They are so sweet, grandparents, and love their grand kids. It was so sweet. Hopefully there are no crazy surprises!!!
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