Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Light at the end of the tunnel...

One week and school is out for two. I'm already dreading going back to work for some reason, the time always flies, but I'm so excited for the extra time with my babies, I could not be happier! 

Everett trying out the treadmill. He's always so willing to do whatever we ask of him, I'm one lucky mama. 

He's extra happy when he has his videos to watch while he works! 

Rushed to the playground for some Clara time. I give Everett a BIG push on his swing and I play a "freeze" game with Clara and climb up high and she has to come save me and unfreeze me with her magic touch! It motivates her to climb much higher than she normally would! 

Everett was so tired after his two sessions, Wednesday was tough. He has four teeth coming in and has not been sleeping the best and then had to wake and get very busy! He tolerates it so well! I put him down for a nap, he was sitting up, I heard him moaning like he does when he soothes himself to sleep. It got quiet fast. I looked at his monitor and he was folded in half. He fell asleep bent in half, he passed out and his head flopped right on top of his legs. Because of his low tone he is extremely flexible. I didn't have time to move him but Barbara was unable to leave him in this position so she moved him. I checked in on the monitor on my way to work and took this screen shot. You can see him bent in half. 

Friday, Andre needed to work on finishing the wine racks and so I took the kids to the park to get out of the house. Largo park is decorated for Christmas so nicely. hard to see it all in the daylight but Clara loved it anyway. We first played at the park and then walked it, it's a very big park, the one that we take the train rides. 

Clara found her "friends" 

The last day with the kids was a pajama day. This is Lisa and I with our assistant Joanna. She is amazing. She reads our minds and gets things done faster than I've ever seen in my life. She's almost 25 and has a 4 year old. She is organized and on top of everything. She is going to school full time so we're losing her. It's so sad, no one can replace her. We're going to miss her dearly. (We get an assistant because we have all of the low kids in third grade. Those that failed and those that technically shouldn't have passed but got pushed on since they don't retain kids anymore until they are in third dumb! Anyway, this class gets an assistant. That is what is also making me working part time possible because this person helps with grading and many other tasks that need to be done in school which allows me to leave on time, which I have to, so I'm very thankful for this position this year although it poses new challenges of its own.)

Barb's 70th Bday party, the only pic posted was these two cuties. 

Saturday am we went to Dylan's soccer game. Thankfully both kids want their daddy so I finally had time to down my coffee.

Festivus. "When I think about you, I touch my elf." Ha. It was a fun year, as always. Not as crazy as we usually get, which I was just fine with since I was ready for bed before we even got there! Yikes. 

6:15 wake up call after a night out. But he's just too cute to leave in his crib for more than a minute. Even though he was in bed before we left for the party, when we go out I miss them extra and can't wait for them to be up in the morning to spend QT with. 

Watching sissy's monitor, ready for her to wake up and play.

Barbara (our sitter) brought stickies to get Everett climbing the doors. That's the next step. He's relying a lot on leaning on his belly while cruising. we need him to hold his own. He's not quite ready for it, getting there. He was spending some time on his knees at the door playing with the pictures which is a really hard position to get him to stay in, so that was a great first step. 

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