Clara and Everett

Clara and Everett

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

End of March - Start of my spring break...

Sweet sleepy face...

Aunt Tiffy came over to take some maternity pics, to be shown soon!

Tyler, Julia and eventually the boys came over to play the wee before spring break.  Julia is quite a climber, it's so obvious she has 3 older brothers she learns LOTS from!!

It was St. Pat's day, some of us had green left on. Tyler had a hat and necklace.

Home with dada on Thursday

She loves brushing her teeth and watching dada brush his even more...

Dada turned her car seat box into a house, she loved it!!!!!!!!! For a few hours, then over it.

Thursday morning...

Fun in a box!

Running errands with dada.

Pool store is a weekly visit.

Clara is very intrigued by the potty and tells us when she is pooping that she is pooping. I got the potty out to have her practice sitting on it and get all the fun and playing over with. As you can see in the background the bowl is on her head, she loves wearing it as a hat and checking it out in the mirror. This was our potty and then Kristopher and Kylie's and thanks to Kristin keeping it, now Clara's.

Dada is putting turf down in the yard for a play area for Clara. It's a bit rough, hopefully not too many tumbles. He's worked so hard out there lately, well, always, but especially lately. It looks so great dada, thanks for your hard work!

Spring time in Cuba. Nancy posted this on Facebook. Miss the Duttons, not the weather!

Silly girl!

Hide and seek with Dada.

Home from NC, testing out the new play area. She LOVES the slide!!

Clara in Action:

Tiffany posted this, Tyler is holding the baby chick and Julia has it by its beak! Oh no!

Clara helping mommy clean! Monday of Spring Break, preparing for company this week.

Tuesday with Julia

Julia is one of the sweetest little babies there is, she is and has been mobile for so long now. She climbs into and onto everything, I have no doubt that watching her older brothers who could be mistaken for monkeys they're so good at climbing. She is sweet and smiley and LOVES getting into the toy box, many times head first but still gets what she needs and pushes herself back out.

Easter bunnies

Julia standing on her own, up and down about 15 times!!! By the time I got my phone and clicked record she stopped, DARN! Her first step will be SOON! You can see how proud she is, I was screaming...

Video of the fun! Tried to get Julia in action and missed it. 

Talked to Brandi today, asked for a pic of my beauties. Wish they could be here for Easter dress up too! Miss you loves!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that she started standing for you. And I love that you got pictures and video of it! And oh my goodness, the outfits, baskets, bunny ears, colorful eggs, Easter grass, everything - you went all out! Thank you!!!!!! I love this so much! I just stole a bunch of photos and am blogging now. thanks for the inspiration and for watching my silly baby girl.
