Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Birthday Party Weekend - Aunt Brandi, Uncle Nick & Cousin Elsa's visit - Halloween

Brandi, Nick and Elsa came for a visit Halloween weekend! It was amazing having the cousins together. I can't believe how big Elsa is, it's been too long.
A few pics from both girls before the weekend began.

Clara has the same outfit, just like Brandi and I when we were little!

This face kills me, it's like she's saying, "Mom...for real?"

Clara with the Feger and Crew kids. From left to right:

Clara, Melia, Isaac, Noah, Ivy, Tyler, Dylan who is holding Julia and you can't quite see him.

Nick babysitting

I asked why he wasn't pleased, he said it was about the 5th time they stopped for pics. Haha. Love you Uncle Nick!

My 5th grade team, love them.

Look at these cuties! Many pictures coming in a random order! Sorry!

First night here! Presents from Aunt Ana & Theresa!

Halloween with my work loves!

Clara was nakie for most of the weekend, she had a fever the entire weekend, still not sure why. Thankfully it didn't turn into anything worse.


Haha, get her Elsa! ;)

My sweet pea!

Cousins playin

Silly Girl!

Daddy and baby x2

One of the many matching outfits Brandi brought for our cookies. Sorry we didn't get them in each of them for a snap. It's amazing how hard it is to get them both happy, dressed, and fed while matching and awake!

Halloween is here! Tiffy lent Clara this fairy costume which was great since Elsa was one too!

Haha, these moments are fun!

Yes, my shadow, I see it, I got more without, having a hard time locating them.

 fast forward to birthday party Sunday - sorry I had pictures from my camera, my phone, Andre's phone and Tiffany. I could spend the time to organize it all, then I'd run out of time to blog. Try and keep up...

Happy Birthday to you my dear! Jeff is videoing:


Trying to convince Clara to eat some, she wasn't very interested and doesn't like getting her hands dirty.

Clean my hands please!!!!!!!

This #1 has been painted for every Crew kid and all the Feger kids, Julia is next! Darren made it of course!

Trying to entertain Clara so Brandi can do her hair so we can get all three girls in a picture.

Poor Julia is wondering what's wrong with these two.

If you can't beat em, join em.

Time to get a piece of candy and call it a night! Back to Halloween night.

Happy Birthday Aunt Brandi! What an eventful weekend. Brandi wants nothing special for her bday so we went to lunch, got a key lime pie and pizza for the evening. Out to lunch at "The Hut" - it was chilly all weekend! :( We stayed warm inside then realized after lunch it was perfect in the sun outside. Dang!

Warm outside.

Back to Birthday Party Sunday!

Group shot Sunday eve before bedtime. This weekend went way too fast!!!!!!
A very big thank you to Nick and Brandi. Without their help this party wouldn't have taken off so well. Andre and I are normally on top of things, I guess we relaxed too much before Sunday and should have had a few more things in order. We were running around with chickens with our heads cut off and Brandi and Nick saved the day. They took care of the birthday girl and had her all ready, brought more necessary items, grabbed things I forgot. It was perfect, thanks to them!

Brandi got Julia, Elsa, and Clara matching outfits so Tiffany came over to take a few pictures. Elsa JUST woke from a nap, Clara needed one and Julia didn't know what to do. So, it trickled down the couch and ended up creating quite a shot! Poor girls!

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