Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Nice little Sundee

We had been planning a beach day for a while and we've been getting rained out. So, we met Merrissa and Ajae at the Highland Rec Center for some fun while it rained this am. They love playing together and Clara adores not only Ajae but Aunt Rissa too, as does everyone. Both girls are getting molars and having some troubles. Clara's shines through in some videos where she is just a koo-koo bird. I'll post stat. We finally made it to the beach this evening. It was beautiful weather, perfect. The Crew kids have had "meet Everett" on their summer check-list. (So sweet!) It was so nice to see them, it's been too long, they're getting SO big. It was a day of fun, my heart is full after a wonderful day with family and friends. 

Both girls wanted the umbrella

Tired, cranky, time to go. Nap time! 

On our way to the beach. Clara was being a bit of a pest so she got reprimanded.

Miss serious after discipline. 

My sweet boy

Ivy June bug and Clara. When I think of Ivy, I always picture her Clara's size/age, what happened?! Where did four years go?

Chasing the birds.

Ivy's goggles. 

Everett was perfect. He ate when we got there. Played and hung out, laughing and snuggling others. Then he fussed for 5 seconds and fell asleep. I hope he's my new beach baby...I've been waiting for this!!! Yay! I love you sweet boy! 

You're so silly

Trying to get a selfie with two toddlers who want to play in the sand. 

Bingo, but I like the first one best. 

Sweet sleepy head

Nakie babies

First family photo since we've left the hospital - thanks for suggesting and taking Corrie

the "crew" - Corrie, thanks for taking it --- Clara always hates groups pictures...well, pictures in general. Pumpkin, you know what you like and you're positive of things you don't! Dada and I keep telling ourselves this will be a great quality for you, we hope. 

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