Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Birthday Pictures

Saturday during the day we went to Winter the Dolphin's aquarium for Addi's birthday. Then we met dad, Alice, Terry and Mary Jane out for lunch on the beach.

Finally Saturday night I remembered to start taking pictures. I usually can't get it out of my hands but as of late I've been "livin in the moment" and I need need to find the happy medium.

Clara had spent the day with Ana, Theresa and Addi. Dad and Alice came up, Becca and Sharon came over for dinner too.

Love these! Clara was loving her Aunt Ana...

Kisses, kisses, and more kisses...

Grandpa watched us and was sweet and got teary knowing how much mom would love to be here and how sad it is she is missing these moments. We love you Grandma, we would do anything to have you here!

Birthday Girls

October 19th - Clara is officially 1!

Time for presents!
First, from Aunt Linny, Uncle Zimmer and Trinkie of course.

Money for her piggy bank!

Trick or treat bag with her name, and it's the one word she says non-stop, CAT!

Halloween pj's, they glow in the dark! Perfect size!

Nancy, Bob and Anna, our wonderful neighbors gave Clara a CD with songs with her name in it, clothes, and her cake.

Books from Sharon, we read them daily!

Shoes and Bubble Guppy microphone from Ana, Theresa, Addi and Eli

She knew right where the shoes went, although she doesn't ever wear any. She couldn't wait to get them on!

Sad to say, Ana, Theresa, and Addi had to go after presents. Thank you so much for coming to see me for my birthday! I love you!

Tiffany, Steven, Dylan, Isaac, Tyler, and Julia came by on my birthday to celebrate with me for a little. It was by far the highlight of Clara's day. She loves being around her cousins more than anything.

Uncle Steven picked out some outfits that are adorable, Clara is very trendy in her new clothes. She was also given a neat drum set with the pieces resembling cool insects. She carries the sticks around and won't put them down. She loves making music with all the different instruments.

Tyler is showing Clara how to hold her sticks the right way.

The Feger Cousins


Dad showing off Nancy's cake.

Walking, or trying to.

Daddy lets you get close!

Enjoying your steak dinner.

Last birthday present from mama and dada.

You loved it!

Time for cake.

You loved your cake but didn't like it on your hands. You are your dada's girl, you hated messy hands. I should have given you a fork!