Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Thanks Aunt Pinny and Uncle Zimmer

Aunt Linny and Uncle Zim sent Everett the sweetest gift we love, and he does/will too! (Clara plays with them daily, carefully of course!) These camel bookends came from West Africa and go PERFECT in his safari themed room. They are hand carved and SO neat. The carver called them "happy camels" and there is a quote about them:

"If camels can survive under tough desert conditions, then we humans should not lose hope during hard times," encourages Ghanaian artisan Francis Agbete. He carves the ofram wood bookends by hand with admirable mastery. 

Linny and Zim wrote: "To hold the books you will read, and take you places you'll hardly believe."

We love you Linny and Zim. Thank you for your belief in Everett and his abilities. Thank you for sending such a thoughtful gift with a powerful message. Thank you for your love. We love you back! We'll cherish these bookends and what they symbolize forever!! 

1 comment:

  1. Such an amazing gift in so many ways and something he can keep forever!
