Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Saturday, December 17, 2016

3 year check up & a more nonsense!

Aint Krissim made Clara a scarf for Nunu, which she loves of course. But she found a way to share it and both use it! Nuni will forever be warm! 

A walk through the woods to the park. One of our favorite outings.

This boy LOVES to swing. Even higher than his sissy! 

My little lady, slow down with the growing please! She has her container for collecting items and her "magna glass" for seeing them up close! 

So big! I have her stats somewhere but not handy at the moment. She was in the 70th % for height I think. 30th for weight. She's now on the big girl scale!!!! Makes mama want to cry! She took her eye test and wanted to read the letters instead of the pictures. She couldn't read the bottom row which gave her a 20/20 for being able to read the one above it. She told the nurse she needed her "magna glass" then she could read the bottom row. She also got her flu shot. She knew it would be a pinch but didn't remember how much of a pinch it was, she didn't cry, but gave me a look that I've never seen and don't want to see again. She is so brave. She told the doctor the names of all of her (the dr.'s) tools and what they were used for, including that a stethoscope is for not only hearing your heart but also your lungs. We spoke about her issues falling asleep and she said not to worry as long as she's getting enough hours of sleep in total. Clara hides nothing so her doctor sees her issues with listening and needing mommy's attention when I'm talking to someone since we're there for Bubs often-ish. She reminded me all was normal with those phases and to remember they are phases, that sometimes last too long. Good check-up Clara! A+!

I'll never buy play-doh again. This homemade version is amazing. 

There is no place cozier than right here. 

We saw this unicorn jacket in Target and KNEW she needed it, she and I knew that. Daddy didn't. So I taught her how to bribe him, this might bite me in the ass later! She did put the dog back though! ;) 

It's so cute, soft and warm. I did get it 2 sizes too big so hopefully she can keep it clean and wear it a while! Now we just need some temps lower than 80!

Malia's bday! Dance Party! 

I can't believe how big/old these kids are getting. It goes by in a blink! Dylan the mannequin...

I don't want these girls to grow up, but I look very forward to sleep-overs and such!

This was on one of my friends from Palm Coast's facebook page. It's A1A. Used to live at this beach. I can't believe the devistation. Thank goodness they repaired it fast. 

We are on the go constantly, I want to take a selfie each time before we walk out the door. Not everyone does though. ;) I got what I wanted this time because it was my bday and we/I decided last minute to go out to eat. It's not always easy dragging the kids out to dinner since Everett goes to bed so early, but he was and always is, such a trooper! 

These two love each other so much! 

Silly boy!

We ate a nice dinner at BJ's. I've never ordered something I don't like there, the food is amazing. Mark came, I gave late notice so Kristin couldn't make it. It was a great bday night. 

Andre and I have been talking about how we need to secure this thing to the wall. The VERY next day Everett started climbing up it. It's like he knew it was safe. 

We all went out to vote! Even the Bubs.

We voted, and then played on the playground since it was right there! 

Clara is getting in the spirit when she goes to Home improvement stores with daddy! 

Daddy sold his truck. Now she has to tinkle in the trunk! 

Selene was in town. Everett and Clara were both still sick at this point. We had to miss the fun. Sorry Selene! :(

Merris sent a perfect gift for Clara during therapy. Even if it gets us through one session with her not crying and needing me the entire time, it will be great! 

This little girl never lays down, you know she is sick when this happens. It only lasted for one show.

She spent the $ from Aunt Pinny and Uncle Zimmer on some cowgirl boots. She loves them. She put the change in her piggy bank when she got home! Thank you Zims! She wears them everywhere! 

I love this lady.

She REALLY wants to see up close. Using her binoculars AND "magna glass"

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