Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Half way through Sept?! What?

Gosh I wish this time would slow down. Once October hits I have a month left. I can't handle the thought. 

This little boy is a fun and giggles lately. He loves peek-a-boo. 

His tongue is always in action.

Where's Everett?

So tired. Three days in a row of not good napping. Our conditions are perfect, for some reason my kids can really suck at sleeping.

Telling stories.

We got a few new puzzles to keep my sanity, Clara likes them too! She shocks me with her interest and focus. For her age I don't believe many would sit and hunt for the right spot as long as she does. When I am doing other picture puzzles with her, I'll give her clues, such as, "Where is the horsies face?" and she'll start sorting through the pieces setting them aside (a skill I didn't teach her) until she finds it. On this puzzle there are little pictures so when she gets stuck on a number I can ask her to find the picture, she takes her time and doesn't give up. The "bad" news is it'll take her five times to do the puzzle then she'll have the spots all memorized, that's why our house has become the Toys-R-Us these days, we need to keep ourselves entertained when we spend all day, every day, at home. 

"Clara's turn!" Okay pumpkin, you get a turn at belly time too. I just love that you love to play with your brother.

We went over to Tiffany's house for a belated play date for Tyler's 4th birthday. It was so much fun. It's the perfect kid place. The front yard has this brilliant tree for the kids to climb, and they all do! Julia will be up there in a matter of months, I just know it. There's even rope still on some branches from Tiffany's brothers when they were little. The history is as great as the tree itself. In one hour Clara not only got to play with some of her favorite people but she skateboarded, climbed, ran, mowed with a bubble lawn mower, swung in a tree and in a swing, played in sand, played golf, catch, the list goes on. It was from one fun thing to the next. I'm mad that we don't do it more. Tiffany said Monday night they are available, I hope she meant it! ;) 

Clara giving Tyler a present, he's so shy and cute. He is always thinking of everyone. He went in to get a skateboard for himself later and got one for Julia and Clara.

Julia didn't want to wear her hat, so Clara did and Julia had a pretty bow.

Of course Clara wants Tyler's present opened for her, good thing she has a brother she'll soon learn she has to share more with!!!!

The sign is perfect.

"Upseedown" Clara's favorite new word

Leave it to Clara to find more accessories to wear. 

Uncle Andre had a blast playing with his nephews, he misses that I can tell. He's a big kid as soon as he gets the chance. Neither of us want our babies to grow up but I know he can't wait for them both to be older and play more games like he can with his nephews. 

Gaming and working on the potty.

Talking up a storm.

Blocks and race tracks, what more could one as for on a Saturday. I think Andre liked them as much, if not more than Clara.

Our teething baby has been needing extra lovins from everyone lately. She's grinding, chewing her hands off, some drooling, and a tough time sleeping...hopefully those 2 year molars break soon. Good thing for weekends with dada snuggles.