Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Labor Day weekend

Aunt Susie sent a package of fun! Cute outfits and toys. Thank you Aunt Susie! 

Clara wanted to read me the card. 

Clara has been going pee pee and poo poo on the potty TONS, too many times to count now. I don't think it'll be an official move anytime soon. She has days she's interested and days she's not. I'll let her move at her own pace. There are days I can be on top of it and days I can't, so I can't push her until I'm ready for it all anyway. 

Everett is loving tummy time.

My greasy hair, mama doesn't bathe me enough.

This is how we roll these days my little Tiger, showers are lame! ;)

I sent this to dada to show him how good she was doing, he said she's just like him, playing games on the potty. He candy crushes it. 

Cardiologist today. We had a zip up for Isaac day. My friend Angie at work lost her baby boy after a long 8 month fight. She understood the NICU life all too well, and even came to see us when we were there, that must have been very difficult to come back. Isaac kept us and still keeps us grounded. I remember when I would worry about silly thing with Clara when Isaac was fighting every day for his life. Knowing Isaac's fight kept me living in the moment. Rocking my baby extra, displaying more patience, playing and not cleaning. living life as it should be led. When we were stuck in the NICU but were able to see the light of leaving, I knew we were the lucky ones. When we found out Everett had Down syndrome but we knew he was going to live, it reminded me we were the lucky ones. You'll keep us real forever Isaac, we love you, we miss you. You made everyone you knew, and who knew you better, without even knowing it. We love you Ohmer family! 

Clara and Kingston going for a walk. Doe and Michael are too kind and let Clara come play whenever we have appointments. She LOVES going to see them, requests it almost daily. She loves them and they love her. We're so fortunate to have such "family" here. They live right around the corner too. Kingston, you're too big! Stop growing, your mama said so!

Cardiologist. Everett was so good and cute. Talking the whole time. My big boy.

We don't miss these machines at ALL! Thankfully these were easy and painless. Other than Mr. Grabby kept pulling them off and the sticky was very sticky.

He was getting pretty annoyed at the cold ultrasound gel so I was trying to feed him, unsuccessfully as you can see. It was about a 2.5 hour process and he was tired by the end. You're so tolerant baby boy! 

Clara was so happy to have him home heart problems free! She is typically very gentle with him, once in a while she hugs him really tight, he likes it.

I love you brudder

We had some friends and family over on Friday of last week. Clara wanted to partake. Only milk until you're 30 little girl. 

Bonnie got her and Everett the cutest clothes, she was testing out her new sweater, I LOVE IT, as does she. Thanks Bonnie, you're too nice! I need to go to Gap to see if they have one in my size I like hers so much! 

Sleepy Saturday. He sleeps on his belly (Yea, I know he's not supposed to...but he sleeps and he's right next to me and he picks up his head, yada yada, I slept on my tummy and I'm in the living.) and slides all the way down until it ends up a pillow. 

He always wakes so happy, unless he's starving, full of SMILES. He starts the smiles before he's even really awake. I love him.

Mama, too early for pictures.

But Okay.

So, we had heated tiles in our house AKA a leaking pipe. It took us a bit to narrow it all down. I finally heard it in the bathroom. Andre and Peter dug under the house until they found it. They couldn't get to it from there though so they had to go through the bathroom. Thankfully it was under the sink/counter so they didn't have to break through the tile (we didn't have any more to replace it). Thankfully with the long weekend they were able to fix it. Both were very tired and very sore but did an amazing job. We owe Peter BIG TIME. He really knows how to fix things and works FAST! Something goes wrong every holiday weekend. Thankfully it's all fixed. 

I decided to paint Clara's toenails for the first time. We decided blue with pink sparkles. I had been getting an average of two hours of sleep for over a week at this point. I decided it was okay to do it over our carpet. Clara is telling me, "Bad idea Mama!"

Yep Clara, bad idea. Ugh. I was so mad at myself. I knocked it right off the slippery, sloped, small, narrow arm of Clara's Olaf chair I thought was wise to place it upon. This is something I'd never do, I'd usually do it in an appropriate place with LAYERS of a protection, my mind has clearly gone. I was very scared to tell Andre. Kristin and I had a whole story to tell him with Clara to blame (sorry pumpkin) but when it came down to it, I couldn't. He was so nice about it, he's a good man. I think I revert back to telling my dad problems, and Oh boy! I don't miss those days.

Clara requested a helmet for her bike/car. "Why?" We say, "Why not?" 

Then we were reading books and she LOVES a ballerina one that Nevaeh, my darling student got her at the end of the year. She's become fond of dancing and ballerinas so I busted out her tutu. This girl loves to dress up. 

Kristin showed her how to dance like a ballerina, I said put your hands over your head like Kristin and this is what we got.

Tummy time, Everett would rather look at his sister. 


Clara started to do chores, she was very good at them. Why didn't I think of this sooner?!

Getting ready to venture to the store. I thought I had it. The store was a success. Clara was so good, Everett slept in the sling. The moment I felt like I had this down pat on our way home Everett started to do his screaming bloody murder and Clara threw up. Needless to say, the rest of the day was chaos. Hey, the morning was smooth, could I really expect an entire perfect easy day?! I think that's asking a bit much. 

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