Clara had a cough during her bday. She always gets this nasty croup-like cough when she gets run down or catches any little thing from someone. Just like I always get a sinus infection no matter what anyone else has, I guess that's just how our bodies weaken?!
Anyway, Everett got it. I do my best to keep her away from him but it wasn't easy. She love him so much and loves to be near him. I also didn't think she was as sick as she was, or carrying such a horrible virus. A 2 year old clearly can handle a virus better than a 4 month old. We put Everett to bed Wednesday night at 7, he woke to eat at 9 and couldn't breathe. It was scary. Andre thought we could wait until the morning but Kristin and I looked at one another in fear and I had to take him in. He has coronavirus. They gave him a steroid and some breathing treatments. It's going to take at least two weeks for him to heal. The doctor said that we'd have 4-5 bad days before it gets better. We're dealing the best we can. He is such a trooper. So happy. Thursday was rough, he didn't want me to put him down all day. I didn't want to either but had to try and take care of two. I remember when Clara would get like that and we'd lay on the couch all day. I brought her rocker out into the living room and we rocked all day while Clara played around us or we watched TV. I felt bad watching so much TV with her but we learned from all of her shows and we interacted and played puzzles and she even read to us for at least an hour out of the day. I'd say he was most miserable Thursday so far, with a fever...he's slowly improving. He's hacking up all of the mucus which prevents him from sleeping well, which prevents mama from sleeping well so now mucus is pouring down my throat. Yuck. I just hope we're all well by Nov. 4 so when D day comes on the 5th he's well and at his best.
We tried to go out tonight, Brittni's engagement party. (Lisa's daughter) Everett cried the entire drive there, 45 minutes of sad, sad crying. I had to come home. It took us a while to get there because I read the address wrong. Then when we did I had been in tears for so long watching him cry on the monitor I looked a mess, I don't feel well as it is. The babysitter we hired ignored all my tips on how to soothe him. The moment I walked through the door he was a happy camper, happiest I've seen him all day even though he was tired and hungry. My poor sick little man missed his mama and I sure missed him.
I'm so sorry love, my heart ached for you.
All I could think of was all the nights he cried for me in the NICU when I wasn't there and how dare I leave him sick now when I didn't have to, ugh, the guilt. Anyway, I know he's going to cry and I know we'll have to get over that hump if he is in fact a mama's boy...just not when we're all sick and tired. Thankfully Andre understood. I am hoping he does better when I have to go back to work. I don't know if he's got separation anxiety or not, sometimes he's fine with others and sometimes not. It wouldn't have been nice if this sitter had listened to any of the 10 tips I gave her if he gets upset. Instead she laid him in his crib to cry, or held him while sitting which when he's mad he likes to stand up, even if it's for 3 minutes to calm him, then he'll enjoy sitting again...but she wouldn't.
Clara even tried to come to his rescue. She went right away to dig out his favorite toy that she knows makes him happy. It worked for a few minutes. I love you so much Clara, you're the best sister ever. I'm so proud of you.
Here is a video of Everett in the ER. Clearly his breathing is bad, and this is after the breathing treatment...still my happy boy!
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