Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

All About You!

I'm writing this to Clara so someday she can read about her as a newborn baby. I have to finish old posts but I don't want to forget all my favorite little details of the now.

Clara, you are PERFECT! Your daddy and I couldn't have hoped for a more amazing little baby. You're healthy, adorable, attentive, and already stubborn which comes from your daddy! ;) You have made many changes since day one. You have always been a good eater, often requiring more than I have to give you. I think I'm finally  keeping up with your demands and even getting a little extra so your dad can help take care of you in the evening for a few hours while I try and catch some sleep. You act like a little bird when you're starting to feed with your mouth open wide and you twist your head back and forth and grunt playing hard to get until you start to chow down. You've done this since the beginning. It's so funny to me what a personality you have, I didn't realize newborn babies could have their own personalities so soon. As of late you have gotten kind of fussy during feeding. Sometimes it's gas and sometimes you're tired, but mostly gas. Mommy took you to the doctor to try and help you with that and they think you've got colic. Thankfully I don't fully agree yet, you are a very happy and content baby for the most part, unless you're gassy, you're happy as long as you're fed. When you've been upset you kick your feet hard and I know your belly hurts, it breaks my heart. We walk around the house and bob while I burp you and rub your back. Daddy is good at bending your leggies to your belly to get you to expel your gas. He gets a kick out of it and it makes you feel better! I don't care to turn on the TV when you're eating non-stop, I just love to look at you, gaze into your little eye starring up at me or feel your soft skin against mine. I talk to you and sing to you even with my bad voice. I play with your hands or your feet while you eat, they're so small and so precious. I love the peach fuzz all over your body, especially the fuzz on the side of your ears, you're too cute! You spit up sometimes, today you projectile vomited all over me, I think you emptied your poor little belly because you were hungry right after and I was drenched. It was the most I've seen you spit up and I'm not really sure why it happened, maybe you ate too fast.

You were sleeping better at night for the first two weeks and now at week two you've flopped on us. Daddy usually gets the brunt of your alert and active behavior from 8-12 or 1am while I try and sleep. I think you do this on purpose because you miss him all day. Throughout the night you'll usually go almost exactly two hours and you're hungry again, once in a while you'll eat enough to get you through longer. During the day you eat even less but sleep longer somehow. I've been told to wake you and feed you more and some say to let you sleep, every professional has different advice. You're becoming more and more awake and attentive during the day so hopefully your schedule switches to longer periods of sleep at night as your daddy and I could use it! You make cute little noises when you're starting to fall asleep, before you get into a deep sleep. I'm trying to catch it on video because it's so cute. Some of the noises are whines, some squeals, some grunts and many times you make a little grunt with every breath out until you're in a deep sleep.

You didn't like your baths at first. Aunt Tiffany helped me with your first one and you screamed almost the whole time, I think it's because you still didn't like being undressed and you are starting to get used to it. Daddy and I would like to give you a daily bath to keep you up more in the evening but we don't want to dry your skin out. Your hair could use a shower two times a day, you have a greasy mop like your daddy. You've started to enjoy your bath for the most part, or tolerate it I should say. By the end you're ready to be done but you like the warm water running over your skin and hair.  You're always in my arms or smashed up against me feeding so that doesn't help. Your hair looks great greasy or not. I can't go 10 feet without someone commenting on your hair and your beauty. No one can believe your age. You kind of skipped the newborn look. I see pictures of other newborns and you never looked like them. I think partially because you're a big healthy baby and part because of your full head of hair. You're so strong and have held your neck since you were born, you fling your head all over the place and it's hard to keep you still. Daddy has a million names for you already but "Squirmy Wormy" is what we call you most since you never hold still.

You do not like to get in your car seat because you like to keep your arms by your side and the straps do not allow for that. You're so strong and it's very hard to pry your arms away from your body when you're awake and fighting us. However, by the time you're in and moving about you're usually out cold. You may cry for a little bit but usually not for long. You like it much better when the car is moving. Daddy and I took you for a walk and you fell asleep right away then too. I'm going to get out the carriers I have for you to see how you like those. I'm hoping my hands can be free a little more often using these while you're awake so I can get a little more done with you by my side.

We do tummy time where you lay on your belly in attempt to get you to hold your head up. You don't care for this all that much. You hold your head and neck strong while we hold you against our shoulder so I think you're building the muscles you need without forcing you to be on your belly. Aunt Kristin was really good at getting you to do exercises with her!

You are awake for hours at a time now. You like to be talked to and walked around the house or outside. Many times you'll sit in your swing content on your own. It's hard for me to leave you hanging by yourself as I love to gaze into your eyes and talk to you. You're good at making eye contact and you like when daddy and I make different shapes with our lips. I think you try to mimic us but I could be making that up. You give us many smiles but I'm not sure if it's just gas. You like to look up at the fans and find contrast in colors that surround you. Your hair has lightened since delivery, it's now a dark brown instead of almost black. Your eyes are a deep, maybe slate blue. You have many of daddy's features! I think you have my big cheeks I get from the Lang side and my eye lashes as yours are very long. We can't wait to continue to watch you grow and change. You are the perfect little baby and we love you so much!

New at 2.5 weeks, you have been getting excited when I talk to you. You have been starting to coo more and make more noise to hear yourself. My favorite thing to do with you (it's hard to pick) would be after you feed and burp in the middle of the night and you need some help getting back to sleep I lay you on my chest and we lay down together. I can feel your body breathe and hear you fall asleep, sometimes I doze off with you for a minute or two but I'm a light enough sleeper to trust myself. I love snuggling with you, you're a good cuddler, especially because daddy and I are sometimes in separate rooms so we can take turns sleeping well and I miss snuggling with him, soon when you're a better sleeper we'll all snuggle together!!!! I can't WAIT for that day!

Peach fuzz on your cute ear

Mommy trying to do exercises with you in the back yard, you were too pooped.

First walk.
Your baby feet I admire while you eat.

Cozy! Curly hair after your bath.

My favorite new snuggler.




Looking back, I can tell how much you've grown already! You can stop now!  

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