Nick gave Brandi and I the best bday present ever!! He got them a flight down the day after my bday. I can't believe (well, I can, but ya know) how big Fi got!!! She and E were fast friends. I had to keep the secret for quite some time, it was so hard!!!!
Do you think Everett is getting teeth?!
Her eyelashes are INSANE! Cutie pa-tootie
We got 8 in the van like it was no one's business! It took about 20 minutes the first time and we were on the go the ENTIRE time they were here so by the time they left we had it down to a science!
Bevvies, babies and Bran = heaven!
hehe, love this
Just chillin at the park at the beach
All four! Please stop growing.
Loving the tractor on the beach?!
We brought the swing in for Fi. Clara had nuni on the swing holder and Elsa took over the chair. Sorry Fi, the big kids don't want to share!
That's okay, I'm the happiest baby!!!!
This little lady is breastfeeding just like mommy!
Over the woods and to the park....
Elsa pulled Clara 3/4 of the way home, it was amazing, that little nugget is determined.
Clara decided to help out.
Nakie babies
Playing at Aunt Lisa's. Of course she has 2,000 toys to play with and the biggest hit was after we cleaned up and had a dance party.
Clara loves her cuz
dance party continues...
Elsa had a cute beach outfit on with a pink skirt, so of course Clara had to wear her not so beachy pink skirt too!
To the beach they go!

Clearly I cannot get enough holding hands pics.
"I know how I got in here, now how the heck do I get out?"
Our little mermaids.
Thank you for the visit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please come back fast, and forever!
I always make us do a group shot, it's always at the end of the trip when we're all tired and ragged. We forgot last time we were in NY, I cannot let that happen again. These are my favorite pics! We'll miss you, SO SO SO much, come back, now, please, thank you, the end.
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