Everett Lang, where does the time go? You're six months already, wow!! You're such a happy little boy, always willing to give a smile, even if you feel like a cry. You're easy to distract these days. You love to pick your feet up and look at them, you grab them but you don't eat them, yet. You love to grab my face and anything in your reach. You rip down your toys that dangle from your chair, you start to grab them down before I even get them up. You're sitting, very well. You tip over after a few minutes, or you start to bend in half when your upper half gets too heavy. You're pushing up when you're on your belly and you want to take off and move but only go in circles at this point. You love to bang your rattle toys and hear them make noise. You enjoy conversations with anyone and get really loud and excited to talk, especially when standing on someone's lap. You are curious as can be and you're not content for long just hanging out anymore, you want interaction. I need to get you hooked on the Spanish video Clara liked at this age, that would allow me to get the dishes done! ;)
You're turning a corner with sleep. You're not soothing yourself to sleep, mommy has a harder time than you. You may cry for around 10-20 minutes, sometimes less, and you're learning to nap better. This is helping us all, I might get a piece of my brain back with more sleep. You lay on your back if you're crying yourself to sleep and if you fall asleep eating I put you on your belly and you digest better. Although I feel like we're hopefully turning an important corner with sleep, I'm still going to take you this Saturday, on your birthday, for a sleep study. JUST in case we can get any unknown insight into your struggles with sleep. From what I can tell I was hindering you most, but I didn't feel comfortable letting you cry it out when you couldn't even breathe, so, since your adenoids have been removed, we're making headway. This morning, you "talked" yourself to sleep.
You're starting solids here and there, you're not overly interested. You housed some sweet potatoes and since your adenoids have been removed you've turned your nose up to it all, or spit it out with raspberries rather. Your speech therapist gave me some helpful tips that we'll try. Your reflux is still pretty bad, you need your medicine or you don't eat well. You're easily distracted, especially with a noisy Clara and eat better when it's quiet.
You're in a size 3 diaper, you wear sissy's size five to bed and you stay dry better. You were 15.5 lbs and 26 inches when we were at the GI doctor the other day, we'll see what we get when we're at your pediatrician next week.
You love to be bounced, you LOVE to stand, you get so excited you throw your hands back and scream. You giggle hard when tickled and when we play peek a boo. You're not enjoying your tummy as much as you used to, you want to move and are no longer complacent sitting in the same ol spot so you get your legs going but get annoyed when your body doesn't' move. You're so good on the go, I never thought that would happen. You stay in your car seat so content for so long. Sissy demands too much of our attention and you're so "chill", you're the best baby.
Your therapists are constantly impressed with you, as are we, you're doing great little Tiger, our "Bubs" -- we love you! Happy half birthday!
Pics soon...