Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Friday, September 25, 2015

What friend...updated oct 1

What friend...

Comes to your aid when you're ill. Brings medicine, a smile, a hug, vitamins, two hands to help in every way, an activity for Clara when she leaves, gatorade, snacks for the girls, new toys for both ladies to entertain, an adventure for toddlers on the spot, arms to hold and hands to feed Everett, not to mention a touch that gets him to sleep for me... the list goes on. She's always been there, and I hope she always will be. Thank you Merris. I love you and your mini. PS - thanks for wiping the snot off my arm since I couldn't wipe it while holding Everett, sorry I didn't get your wedgie...we love you. 

Clara looks like a natural. 

She is obsessed with Merrissa, "Rissa, Rissa, Rissa!"

Ajae too of course. She goes to bed talking about them and wakes ready to play with them again, never forgetting her friends are here to play! 

So cute. 

Love these buns! 

bubble kisses 

Thank you for coming to my rescue.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

MRI - updated with deets

Everett's results are good! The doctor didn't see anything that concerned her. I do have the disk with the pictures. If anyone that reads the blog knows anyone that can read the pictures and tell me anything else, I don't even know what...please let me know. 

Everett was beyond cute, and of course the best behaved little boy there is. I took the cute robe for him to have someday and for Clara to wear until then. They asked if I wanted to go with (silly question) and then tried to hint it wasn't necessary by telling me it would only take 15 minutes and I'd have to undress, robe up and take my jewels out. This mama would not let her little one go it alone, I didn't realize I would be able to touch him during, that was nice although I don't know if he felt my patting on him with all his layers. I wish I could have gotten a picture of him all strapped in and in the tube. The ladies warned me he'd cry the entire time and to prepare myself. I was told my the eye dr that I could get him to sleep. :/ I didn't even ask, I could tell that wasn't part of the procedure. They swaddled him, then basically put him in a straight jacket and strapped him in, put ear plugs in him, then covered his ears with covers with goop, padded around his head so it couldn't budge and raveled tape all over. It was pretty crazy. He let out a "stop" when they were chatting instead of focusing on their job. I don't understand why people don't work fast and efficient when a baby could potentially cry and be sad, I'd be moving so fast (yet safe) if there was a chance a baby could cry. Both kept chatting away, saying how cute he was and such, but he wouldn't be that cute if he was a crying mess. Anyway, my sweet little boy didn't cry the entire time. They have a mirror so we can see each others eyes. One lady said she's never seen such a small baby stare so intent the entire time. He didn't take his eyes off of me, I saw his lip quiver once and begged him to stay strong, so he did. I would have felt so bad if he was throwing a fit stuck so tight in that noisy, scary tube. They told me I could stick my hand in and pat him, I decided if my hand could be in there, my body could be, so I crawled as far in as I could and she had to ask me to back out. Oops. He was perfect, as always.

Mommy is so proud of you. You're so brave for such a little man. You do what has to be done and tolerate things no one would like, you're brave when others would be scared. I'm glad we have a connection that helps me through scary times. ;)

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Thanks Aunt Pinny and Uncle Zimmer

Aunt Linny and Uncle Zim sent Everett the sweetest gift we love, and he does/will too! (Clara plays with them daily, carefully of course!) These camel bookends came from West Africa and go PERFECT in his safari themed room. They are hand carved and SO neat. The carver called them "happy camels" and there is a quote about them:

"If camels can survive under tough desert conditions, then we humans should not lose hope during hard times," encourages Ghanaian artisan Francis Agbete. He carves the ofram wood bookends by hand with admirable mastery. 

Linny and Zim wrote: "To hold the books you will read, and take you places you'll hardly believe."

We love you Linny and Zim. Thank you for your belief in Everett and his abilities. Thank you for sending such a thoughtful gift with a powerful message. Thank you for your love. We love you back! We'll cherish these bookends and what they symbolize forever!! 

Nice little Sundee

We had been planning a beach day for a while and we've been getting rained out. So, we met Merrissa and Ajae at the Highland Rec Center for some fun while it rained this am. They love playing together and Clara adores not only Ajae but Aunt Rissa too, as does everyone. Both girls are getting molars and having some troubles. Clara's shines through in some videos where she is just a koo-koo bird. I'll post stat. We finally made it to the beach this evening. It was beautiful weather, perfect. The Crew kids have had "meet Everett" on their summer check-list. (So sweet!) It was so nice to see them, it's been too long, they're getting SO big. It was a day of fun, my heart is full after a wonderful day with family and friends. 

Both girls wanted the umbrella

Tired, cranky, time to go. Nap time! 

On our way to the beach. Clara was being a bit of a pest so she got reprimanded.

Miss serious after discipline. 

My sweet boy

Ivy June bug and Clara. When I think of Ivy, I always picture her Clara's size/age, what happened?! Where did four years go?

Chasing the birds.

Ivy's goggles. 

Everett was perfect. He ate when we got there. Played and hung out, laughing and snuggling others. Then he fussed for 5 seconds and fell asleep. I hope he's my new beach baby...I've been waiting for this!!! Yay! I love you sweet boy! 

You're so silly

Trying to get a selfie with two toddlers who want to play in the sand. 

Bingo, but I like the first one best. 

Sweet sleepy head

Nakie babies

First family photo since we've left the hospital - thanks for suggesting and taking Corrie

the "crew" - Corrie, thanks for taking it --- Clara always hates groups pictures...well, pictures in general. Pumpkin, you know what you like and you're positive of things you don't! Dada and I keep telling ourselves this will be a great quality for you, we hope.