This is the first formal one on one mommy daughter date for my sweetie and me. Clara has been very needy lately, struggling when I leave for work and when we're in therapy. I'm battling if it's me not giving her enough undevided attention or if it's her three year old phase that we just need to work through. I think every mom that has more than one child battles this feeling, I especially because so much of our time is spent working on Everett's needs. We have days where I wake and we rush out to therapy downtown, then rush back for the session at home and Clara is expected to behave, play by herself, listen to us talk about Everett day in and day out, cheer him on...and ask her to help and join in. She has had lots of trouble at our recent therapies, to the point where she sits in the stroller in time out screaming crying because she cannot have all my attention, she is fighting hard for it these days. This is a battle I'll never win, I want to give them both the world, but I don't have the means or the time. I never feel like I can give either child enough of me, I need a few clones. This undivided attention was perfect. We had a blast. She was so excited to get her nails painted. Yes, I could have saved $18.00 and done it myself, but it was the experience that made it fun. I think she held still better for someone else than she ever would have for me. We went out to dinner at Panera after, it was a PERFECT evening. It was a tough morning and this time together made a tough day into a perfect ending. We'll continue to work on waiting our turn to talk, being patient when mommy is on the phone or giving her attention elsewhere, I'll continue to do my best to find balance and make fair expectations. I want Clara to know how important she is, how much she is loved, and how very special she is to me. I will forever fight to make that known.
We started with my toes, Clara did both nails and toes, I just had my toes painted. They have looked pathetic for months. Clara kept asking me, "Mama, is that a she or a he?" It was a he. Although I told her three times, she still struggled believing me. It was quite embarrassing. I hope he didn't understand her, if he did, he was still very nice to us. He didn't have hairy arms, he had longer hair to his ears and a gold chain on. She was very intrigued.
She convinced Clara to have white dots on her purple nails. I didn't like it, I liked them plain purple. Clara went with it and in the car said, "I don't want the dots Mama." I convinced her it was perfect since we didn't have snow here, they were her snowflakes. I didn't let the woman put dots on her toes, thankfully! Clara did her best to sit still, I thought she did well.
If these little feet could be little forever...
Dinner time when you still feel like your nails are wet. Haha.
Thursday mornings are our only mornings "off" of therapy. We typically have another appointment, some checkup, GI, Sleep, Nutrition, fittings for vests or braces, hearing, eyes, thyroid, or someone is sick. There's always something else I have to cram into our Thursday am. Today, nothing. To the park we go. I'm letting E crawl on the ground. He cannot be held anymore, his brain is begging him to run and play. He crawled right to the slide and stood up, whining to get in. I set him at the bottom and he crawled his way to the top. it's much steeper than the ramp Andre built, but the same concept so I shouldn't have been surprised that he would climb it non-stop racing his sissy. She would always wait for him a the top, calling him to hurry up, but would never let him win. It was just us at the park, we all had some fun!
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